McFarlane “The Package” 3-pack from Halo Legends

Coming soon, this set sees Master Chief, Fred and Kelly in action. The Master Chief is the same as we’ve had on the single card. The Kelly and Fred Spartans are new/partially new. Some of Fred’s armor is reused, but it does have the cool metallic blue paint and that awesome helmet. Kelly looks to be mostly new and of course comes in white with a new helmet.

This will be one set I’ll be sure to pick up when I see it! If you loved the Halo Legends episode this set was based from, then I highly recommend you getting it too.


Coming up on…

Here are some of the articles I have planned for HFFL for the rest of November and December:

• Mega Bloks Forward Unto Dawn set: This continuing article shows the progressive build of the large Mega Bloks model with over 2800 pieces.
• McFarlane Series 2 Halo 4 figures: I’ve got my hands on Cortana, a Watcher, and the Blue Soldier figure. I’ll be reviewing those, then as soon as I get the Crawler, that will follow.
• War Games map reviews: Here I’ll take a more in depth look at the 10 multiplayer maps as well as the 3 Forge maps. I’ll discuss what tactics I’ve seen develop, loadouts that may help you on the specific map and so more.
• Spartan Ops mission reviews: As of this writing there are 15 missions. This will be an ongoing article detailing each mission, what you need to do to complete them, as well as tactics to be used, what enemies there are in the mission (to help in your commendations) and so on.
• Armor of Halo 4: A look at the different armor in Halo 4, when and how you unlock them and a look at some of the armor permutations I’ve used so far in Halo 4 with some reasoning behind them.
• The Science of Halo, Fact Vs. Fiction: I haven’t done one of these articles in a bit and I really do love doing them. So I’m going to start getting these out on a more regular basis. Previous SoHFvF articles have included topics such as Slipspace Technology; the Spartan Laser; and Plasma Weapons. If you haven’t read these articles before, please check them out here: The Science of Halo, Fact Vs. Fiction
In these articles I take a technology from Halo and explore it’s real life counterpart of today if it exists or tech that is developing to allow in the future for a Halo-like tech to exist. I’m no scientist as I say in the articles, so I may get stuff wrong, however it’s the fun in exploring the topic that I enjoy and maybe it will inspire you to read up on the subjects as well. I provide plenty of links with in the articles for reference.
I think the next topic will be shields. Personal as well as ship related.
• Forge discussions: How to forge, gametypes to forge and so on. This will also showcase more of the 3 Forge maps in Halo 4: Impact, Ravine, and Erosion
• My comprehensive review of Halo 4: This will include some of the discussions from above but in finer detail. I’ll give what I consider pros and cons of Halo 4 and what I’d suggest as fixes for the cons. (It’s not cool to say something needs fixing if you don’t at least have a possible solution to the fix.) I will be fair in my assessment of each facet of Halo 4. For those things I see that need fixing, I will endeavor to understand why 343 made them the way they were, then offer my two cents… I might even be able to get some answers from the folks at 343 directly. That is to be determined though….(Crosses fingers)
• Spartan Ops Episodic comic book: This ongoing series of articles that brings you the Spartan Ops episodes in comic book format.

So as you can see it’s going to be a VERY busy month with all of that, not to mention:
* the daily, weekly, and monthly challenges listed
* Other toy/merchandise reviews
* posting links to other great Halo fan related stuff
* the Halo Bulletin
* My own general ramblings on all things Halo
* and anything else I may stumble upon that is Halo related!

So stay tuned folks. If you’ve been a subscriber for a long time, thanks. If you’re new to the blog, then you’ve got plenty to look forward to, to keep your interest piqued.



Halo 4 War Games daily challenges: 11-23-12

A little late with this one today. (Feeling sick)

First one no problem. Swat would be great for that.
Second one…9 KOTH wins? Again, I get that they want us to play different playlists, but 9 wins? Play 9 games in that playlist should be enough….

Again though, half the challenges in Halo 4  are harder than Reach ever were. So I guess the norm is one easy, one hard.

Halo Mega Bloks Forward Unto Dawn…

is coming along. I just completed part 2. However, due to it being Thanksgiving, I’m going to give myself the night off and post the pics and write up of part two tomorrow. I will say this, the set is FANTASTIC! I HIGHLY recommend buying it if you don’t mind the price tag. It’s TOTALLY worth it! (And I’ve only got half the ship built…)


Halo Silentium Cover!

While the book isn’t due to hit retailers until next year, I found this pic of the cover of Halo Silentium on Amazon (with a little help from Cowboy over at It shows the Didact and the Librarian. MMMM, good stuff here!

Halo Bulletin 11-22-12

The Halo Bulletin 11/21/12

This week’s bulletin is good.

Finer points go over:
• Matchmaking Playlist Updates. FFA incoming!!! YEA!
• A fantastic article on Spartan Ops. A great read for those who love this facet of Halo 4 (I know I DO!)
• Art of Halo 4. Some really great artwork is shown and able to be downloaded in HI-RES
• Thanksgiving Halo 4 style. Fan artowork showcasing Halo4 elements within Thanksgiving themes. The last picture of Frank O’Conner’s head on a turkey is rather disturbing…LOL

Mega Bloks Forward Unto Dawn set. Part 2 Aft body section and base.

Okay, finally have another update on this project. This part see another 4 hours into the build.

I have to say this section of the ship is likely going to be the most FUN part of the four main sections to build. Reason? Because it contains the bridge of the ship as well as Master Chief’s cryo tube and Cortana on her plinth. SO….you may want to elect to rearrange what sections you build first if you want to finish on a more fun note. Not that the rest won’t be fun, just not as much as this part.

Okay, enough talking…I know you’re here for the purty pikchers…LOL

Thus begins the build. Here is the start of the aft section. It’s pretty solid.

The floor built over that.

Start of the walls.

More walls. Believe it or not, up to this point it took 1 1/2 hours to get this much done.

Here are the really cool detailed bridge components and some of the cryo bay greeblies.

Here they are inserted into their correct positions. They REALLY help to flesh out the interior play area of the model.

The front three panels.

The back three.

Sorry for the fuzzy shot here. Anyway, you can see how the panels fit batter here.

Looking into the interior from the front.

This little flip hatch is there to display Master Chief on the broken portion of the ship if you choose, or as shown, flip it up to close the door, so to speak. (I’ll be displaying mine as a whole ship, likely…er maybe…er oh okay I haven’t decided yet.

What’s really cool up to this point is you can just tell there are many details about the ship. Not just in the computer panels as shown already but in the “broken” portion shown above. With just a few pieces this area looks like it’s been broken apart.

Now for the underside.

More of the underside. Nice reverse sloping pieces here add to the contour of the ship. I especially like the longer slopes.

Here we see the three “bridging” areas that form the top part of the connecting sections to the “roof” of the ship (to be built later). Also note the ship is raised off the tabel by two large black stands. They are easy to remove should you wish to display the model hanging from the ceiling.

Here they are closer up, front, middle, and rear.

These engine nacelles are awesome! LARGE pieces with translucent blue turbines you put into them. REALLY cool. I may just work some lighting into these to make them glow. (That will be another project for this model done the line though.)

Looking down on the cryo bay with the Cryo tube, Master Chief and Cortana in place.

Another angle of the cryo bay. The Master Chief figure that comes with this set is much more detailed and has metallic paint. It’s NOT the same as the ones that come in the Halo 4 Warthog, not the separate Cryo Tube set. If you press down on Cortana, the base lights up form underneath to make it look like she is glowing. VERY cool feature!

So that’s section 1. Again this was 4 hours worth of building time. INclude the 5 hours to sort all the pieces and I’ve got 9 hours into this already. This is NOT a set I’d recommend rushing through. Take you time and have fun building.

Part three in a couple of days! (the roof section of the aft part of the ship as well as the side of the aft portion and the wings!)

So what do you think of it so far?

Environment Art of Halo 4

Here is a fantastic article on the environments of Halo 4.

Lots of really good pics there. Here are some of my favorites from that article:

The now iconic “Cauldron”

The Didact’s Cryptum over Requiem:

The Didact at the final scene (SO sweet!):

Requiem vista:

Forward Unto Dawn overlook:

Infinity Starship bay:

Infinity Bridge:

Now I already have the “Art of Halo 4” book, but man, I’d love to have MORE art from the game. A book dedicated to the environments would be AWESOME! Um 343, do you hear me? More money to be made…LOL.
