Mega Bloks Forward Unto Dawn set: Part 5 Front Roof

Alrighty then, here is the next part in this series of articles detailing the Mega Bloks Forward Unto Dawn signature series model.

This section sees about an hour and a half of build time. Nothing complicated at all. There were two slope pieces that were supposed to be of the smaller angle, not to taller, but those didn’t really make a big difference as they are just part of the side panel greeblies. I likely won’t ask Mega for new parts. It looks fine enough.

So on to the pics!

Here are the set of side panels at the rear of the front section. This is where those slope pieces are. Look at the bigger panels. See the 1×1 round pieces? The sloped parts next to them are supposed to be shorter so that they match up with the flat tile next to it. Now I checked the whole model through and through and know I didn’t screw up earlier. So it turns out then that I got two less of the smaller slopes and two more of the larger slopes instead. Again, no biggie. It doesn’t detract from the piece at all.

Here are those panels put on to the main frame of the model. The slope piece to the right of the second pic is more noticeable.

Above is the spine of the roof panels waiting to have those panels attached.

The above three pics show the antennae coming from the front of the ship. They are built in sections. I think they look quite cool. Do be careful though once you put these on. It’s easy to forget they are there and you could bump into them. I did. Thankfully there was enough give/bend to the front one that I didn’t snap it. So again, BE CAREFUL.

The next several pics above show the rear spine with it’s panels attached. This part is removable to show the interior of the armory, as well as to be able to access the middle of the ship for those times when you want to put them together or split them apart.

The middle panels added with the “Forward Unto Dawn” tile. Pretty cool.

Finally the front roof panels are added.

Now this doesn’t look boxy. With all the greeblies added and the antennae plus the roof panels, this looks like a ship in and of itself, albeit without engines.

Stay tuned for the last part of this series of articles on the Mega Bloks Forward Unto Dawn model. The last part will show how the two halves come together, how it’s held in place; as well all of the stickers applied, and finally the extra pieces left over (as Mega always allows for), plus what I made with those pieces.


Halo Mega Bloks Promethean preview pics!

Brad over at Mega Bloks has shown two preview pics of the Prometheans coming soon. They will debut in the “Cauldron Clash” set and should be available in stores late December/Early January.

Here they are:

And in case you were wondering, YES, the Watcher does fit into the Knight’s back!

I for one think these minifigs look fantastic! The Knight is HUGE for a minifig. The Watcher looks pretty game accurate and the Crawler looks great in minifig form.

Hmm, now I’d have to guess that we’ll see the other versions of the Knights and Crawlers down the line. I am looking forward to the Knight Battlewagon and Alpha Crawler (Prime). You know, the ones with the hardlight spikes coming out of their backs!


Doritos double XP codes incoming today…stay tuned!

I have 5 large bags of Doritos left. Each has a code worth 12 matches of double XP. I’ll be giving these out today and tomorrow, so stay tuned. I won’t be reposting this on Twitter. It’s just for you loyal folks who come to the blog.

For now here’s the first one:


The last character is not shown. So you’ll have to work for it. Enter in the code as shown then enter in a last character between A-Z. (The last character is not a number, that much I’ll give you.)

You can redeem at You’ll have to set up an account first, if you haven’t already.

If you get the code, please reply back. I’d like to know who won.

Good luck!

Mega Bloks Forward Unto Dawn set: Part 4 front section

As promised here is the next section in the Mega Bloks Forward Unto Dawn signature series model. This section took about 2 and a half hours to complete. I was missing just one piece, though thankfully not integral to the build. Technically it’s three pieces those as the two others I had were 2X1 slopes of the higher angle rather than the smaller angle as shown in the directions (these two will be pointed out in the next article). Aside from this, the build has gone on flawlessly and thankfully for the rest of the build there were not other issues as well.

Now, on to the pics!


The lower prong of the front section is started. Note the repetition here as in previous sections. It really helps in the strength/stability of the model.

The lower prong’s base shape is essentially complete. Now for underside.

I really like how Mega used reverse slope pieces here. And nice BIG ones too. Again stability.

And now for some greeblies and walls topside!

Yet more greeblies and the walls of the armory start to really take shape.

The armory panels to be inserted. 3 SMGs, 3 Magnums, 5 Assault rifles, 3 Frag Grenades, a Radio backpack, and finally the sticky detonator round out what you see here. Also included are a Covenant Plasma Rifle for the Elite and a grey BR for Master Chief.

A couple of views of the armory. Really nice job here on Mega’s part. Good bit of weapons. I do wish the had more detail, like the Sticky Detonator. But really, these guns will just stay in their lockers anyway, so I’m fine with them being black. It likely helped to keep costs down too.

The top prong is built similarly to the bottom one. Note the long bloks extending form the right. These will be placed on the walls of the armory to position the prong and add stability.

Okay, now here is where Mega could have chosen to cheap out, but they DIDN’T! Kudos to them for adding greeblies to the bottom side of the top prong. As seen in the next pic, it really adds character to the empty space between the prongs. Here is where I was missing one part. Look to the top middle just right. There is a 2X1 plate in the two semi curved sections. Now look at the bottom. It’s not there. That was one of the parts missing. Again, not essential, though I’ll be asking Mega for that part.

If you can see it, there is a clear 2×2 blok near the front of the prongs that ties them together. It adds stability, while not interfering with the look.

Here’s the top side assembly of the top prong. Note on the right side of the pic is where a soon to be built removable section of the roof will be housed.

The front shot shows were some neat attachments will be placed….in the NEXT part of the build!

Now, does this look a bit boxy at this point? Sure, but that does NOT tell the full tale. Come back and see the next part where I build the roof and side panels. Those really flesh out this portion of the ship and make it go from being boxy to being smexy!


Mega Bloks Forward Unto Dawn set. Part 3 Aft Roof

Okay, so Thanksgiving slowed me down a bit on this project as I was away for a couple of days. Now that I’m back, I’m all over the project. In fact I’m literally over with the project. It’s finished! Originally I had planned on 4 parts for this project, but I think I’m going to stretch it to 5 or 6 parts now that I see the amount of photos and description this model needs.

So here is the third part. The Aft Roof.

Above shows various panels built to be attached to the side of the aft part of the ship. Some really cool parts here. I especially like the ones with the clear blue panels.

Here are those same panels attached. They REALLY help to flesh out the sides of the ship.

Now we have the wing assemblies. These really show the camo effect of the bloks. I actually wish this would have been with solid color bloks than camo effect. No need for camo in space, imo.

The wings attached.

This is the start of the top part of the aft portion of the ship. It includes what will be the “bridge” of the ship. All those “arms” you see at the bottom will have roof panels snapped into them.

The bridge assembly further along. I like the way MEGA used their curved parts and wasn’t afraid to have them built inverted. Nice touch actually!

Here are the panels I mentioned. Easy to build. They are mirrored from side to side. I actually built these at the same time instead of one side at a time. I just mirrored the panel I built to make the other side’s panel. Very easy to do.

They’re now attached to the finished bridge section. This already looks like a spaceship itself…

Here it is placed on top of the ship. What’s cool is how it attaches. It’s NOT permanent. And that’s a good thing. It makes it easy to get to the inside of the ship at any time.

The next spine section. This one is in front of the bridge spine section.

The panels for that spine and attached. I like the little gun mounts. However, be careful as the hooks that attach to the sloped bloks aren’t tight, so you can easily knock them off if you’re not careful.

Added to the ship and a cool front view showing the ship in perspective.

And from the rear. Hmm, I’m thinking I may have to put some fiber optics in this ship. It would make it look VERY cool, especially in the dark.

And here it is from the top. Just look at all that great detail!

Okay, so at this point you COULD actually stop. It just depends on if you want to have the WHOLE ship or just the part that is in Halo 4. The only thing you’d need to do now is add the stickers.

But I can’t do that. I have to complete the ship. So on to part 4 where you’ll see the front section of the ship come together.


Spartan Ops Episode 3: Catherine (comic book)

Dr. Catherine Halsey is brought aboard the Infinity to figure out the Forerunner artifact that was brought on board. Tension ensues between her and the Spartan IVs.

Here it is folks. A couple days later than hoped for. But with the Holiday, I hope you’ll understand…

As always if you should repost the graphics anywhere or a link to this post, please credit me as: Design by Sal Salerno of

Feel free to download this free comic book!


Halo 4 Map pack release dates revealed?

Somehow the release dates were leaked onto the German dashboard of XBOX and someone snapped up this pic of it. Now, take this with a grain of salt as it hasn’t been officially stated by XBOX or 343. Here is the pic:

What’s funny is, IIRC, I’ve already heard this info somewhere. Not the exact days, but certainly the months. Oh yeah that’s right….it was right here on my site more than a month ago, LOL: Halo 4 Map Packs: Details, Release Dates 

Well, it’s good to know I was on the mark there. The original source was from IGN.

Now we have the days they are going to be released.
Crimson: December 12 (a nice Christmas present for the Halo fan in your life)
Majestic: February 25
Castle: April 1 (hmm, April Fool’s day? so I wonder if this is a joke or what…)

One thing I do like is the name for the map packs. Each is derived from a Spartan Fireteam from Spartan Ops. There are three others mentioned in the episodes, so I wonder if we may be lucky enough to get though later? We can only hope.


Halo 4 War Games weekly challenges: 11-26/12-2-12

Campaign ones are good this week. Anyone else notice that each week we’ve been getting in order or missions the levels of the campaign? Great way to go for the Legendary Solo achievement without stressing over getting it quickly, AND getting credits for it. This is how I’ve been playing it. Yeah, it’ll take me two months from launch date to complete Legendary Solo, but I’m in no rush.

Spartan Ops challenges are EASY! Whew. And I LOVE Spartan Ops!!!

War Games challenges are SUPER easy too. Swat for the first for sure. More Swat or regular gameplay for the second one.

All told for the weekly challenges you can get yourself 20,000 XP. Not to shabby at all!
