Toy Review: McFarlane Halo 4 series 3 Spartan Thorne

Well, it’s been some time since I’ve been able to post a McFarlane Halo figure toy review. Not because I didn’t want to, but because it’s been a long time since a new series has been released. Now I can finally get some more of these in with Series 3 making it to retail.

The packaging is quite nice. I like the slim packaging as opposed to the wider ones from series past. For those who collect these carded, it will take up less space for sure, whether you display them or store them.

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Halo Toy Review: Mega Bloks NMPD Customizer Pack

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Mega Bloks NMPD Customizer Pack: Set #CNC96

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 1 minutes sorting, less than 2 minutes building
Set Piece Count: 55
Minifigs: 2X NMPD Officers w/Black outfits/grey armor
Weapons: Sniper Rifle, Shotgun (painted), Grenade Launcher (painted), Magnum, Socom pistol, Battle Rifle, Shotgun (unpainted), Assault Rifle, 2X Frag Genades
Accessories: 2X Traffic Cones, 2X Riot Shields, 2X Weapons crates (grey w/black lids), 2X NMPD Helmets
Special Features: N/A
Cost: $8

And on with the pics! (Click pics to make BIGGER) Continue reading

Registration, Schedule and more for HCS Cup #1

This is a partial reblog from 

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Upcoming Cups

Today, 09 May 2015 14:00 EDT   Halo: MCC 4on4 HCS Cup #1 Open   22 teams
Sat, 16 May 2015 14:00 EDT   Halo: MCC 4on4 HCS Cup #2 Open   15 teams
Sat, 23 May 2015 14:00 EDT   Halo: MCC 4on4 HCS Cup #3 Open   5 teams
Sat, 30 May 2015 14:00 EDT   Halo: MCC 4on4 HCS Cup #4 Open   5 teams
Sat, 06 Jun 2015 14:00 EDT   Halo: MCC 4on4 HCS Cup #5 Open   2 teams
Sat, 01 Aug 2015 00:00 EDT   Halo: MCC 4on4 HCS Season 2 Registration   104 teams Continue reading

HCS Update – Season 2, Ep. 1

With nearly 14 minutes of Halo eSports greatness, this HCS update has it all. Amazing snipes, awesome multi kills and a deeper look into the final play that won last season’s HCS tourneys , by Evil Geniusus.

Pay special attention to the first minute of so as this may pertain to Halo 5… I’ll have a break down on that later today.

In the meantime, watch, listen and learn about all things Halo eSports. Continue reading

Canon Fodder – Azure Noir

This is a reblog from Halo Waypoint:

By GrimBrother One –


Welcome back, fiction fans. Last week, we talked about the community’s heroic effort to assemble the newest official key art for Halo 5: Guardians and provided some clarifying calm to a Covenant storm. This week we’ve got a special treat that should prove a marvelous morsel to our novel-gazing lore buffs. Plus we’ll have another look at #HUNTtheTRUTH as well as new Universe entries to take a gander at. Read on!

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The Art of Halo 5: Guardians book delayed!


For those of you who have pre-ordered and haven’t yet seen, the Art of Halo 5 Guardians has been delayed to Oct 27 to coincide with the release of the game.

It’s likely that 343 didn’t want any of the ‘secrets’ of the game to come out before it was released, via this book.

For those who haven’t yet pre-ordered and are thinking about it, the book is available for pre-order from Amazon. If you do so now (as of this writing) you can save nearly $14 off the retail cost of the book, which runs at $45.

Thanks to Laird MacLean for posting this info on Facebook.



HUNTtheTRUTH Episode 6: Boxing Story

With major questions about the Master Chief now out on the open network, a flood of feedback and theories come in from all corners of human space. Rumors spread that ONI has fabricated elaborate lies, but why? What are they covering up? Has the investigation now put everyone’s lives at risk?

Have a listen!


Apologies for the late post on this. So much stuff I’m working on, ATM.

Did any of you send an audio clip in? I did, though I couldn’t hear if I mine made it. So many clips over top of one another.


All-new Spartan Locke Figure by McFarlane Toys

This is a reblog from Halo Waypoint: 

Our partners at McFarlane Toys are gearing up for the launch of Halo 5: Guardians, and we’re excited to announce and provide the first look at the all-new Spartan Locke action figure.

HFFL: Um, not first folks….I posted pics of this from New York Toy Fair on 2/17/15. Need proof? Here’s the article I wrote. Scroll towards the bottom of that article to see my pics of this.

This 10” figure will go through a lengthy process before it ends up on store shelves later this year, so we chatted with the designers at McFarlane Toys to learn about this how figure is made.

HFFL: Hmm, again, by the pics that I took from 2 1/2 months ago as of this writing, the figure looks pretty well done…but anyway. Moving along with 343’s interview with McFarlane Toys.

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Canon Fodder: Puzzled Expression

This is a reblog from Halo Waypoint:

By GrimBrother One –


Welcome back, canonheads. Last week we were all over the content map talking about new, revamped, and upcoming features in the Universe section of Halo Waypoint and the Halo Channel, as well as Canon Fodder itself. This week will be a bit lighter as we are all at once coming down off the craziness that was the Great Puzzle Hunt of 2015, as well as being ridiculously heads-down working on a host of exciting secret goodies as we hurtle towards E3 this summer. Combined with the release of Halo: Hunters in the Dark by Peter David, June will be an exciting month to be a Halo fan, I can tell you that much.

And with that, let’s dive in.

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