Halo 4 reviews are in! (Spoiler FREE!!!)

Okay, while I’m posting the ratings and some text from the reviewer, I am also including the link to their actual review.

BEWARE. Those links MAY have spoilers. So click at your own risk.

Here we go:

360.mmgn.com: Halo 4 succeeds where most shooters fail.  It remains true to its core experience made famous over five games, but it excels in actually making us care about the characters, be them good or evil.
What Halo 4 Got Right
Great campaign and story
Memorable Halo experience, new 343i flavour
Multiplayer is still great
Spartan Ops is brilliant co-op fun
What Halo 4 Got Wrong
Some new vehicles are a chore to control
Game sometimes holds your hand

www.polygon.com 9.5/10
Halo 4 gets what made Halo: Combat Evolved special. (Positive review)

IGN.com 9.8/10
Amazingly, Halo 4 is not only a success, but a bar-raising triumph for the entire first-person shooter genre. And just how new developer 343 Industries has done it will surprise, delight, and excite you.

G4tv: 4.5/5
When gamers and games media alike turn to look back over the releases of 2012, there’s one word that you’ll see frequently associated with 343 Industries’ Halo 4: “safe.”  (Semi-negative review)

insidegamingdaily.com 10/10 with a “Gold Award”
The overall question persists: do we need another Halo trilogy? The answer to that is a surprising no, for you, the general public that’s looking for nothing more than a minor multiplayer distraction. But from one dedicated Halo fan to those looking for an evolution in story, creation, and online play, yes, we freakin’ do. It feels good to finally say after many years that Halo is back

joystiq.com 5/5
Halo 4 is Halo – a surprisingly successful, mandatory step for 343 Industries. But the game strives for more than competence, giving it a forceful march and a decadent show of strength. Our doubt and questioning of Halo’s continued existence has, in some small way, helped deliver one of the best games in the series and one of the finest shooters in years. Of course, if we want to use this tactic for the next one we’d better start now.

destructoid.com: 10/10
At its core, everything still feels like a Halo game. While there are new some new elements that change the gameplay a little, that weight of playing as a super soldier is well balanced between the sense of speed and strength in the multiplayer. 343 Industries have done a remarkable job at continuing the Halo legacy.

www2.britxbox.co.uk: 10/10
Halo 4 succeeds in every possible way. This is both the Halo you remember, and the game you’ve always wanted.

kotaku.com: (no rating given other than a “YES” to play it)
343’s take on the franchise humanized what was up until now mainly just a really fun, well-made series of games.

popcultureblog.dallasnews.com (positive review-no rating given)
343 Industries has done something amazing. They’ve put more effort into the storytelling – humanizing the Master Chief and making more connections to those books we really nerdy gamers read – changed the setting, given us new, interesting enemies to fight and fun weapons to play with …In other words, they’ve made me excited about Halo again

penny-arcade.com: (no rating given)
If you were curious about 343’s ability to pull this off, to make Halo 4 as good as Bungie’s games, here’s your answer: Halo 4 is not as good as Reach or Halo 3. It’s better.

xboxworld.com.au: 94/100
It’s on point, true to form and keeps you enthralled. Welcome back, Halo. It’s been a long, long five years.

Well if that isn’t enough to convince you that Halo 4 is awesome…

I’ll have my review when the game comes out. But I’ll forgive you if you don’t read it as you’ll likely be knee deep into playing it too…

-Sal (HFFL)