Halo Mega Bloks Forward Unto Dawn set…

Okay after a little ordeal I went through ordering this, I’ve finally received my set. Thanks to Toys R Us for fixing everything up correctly.

Over the course of the next several days, I’ll be posting a continuing article covering the build of this massive set. Pics of course will be included as I always do for reviews. Normally, I post one whole review per article like this, but given this set’s size and piece count one article just won’t do it justice.

Here’s a refresher of the set I’m talking about:

I’m going to have LOADS of pics for this one.


Comparison shot of the Forward Unto Dawn Mega Bloks set with other large blok sets.

First let me thank my friend Deinonychus for letting me repost his image.

Left to right we have:

Mega Bloks StarCraft II Battlecruiser
LEGO Star Wars Tantive IV
Mega Bloks Probuilder Aircraft Carrier
Mega Bloks Forward Unto Dawn
LEGO Star Destroyer

Also as you can see in the set a minifig laid on it’s back. This is one HUGE set. In comparison it stacks up nicely to other large building blok sets.


Thanks for making the first HFFL community playdate a success!

Last night I held the first of HaloFanForLife.com (HFFL) Community Playdates. Some good participation there. We tromped through War Games in various modes including CTF, Oddball, Infinity Slayer, and a special custom map I made. AS well we got in a mission of Spartan Ops.

I know I’ll forget someone who came to play last night, so instead of thank personally on the blog, I’ll give a general thanks.

I’m not sure how often I’ll do this. I’m thinking every other week? And I may change the time to a weekend day and have it earlier to get even more participation. Some of my English readers would have played had it not been so late for them.

Again, many thanks.

If you missed it and want to participate, look for another HFFL community playdate very soon. You need to be a subscriber to the blog (which is FREE) and all I ask is be nice in gameplay. No douchebaggery.


Halo Bulletin for 11-15-12

LOTS of good info in this week’s Halo Bulletin. It starts out with a very cool Didact glyph background image that you might use for your computer. It was done by Firestream of Halo Unity:

After this comes a bunch of stats on the first 5 days of Halo 4’s release. Some huge numbers there.

The rest of the Bulletin is an exhaustive rundown on how and where to check your Spartan career. If you haven’t delved into that yet, this bulletin will definitely get you VERY acquainted with it.
