An amazing Kat Spartan Cosplay!

Credit to Hypertrooper for the link to this via Twitter.

This is the best cosplay of Kat I’ve ever seen (not including the “official” one from Pax a couple of years ago).

Check it out!

Kat Cosplay!

What do you think? Pretty good huh? Lots of detail to this and obviously the person who designed it cared for that. The link really gives us a comprehensive look at how a quality cosplay outfit is made.


My Forward Unto Dawn graphic novel for episode 5 is featured on Waypoint!


Woot! As always I want to thank BS Angel for posting this and relinking to the blog. I’ve had tremendously great reception to them. The Spartan Ops comic book is going well. Episode 1 of that was finished a couple of days ago and episode 2 is about 75% done. Hopefully that will be finished today. The only thing I’ll have to wait on is the preview vid of episode 3 to add a “Next in Spartan Ops” graphic.


Halo 4 War Games daily challenges: 11-16-12

15 Precision weapon kills, easy enough. Doesn’t say in one game, so that should be very easy to do over the course of the day.

Okay but that second one….We get it 343, you want us to play Regicide. I like the game type. But 10 in ONE match? Come on really? Of all the friends I game with, in the last week I think there’s only been ONE of them who got 10 in one match. And we’re not talking NOOBS here. Some of these guys are REALLY good at the game, almost MLG level…10 in one game? That’s a bit excessive, don’tcha think? Drop this to 8 and then more people could get it. Those extra two really are a be-otch to get.