HFFL Halo 4 Objective Playdate!

Okay from now on, I’m going to have a weekly HFFL Objective gaming session on Sundays in Halo 4. Blog members are preferred, as well as Twitter/Facebook followers. Since the playlist is 5v5, I can take up to 9 other players and we can game against each other.

As far as when? Well, you’ll just have to look out for me on LIVE and/or watch for me to post on Sundays when I’m going to be on.

I want to get in a LOT of Objective games. I enjoy those playlists and want to work on those commendations too. If you’re up for it, shoot me an invite and please be certain to state you are a reader of the blog (I don’t accept random requests).

See you on the battlefield!

Halo 4 War Games daily challenges: 12-02-12

A perfection you say? 3,000 XP you say? Hmm, this might be tough, but worth trying for.

Win 3 KOTH matches? Okay, I’m up for that challenge.

This being said, I need to find gamers who want to play smaller playlists. My gaming group is big enough that I find we’re always having to play Dominion or BTB. I’m not a fan of the latter. (Never was in any of the games, not just Halo 4)

So what I’m looking for are gamers who enjoy those smaller playlists and won’t mind playing them for a whole gaming session. So today, if you’d like to get in games with yours truly, shoot me an invite on XBOX LIVE. You must state you’re a reader from the blog though as I don’t accept random requests.  I’ll be on intermittently all day today looking to play the likes of King of the Hill, Oddball, and Capture the Flag. I guess you could say it’s Objective Day at HFFL. Hmmm, that gives me an idea…