Happy Halodays contest results!

Well, we had some really great entries for the contest. I’ll admit, I had a hard time choosing which ones to win.

I’ve released the entries to the contest in the original article here. (one exception was for a subscriber who posted it to the wrong article…I made an exception there and reposted it for him in the correct article.) His post is released in the article he submitted it under-here.

Since I had such a hard time deciding on the winners, EVERYONE who submitted an entry is going to get something! SO all of you who sent me an entry, please shoot me your address via a reply (don’t worry, I’ll delete and not post it). This is the only way I can ensure that the right people are getting the prizes)

Now without further ado, here are the winners of the contest!
Grand Prize: Halo Mega Blok 10th Anniversary Warthog
“Deck the Halos” by Rob_bokone
Second Prize: Mega Bloks Halo Covert Ops: Battle Unit
“O Come All Reclaimers” by silentcarto75
Third Prizes: Halo Mega Bloks Armory pack
“12 Days of Battle” by haza121
“Teabag the Elites” by Evillittlejawa
“Didact got run over by a Warthog” by General Diaz 

Honorable mentions to everyone else who entered!
“Halo please come home” by MAS AttacK 
“Flood Christmas” by Graccus
“5 Days of Spartan Ops” by CurrerBell1847
“Let it Grow” by starshipriot

Congrats to ALL of the entries! Thanks for participating in a successful contest. Again, you are ALL winners!

For those third place winners, please list in order of preference 1 to 3 which one you’d like to have. I’ll try to get you the one you want, depending on how the other two placed their preferences.


Halo 4 War Games weekly challenges: 12-24/31-12

Alright! This is the week I complete the campaign Legendary Solo for the challenge. I could have done it last week as I can’t earn any more credits since I hit SR130. However, since I’ve been doing one mission a week, why break that now right? Of course I’ve finished the game solo (normal) and co-op (legendary).

Spartan Ops challenges are easy of course. War Games…hmm, 18 in one match? Okay, doable. Infinity Challenge isn’t too bad. 200 secondary kills. Looks like plenty of Flood/Swat (using magnums) for me this week.

Now I need to get back to deliberating on the Halodays contest. Still having a hard time deciding which ones will be the winners.
