Halo 4 War Games daily challenges: 12-28-12

Both easy. It kinda sucks not needing anymore XP to rank up now. I find my desire to go for challenges is gone. I wish it were made harder to rank up in Halo 4. Reaching max rank in 40 days from release while fast, kinda sucked some of the fun out of it.

It would be great if there were more ranks coming…Then I’d have something MORE to play for. Still, I love going for commendations, so it’s all good.


Halo pipe cleaner art!

A reader contacted me about some pics I took of Red team. He “Isaiah” said it helped him make one of newest creations. He makes Halo pipe cleaner art. He’s got some really cool stuff. Below is a sample of some of his work: (Now I wonder if he does commissions?)

You can find more of his work here!

Some really great work there made from pipe cleaners!


HFFL’s Swag store officially open!

You can find the link in the menu bar above, as well you can check out the store here. I’ll be updating this as I go along. For now, it’s rather bare bones… All for now just have the HFFL logo.

If there is something you’d like to see as swag in the store, let me know and if it’s available, I’ll add it. I’m thinking about adding the Halo 4 poster I did as swag. Here’s that poster (the actual one will be high resolution):

This is just something minimal I’m doing to help support the cost of the site. If any of you do order something, PLEASE send me a pic with you and the swag and I’ll be more than happy to post it on the blog.



Pilot a Pelican on Halo 4’s Reclaimer!

Yep, that’s right, NOT Shutdown, but Reclaimer. Thanks to Halo.Bungie.org for posting a link on Twitter.

Okay, now THIS is something I’m going to have to try! Lovin that vid! Man, I wish we had theater mode in Halo 4’s campaign…
