Hello folks.
As you know the LAN is less than two months away now. During the past couple of weeks and continuing up to the LAN or until enough is raised, I’ve been asking for small donations. 50 cents a person who comes to the site just ONCE a year. It’s not membership dues, it’s certainly not mandatory. However, it would be of great help to the blog and LAN if you folks would kindly donate.
In the meantime, HFFL has received a few donations. We’re now at 20% of the goal of $1000. That money will cover HFFL’s domain renewal for a few years and cover this year’s LAN.
Also, I’ve gone to a bit of an extreme to try to garner more money to hold the LAN. My wife and I are trading in our vehicle to lease a new one. We went to the car dealership today and have the paperwork going through. We finalize on Monday. Now how does tho impact the LAN? Simple. After paying a month’s mortgage and a few bills, I’ll be able to set aside $150 for the LAN. Couple that with the $200 already raised in donations and we’re 35% of the way to where we need to be to make the LAN FREE! And again to keep HFFL’s domain active for several more years.
I honestly can’t do this on my won without you folks. Some of you know that I’ve been unemployed. It’s now been 3 years and 3 months. Money is tight for me. This is why we looked into leasing a car to see if we could somehow recoup some money needed. If I could afford to hold the LAN for free out-of-pocket, I most certainly would. Unfortunately that isn’t in the cards for me, barring a miracle job offer.
This is why I’m asking for an ever so small donation. I’ve mentioned before that if everyone who came to the site in just ONE day of the 365 days a year gave just 50 cents, (Again, just once a year) HFFL would have plenty to put on a spectacular LAN and have great prizes, not to mention renewing the domain.
So as to keep track of how the fundraising is going, I’ll be posting a fundraising goal graphic on the right of the background image. This will be updated as more funds are received. Please know that any monies donated will go to the site/LAN. I will not use any for personal use. On that you can trust.
Should HFFL receive well more than needed, I’ll donate that extra to the Autism Society of Pittsburgh. A portion of the admission price for the LAN will be going to them, already. Again though, if the LAN gets paid for through fundraising, then I’ll make the donation from that pool instead.