Halo Toy Review: McFarlane Halo 5 Guardians Action Figure Spartan Hermes variant

This is NOT Kelly from Blue team. It is the same spartan armor, but in Green as opposed to Kelly’s colors.

McF Toys logo

Technical Specifications:
• Ball Joint Head
• Ball Joint Shoulders
• Ball Joint Elbows
• Ball Joint Wrists
• Swivel Chest
• Limited Ball Joint hips
• Hinge Knees
• Limited Ball Joint Ankles
Accessories: Rockets, Boutshot
Additional Contents: REQ Pack sheet (Requisition Pack) This sheet has a code on one side that you can redeem for Halo 5 Guardians in-game content. The content redeemed for varies from code to code.
Cost: $15-18 (US) depending on where you buy it at retail
Availability: Mass Retail

And on with the pics! (Click pics to make BIGGER) Continue reading

Fan Made Pillar of Autumn made from Mega Bloks!

I saw this via twitter and knew I had to share this. Pics are unedited and used with permission by Dylan (and Tyler) Crossman the builder of the model. Any text added after this is his description, unless of course I use my “HFFL:” tag for it.

Hey guys i’m back with a MONSTER custom-Pillar of Autumn, this time, made out of 90% Mega bloks (10% was from the 2 big thruster I have to craft in cardboard and bucket

Pillar of Autumn was one of most well known ship in halo history and it also had one of the most important role. Back in 2014, Timmega made a poll on what signature series should they made, PoA was one of them but lost to a scarab by 100 votes and it got either 200-300 votes
Pillar of Autumn was one of the ship that I’ve been Waiting for from at least Goodwill Hunter and Carbon from Spartan bloks but since I never seen it from them, I went to give it a try
That build became the biggest, Best,harddest,most fragile, most challenging build me and Tyler (Halo Zone 24/ Zelot2468 ) ever accomplished
It took me 3 attempt to final made it (1 last year, 1 at 1 month ago and one about 3-4 weeks ago) When I made the 1st attempt, I lost interest and move on to Heavy Cruiser. 2nd time I got frustrated because it kept tipping over and crash. At my 3rd time, I decide to split to 5 parts and make it where I have to be connected by 2 clip-on pegs on sets like warthog and it WORK (Like others said:3 times the charm)


Main Pic

Front View1_zpszkocmbdi Continue reading

HCS Pro League Summer Qualifier Details

This is a reblog from HaloWaypoint:


In the wake of the HCS Pro League Invitational at PAX East, we’re providing more details on the next qualifying tournament, the HCS Pro League Summer Qualifier! This qualifier will consist of an online portion as well as an in-person portion. These tournaments will determine the next four teams that will advance into the HCS Pro League. Continue reading

Halo Community Update3: Control Freak

This is a reblog from Halo Waypoint:


Hello, friends. We’re off to PAX East for the weekend, but stopping by with a quick blog this week. Across the studio, teams are hard at work on the Memories of Reach release, including updates to UI and matchmaking, new Forge goodness, sandbox balance, new armors and weapons, and more. Today, we’ll talk a bit about some new advanced controller options on the way, the new Super Fiesta social playlist, Waypoint File Browser, and other tidbits. Let’s get to it.

Last weekend, you eliminated over 147 million enemies over the course of hundreds of thousands of matches in the Warzone Firefight Beta. You have left the Warzone team with thousands of feedback posts as well as a multitude of data points that are undergoing analysis. Since the beta, the design team has been reviewing your feedback on difficulty, rounds, and objectives, and actively planning updates to the mode. Here’s a quick bit from David Ellis: Continue reading

Canon Fodder: Bits & Pieces

This is a reblog from Halo Waypoint:



HFFL: Man, I REALLY want these! 

Welcome back, ye stalwarts of story! Last week we set the table(top) with a hefty helping of universe-building goodness – including a full announce of Halo: Ground Command from Spartan Games and 343 Industries – as well as an inside look into the very cool Sins of the Prophets community creation. If you want to see more of what Spartan Games had on hand to showcase at the Salute 2016 show in the UK last weekend, be sure to check out this show floor recap from Beasts of War with one of the Halo: Ground Command game designers, Spartan Games’ own Derek Sinclair. There’s some pretty awesome glimpses of what’s in store for Halo tabletop fans in the near future, so definitely give it a look!  As we let last week’s efforts digest, this week will offer a lighter – but always tasty – portion of fiction-focused treats. Shall we begin? Continue reading

Halo Waypoint File Browser is HERE!

We’ve been asking for this from launch. Now we finally get a file browser. While not totally what we want, it’s a step in the right direction. The following is a reblog from Halo Waypoint:

fileshare-gameclips2-d6144dcbcd9d4676a779e9b0df69ca76As your official online home for Halo, we’re always working hard to improve your user experience here on Waypoint. With that in mind, we’re incredibly excited to introduce a new online File Browser system for Halo fans to engage with and enjoy. We know that players have been eager for improved access to their favorite maps and game modes, but we also wanted to make sure that this next evolution of the online File Browser also incorporated Xbox One Game Clips and Screenshots in order to provide a single destination for players to track all of their favorite Halo moments. Let’s take a closer look at some of the details of the new online File Browser feature, shall we? Continue reading

3 Jackals and a t bag…

So I was playing campaign the other day. I assassinated two Jackals, then shoulder charged another, only to be killed by a fourth Jackal. This one decides he going to t-bag me for revenge as well…LOL.

Halo Toy Review: McFarlane Halo 5 Guardians Action Figure- Spartan Centurion

McF Toys logo

Technical Specifications:
• Ball Joint Head
• Ball Joint Shoulders
• Ball Joint Elbows
• Ball Joint Wrists
• Swivel Chest
• Limited Ball Joint hips
• Hinge Knees
• Limited Ball Joint Ankles
Accessories: DMR, Magnum
Additional Contents: REQ Pack sheet (Requisition Pack) This sheet has a code on one side that you can redeem for Halo 5 Guardians in-game content. The content redeemed for varies from code to code.
Cost: $15-18 (US) depending on where you buy it at retail
Availability: Target exclusive

And on with the pics! (Click pics to make BIGGER) Continue reading

Halo Toy Review: Mega Bloks Covenant Storm Lance

MB grey logo  

Mega Bloks Covenant Storm Lance

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 1 minute to sort, 3 minutes to build
Set Piece Count: 114
Minifigures: All figures in Indigo purple: Elite Commander, Elite Minor, Jackal, Grunt
Weapons: Storm Rifle, Needler (Crimson), Carbine, Plasma Pistol
Accessories: Jackal Shield (Yellow), Drop Shield, Energy Core, 2X Plasma Grenades
Special Features: N/A
Cost: $15-17

And on with the pics! (Click pics to make BIGGER) Continue reading

Halo Toy Review: Mega Bloks Covenant Watchtower

MB grey logo  

Mega Bloks Covenant Watchtower

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 3 minute to sort, 30 minutes to build (Your time will vary. I take photos along the way which make my build times a little longer)
Set Piece Count: 239
Minifigures: UNSC Spartan Soldier (Speckeld White); Covenant Elite Commander (Brown)
Weapons: Hydra, Fuel Rod Gun; Buildable Covenant Plasma Turret
Accessories: Covenant Drop Shield
Special Features: N/A
Cost: $20-25 depending on where you buy it from

And on with the pics! (Click pics to make BIGGER) Continue reading

Halo Toy Preview: Mega Bloks Covenant Brute Lance Set

Once again, apologies to the owner of these pics as I don’t know who you are to give you proper credit. When I find out who it is, I will be sure to update this article as such.

MB grey logo

This new Brute set is indicative of what to expect from Halo Wars 2. Beyond that though, it’s another army builder’s dream! FOUR Brutes! All have the new super articulation and removable armor.

MB Covie Brute Lance Preview BOX Continue reading

Halo Toy Preview: Mega Bloks Yankee Squad

I found these pics on a Halo Mega Bloks fan page on Facebook. (Apologies to the page and the owner of these pics for not proper credit) I’ve been sitting on these pics for a good week now and have forgotten who posted them and which fan site. Terrible oversight on my part. As soon as I find out who’s these are, I’ll be sure to properly credit them for their pics.

Yankee Squad is an army builder’s dream! MB UNSC Yankee Squad Preview BOX Continue reading

Halo Toy Preview: Mega Bloks Kodiak Siege Cannon

Just found this through a Halo Mega Bloks fan Facebook page!

We first caught a glimpse of this from Toy Fair this year. The name was thought to be the ‘Fox Cannon’. Now we have the actual name. Kodiak sounds MUCH better as it’s a massive bear in comparison to a puny little fox. LOL

Kodiak scene UNlit

Here’s the text about this from Amazon:

  • Batten down the hatches and roll out with Spartan Alice-130 in the UNSC Kodiak Siege Cannon
  • Rigged with ironclad defenses, this buildable, eight-wheeled artillery tank comes fully loaded with a massive, pivoting cannon
  • Build the Kodiak, and brace your Spartan for an attack from the approaching Covenant Brutes
  • Then, deploy the Kodiak’s lockdown system, and bombard behind enemy lines
  • The highly detailed, super-pose able Spartan Alice-130 and Covenant Brute micro action figures each come with their own detachable armor and authentic weapons and accessories

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