HMCC has a 50 custom map/gametype limit for your saves

Just as the title states, the HMCC has a limit to the amount of custom maps and game types you can save. It’s only 50…FIFTY. Okay, while this may seem like a lot, for those of us who forge a bit, this is VERY limiting. I’ve already got a dozen saved. At this rate, I’ll run out of room some time in December.

I found this out via a link on twitter from my friend AddiCt3d 2CHa0s. The link goes to the Halo Waypoint forum where the original poster, o Nondual o makes this limiting feature known to us.

Below is his post from Halo Waypoint:  Continue reading

Halo Mega Bloks: NEW Booster Frame set in 2015!

MB grey logo

This is a follow up to the Halo Mega Bloks Spartan 104 Fred figure I posted yesterday.

As promised, Mega released an image of the set that Fred comes with. It’s an upgraded Booster Frame set. It’s set to be at rattail in 2015. This version appears to be a bit larger than it’s predecessor and more accurate. Check out the pic form Mega below as well as a pic of the previous ‘build-a-set’ Booster Frame. Continue reading

Breakout Gameplay – Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta

You wanted to see actual Halo 5 Guardians BETA gameplay? Here ya go. This video comes via GameSpot’s Youtube channel.

This vid shows some of the Spartan attributes. As well, you get confirmation that the DMR is in the BETA.

The map itself looks CLEAN. I actually kind of like it. You’re not so distracted by the ‘lived-in’ graphics that all Halo maps have.  Continue reading

Latest HMCC Matchmaking updates for 11-13-14

This is a reblog from Halo Waypoint (times are PST): 

11.13 1:28PM Update We are aware that while some users are reporting improved Matchmaking experiences, many users have not seen an improvement. As a result, we are temporarily moving to a limited playlist layout that will allow for players to find games faster. We’ll temporarily be removing the following playlists:  Continue reading

HMCC looks FANTASTIC in 1080p 60fps!

Download and matchmaking waiting times aside, the HMCC looks Spectacular! I’m in Halo CE Anniversary’s campaign and WOW do the graphics pop more and the movement is much more crisp!

I’m currently playing all of the campaigns in order.  I’m not trying to get the skulls or terminals just yet. I just want to complete the campaigns. There are a TON of achievements with completing them. Continue reading

I’ll be making a special appearance at Gamestop tonight…

If you’re going to the Southland Four Gamestop near Century III Mall south of Pittsburgh, I’ll be there with a table inside displaying some cool Halo stuff.

• Halo Mega Bloks sets
• Halo McFarlane vehicles and figures
• 3ft tall Halo 2 Master Chief

and more!

As well, I’ll be holding trivia questions with Halo Mega Bloks prizes.

Southland Four Gamestop address:
575 Clairton Blvd
Pittsburgh, PA 15236

It’s just around the corner from the Subway.

So if you’re local, come on out and see me there. I’d be happy to talk with yet more Halo Fans!
