Microsoft’s Cortana is coming to iOS and Android

The following is a reblog from


Microsoft is planning to bring its Cortana digital assistant to iOS and Android as a standalone app. While the software maker has previously confirmed Cortana would come to additional operating systems, Reuters reports that the standalone app will be available on phones and tablets running iOS and Android. Microsoft is currently building Cortana into Windows 10, which is set to debut later this year, and it’s likely that the digital assistant will make its way on to Android and iOS alongside its PC expansion. Continue reading

Canon Fodder: Novel Ideas




canonfodder-3-12-15c-36af62b8ddb646a592466ac0e7fb87a3Welcome back loremongers. A few days ago, one of our community members, SaBx DARKHAVEN, started a topic in the Universe forum asking what the chances were that we’d see another book before the release of Halo 5: Guardians. After quelling the usual urge to post a popcorn-eating gif while reading through the discussion, I instead reached in my desk drawer and grabbed my trusty magic 8-ball to find an answer for the question at hand. The bad news? Ol’ Shaky spun up an initially depressing “outcome not likely.” The good news? That’s because you aren’t just getting one new book this year. You’re getting five. Before we get to a few delectable details, notice I said “this year” and not “before Halo 5: Guardians,” so don’t go telling Twitter that “Grim told us the release date.” Were it so easy… So with that out of the way, we’re proud to announce the Halo publishing lineup for 2015 from our friends and partners at Simon & Schuster! We’re pretty excited about it, and we hope you are too. Continue reading

New pic/video of Spartan Locke from Halo 5 Guardians!

The screenshot below was taken from the short vid below that. Here we see Spartan Jameson Locke deboarding what is likely a Pelican. What is that beyond? It’s not Covenant. Wrong color and too angular. Is it UNSC? Looks like a UNSC flag near top middle. Or is Forerunner? Halo 5 screenshot from promo_smAlso, what’s with that blue glow coming from the mid of his back? Is it the power cell from his mjolnir armor? Or…might it be a new Cortana? (Similar to how she was encased in a tube at the end of Reach) Make note that his rifle does have a skin on it. Will this be something returning to multiplayer or will this be the only one, making this skin standard?
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Halo Wars now only $4.99 for XBOX Gold subscribers!


While not the free I was helping to petition for, Halo Wars IS now being sold on the XBOX marketplace for an extremely low price of $4.99.

Folks, if you have never played this game, get it. It’s TOTALLY worth it! Even if you have the game, via disc, get the digital version. It’s a great way ensure you’ll have the game loaded on your XBOX ready to play whenever you want to.



Go HERE to purchase from the XBOX Marketplace.

I want to thank Colin Perkins for passing along this intel!

Please help…

As many of you know, my wife and I have been going through some rough financial times. With me being unemployed for sometime now, we’re behind in bills. However, that’s not what I’m asking help for.

You may recall that I’ve mentioned about my home’s main water pipe busting. After looking at a few plumbers, we found one that will replace the pipe and do the restoration work. However, that will cost us more than $11K. We will be able to get $1,300 from the insurance company. (They won’t cover the cost of the pipe replacement, just some of the cost of the restoration work.)

As well, a week ago last Friday, I applied for emergency assistance through the VA (Veteran’s Administration). If I qualify, I might be able to receive up to $1,600 from them. That’s IF I qualify, and I’m not guaranteed that whole amount.

So, with no assistance coming whatsoever (save the possible emergency one above), we are in real need. A friend told me about the website GoFundMe. There people can set up a fund page to help with all sorts of things. This particular needs is one of those things. So I set up a page that people can donate to. Here is the link to it:

Folks, even if all you have is spare change, anything at all will help.

I really don’t know how effective this might be. But I need to try something else beyond what we’ve already tried for.

Please pass this along to your fellow Halo friends, especially if they know my blog. Any funds raised will be put directly to the intended need. In the unlikely event more than what is needed is raised, I will donate the over amount to Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh.

It does shame me to have to ask for help folks. I’m a proud person and don’t like to ask for help. Yes, there is the yearly charity/LAN fundraiser, but that is entirely different as that’s something for fun and charity. What I’m asking here directly impacts my wife and I.

So I come to you with humility and ask for your help.


Microsoft Announces Halo: The Master Chief Collection Xbox One Bundle

This is a reblog from game


We’re surprised it’s taken this long. Finally, Microsoft has announced the Halo: The Master Chief Collection Xbox One Bundle.

This bundle comes with the 500GB Xbox One, wireless controller, headset, and the entire collection of Master Chief-focused Halo games. Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, Halo 2: Anniversary, Halo 3, and Halo 4 are all included in the package. All the games run at 1080p, 60 fps. To top off the Halo bounty, the collection also comes with Halo: Nightfall, the live-action series produced by Ridley Scott.

Look for the bundle, which costs $349, on shelves this month.

Thanks to Halo Podcast Evolved for the intel on this.

HFFL: Well, if you held out this long then you’re in luck. Not only has the game been heavily fixed, it will now come in a bundle. I was really hoping for this when the game launched. With my XBOX One fried (from a power outage) it would be great to get this. Just wish I could afford it. Stupid water main plumbing $10k issue is keeping me from taking advantage of this. sigh…

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Frank O’Conner interview with gamesradar+

This is a reblog of the published interview of Frank O’Conner with gamesradar+

As 343 Industries takes stock of Halo with The Master Chief Collection and moves towards the much-anticipated release of Halo 5: Guardians, we’ve got a two-part interview with the Chief’s own guardians. First up, 343 Industries’ Frank O’Connor explains why it’s important to keep the mystique of Master Chief alive…

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Canon Fodder – That Escalated Quickly

This is a reblog from Halo Waypoint: 

By GrimBrother One –

Welcome back, fictionistas. While last week we took a closer look at the Second Story experience in Halo: Nightfall, this week we get to hear some diverse perspectives on both writing and playing stories within Halo, as well as clear up a bit of colony confusion a couple of fans might have. Let’s get started!


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Halo Championship Series – Season 1 Finals This Weekend


The Season 1 Finals of the Halo Championship Series are coming up this weekend and we’ve got all the info you’ll need to be prepared.

While hundreds of teams competed in the first season of the HCS, only the top eight ranked in North America have been invited to compete for a $100,000 in prizing at PAX East in Boston. Across the pond, as the Battle of Europe took place in London, one team came out on top to earn the Wildcard spot in the Season 1 Finals. Here are the seeds entering the main event: Continue reading

Halo: The Master Chief Collection Content Update Notes

The following is a reblog from Halo Waypoint:

The next time you log into Halo: The Master Chief Collection, you will be prompted to download the latest content update, which focuses on matchmaking, party stability, title-specific improvements, and more.

Below, you’ll find a summary what is included in today’s update:


  • Made a variety of updates to improve matchmaking performance and success rates
  • Improved matchmaking search times/time to match
  • Improved stability throughout the matchmaking process across all titles


  • Improved party stability


  • Made improvements to multiplayer shot registration
  • Improved campaign stability across a variety of levels
  • Addressed stability issues for matchmaking and custom games
  • Fixed issues around resuming H2A Campaign from “remastered” mode
  • Improved medal display consistency


  • Fixed issues regarding aim assist which resulted in the reticle being pushed away from an enemy
  • Improved shot registration consistency between host / client in peer-to-peer custom game matches
  • Resolved a variety of UI inconsistencies, including team color randomization, medals, and in-game scoreboard display

Let us know about your experience, and check back for details as the team continues work on next month’s content update.

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HFFL: From the tweets I’ve seen and posts on Facebook, it indeed seems that a LOT of the issues that plagued multiplayer for HMCC have been fixed or GREATLY improved!