New York Toy Fair 2012 McFarlane – The unpackaged toys!

Continuing on with HFFL’s McFarlane coverage at New York Toy Fair 2012, we have pics of the toys on display out of the packaging.

Sadly we will not be seeing the full sized Banshee or Falcon come to light. I asked Mark Weber (Brand Manager for McFarlane) about these and he stated the Falcon would have been a cost of around $115 retail. Retailors weren’t picking it up to buy. A real shame too. It’s an AWESOME vehicle. I’d have bought one for sure. That Banshee is just plain SWEET! I hope that goes up for charity auction or the like. I’d at least like a chance to own it.

For higher res pics, please check out my flickr account: 

New York Toy Fair – McFarlane Halo Action figure series.

McFarlane Toys booth was amazing. While this site is centered around Halo only, McFarlane did have some great stuff from their sports lines as well as Spawn.

I was fortunate enough to have a 45 minute talk with Mark Weber, Brand manager at McFarlane. We discussed not only the Micro Ops line, but also the action figure line as well. Even though he’s mostly a Sports guy with McFarlane, he still seemed knowledgeable with the Halo line as well. Unfortunately, Todd himself wasn’t there and wouldn’t be until the next day. By that time I was already on my way back home. Ah well, maybe next year.

Mark and I started to discuss the line and went over to the carded wall. As you can see by the following pics McFarlane has several sub lines within the main line of Halo.

Click on pics for larger versions

Here is the wall first:

To the furthest left is the micro ops line. To the immediate right of that is the Halo Anniversary line, series 2. This line will become Halo Universe. Next to that the Halo 4 line. Note that these were all mock-ups and only Cortana and Master Chief were shown due to the MicroSoft embargo on Halo 4 info being released. To the right of that is the Halo Universe line. and finally the last of the Reach specific series.

Below these on the shelves were the boxed sets. McFarlane really outdid themselves with these sets. There had been a different set-up to the boxed sets previously. However, one of which was combined to make the fuller Team Objective set. Note that the Halo 4 set in the lower left corner is a mock-up only. Noble team will NOT be in Halo 4. They were FPO (for placement only).
Top left we see the Spirit of Fire team. Three Spartan Mk V’s. Each with their own weapons and specific markings. You’ll see a better shot later of these uncarded.
In the center of the pic is the Invasion set and below that the Generator Defense set. I’m really liking the Invasion set since it comes with BOTH power cores (UNSC and Covenant).
To the right of those is the ever so sweet Team Objective set. This set has most of the regular objective pieces, with 3 flags, a capture plate, both the UNSC and Covenant bombs and several “Headhunter” skulls, not to mention a Res Spartan. Very cool set indeed.
To the bottom of that is the Noble Team set. If you didn’t get these carded before or want to display them as a team in nice packaging, this is the set for you.

Finally for the Packages shots we have (and sorry for the blurry pic, best one I had of these, unfortunately), two Halo figs (I don’t know which they are to be and McF wasn’t telling, LOL.
Next to that is a mockup of the Hunter. You’ll see the loose version later. I asked if this was the same as the previous Hunter. They weren’t sure.
To the right of that the AWESOME ODST drop pod. This is going to retail for around $40 and I have to say it looks to be worth every penny of it. In the loose pic you’ll see just how much detail there is in it. It has several moving parts and comes with either the Rookie or a “generic” ODST.
Lastly, the Halo 3 Co-op Multi-figure pack. Included are Master Chief, the Arbiter, an Elite Minor (Blue), and the Crimson Flight Elite. If I’m not mistaken the Crimson Elite is new as it hasn’t been done in that color. Hmm, I’ll get that set and have the MC and Arby be given as prizes here for a contest later.

Check back later today for the loose pics!

New York Toy Fair – McFarlane Halo Micro Ops line

There are no less than 3 small scale lines of Halo Toys this year. McFarlane Toys Halo Micro Ops line is in a realistic style. Every piece in scale with one another. The difference between McFarlane’s and Jada Toys line is firstly price. I was not able to attend the Jada booth at Toy Fair as they were only allowing buyers in their booth. I do know they only had mockups. Anyway, McFarlane Toys was only too happy to give me a tour of their booth with a heavy concentration on their Halo lines. I spoke with Mark Weber Sports Project/Brand Manager with McFarlane for about 45 minutes.

During this discussion the topic of the other micro lines came up. I asked him his thoughts on this. To paraphrase he said that each line has an appeal to different people. With McFarlane’s line being realistic and affordable he believes it will be a huge success. I’m very inclined to agree with him, especially after seeing their product.

Hmm, so I guess you want to see those pics now???

Well, okay, because I love you.

As you can see by the detail, these are excellently sculpted. But then, we’d expect nothing less from McFarlane and they do hold up to the larger line.

I’m really excited for this line as I will now be able to create “forced perspective” dioramas. This is where you have larger scale objects in front and smaller scale objects in back therefore making a diorama look bigger and deeper than it actually is. Plus with the cost being very affordable it will be easy to amass a huge army!

Package shots are mostly mockups. So look for that product to change.

Look for these starting in Summer this year!

For larger pictures, please check out my flickr account:

New York Toy Fair-McFarlane Halo Avatar figures

I was first skeptical of this line, but after seeing it in person, they are cute and not like the vinyl or bobblehead figures so many companies make. With the price being around $3 for the small ones, I’ll get them. I didn’t get a price on the larger one (Carter).

These aren’t due out for awhile yet and it looks like they are BLIND packaging. So that’s one thing that does hinder the line. At least for me. I’m not a fan of blind packaging.

The small ones will be just a few inches high. They separate at the head and hips so you can mix and match them!

Funko Halo Vinyl and Bobblehead figures from New York Toy Fair 2012

Well, I was hoping they had more, but at least there was a few to see. Here is what Funko had for Halo products: (Clicky on pics to make bigger…)

I’m not usually one for Vinyls and Bobbleheads, but this is Halo, so I may make an exception here.

Mega Bloks Halo Reach LAN party at New York Toy Fair

I had the pleasure of working with Brendon, Senior Community Manager at Mega Brands Inc., in putting together a LAN party during Toy Fair. Below is the set up. We had 16 consoles with a 25 inch tv for each, and wireless controllers. This photos was right at the beginning before everyone showed up, so it shows the set up more clearly.

I’m in the red (Iron Man) t-shirt. The fellow taking the pic of me is Brendon. The other seated fellows are friends of mine from my gaming group on XBOX Live. (Rated Mature) or  We’re Rated Mature because we are a 18 and over group. Feel free to check out the group if your looking for a fun group of adults. We’re not so much concerned with skill as we are having fun people to play with.

Anyway, back to the LAN for a moment. During the gaming session, prizes were given out. Anything from small Mega Bloks Halo blok sets, to the not yet in stores Battlescape II set, to copies of Halo Reach. Look for a contest shortly here to win a free copy of Halo Reach. (It also comes with the code for Recon (In Reach, not Halo 3…). Details on that tomorrow.

We had several games. We played some team games, then free for all slayer, then to end the night a free for all King of the Hill match. Winner got the Battlescape II. (I wasn’t the winner, sadface…heh heh)

HaloFanForLife at Mega Bloks display at New York Toy Fair 2012, Part 2 – The Die-Cast line!

I had the pleasure and honor of visiting the Mega Brands display at New York Toy Fair this year. The following is part two or three in my adventure. The Die-Cast line!

Some really cool stuff in the above pic. There are 5 different battle packs with micro figs, two small vehicles, and 3 large vehicles.

The Warthog and Banshee get the treatment as well.

Next are the Wraith and Scorpion.

And now the Falcon.

And now here they are in their “natural” habitat, LOL.

As you can see in the diorama pics, the Wraith is the previous plum purple color and not yet in the soon to be released blue-ish purple color. Hopefully that gets made. As well look closely in the shots and you’ll see the Shade Turret.

Each of the sets comes with a Die Cast metal figure along with the plastic micro figs.

I was a little skeptical of this line when I first heard it, but now having seen it in person it is AWESOME!!! I’ll have some very cool pics tomorrow of some of these sets. I was lucky enough to get some early and will be giving a full review with pics!!!

For larger sizes of the images in this post, please go to my Flickr account:

If you repost images, please do not alter them from the original as presented and give credit to this site by adding “by” in your commentary.

Coming shortly part 3 the Mega Brands LAN!

HaloFanForLife at Mega Bloks display at New York Toy Fair 2012, Part 1 – The BLOKS

I had the pleasure and honor of visiting the Mega Brands display at New York Toy Fair this year. The night before, my wife Emily (staff writer and photographer here at HFFL), went to ToysRUs in Times Square and got a few pics of the Mega Bloks section.

Handsome fella huh? (I mean Master Chief, not me, LOL)

The next day I got ready and my wife and I went to our first Toy Fair. Below is the board showing Mega Brands Inc. logos for their respective product lines.

Master Chief was guarding the entrance to the exhibit.

Below, I’m being videoed for a Mega Bloks promotion spot (now on their Blog: The fellow to the right of the pic taking the video is Brendon Sera-Shriar, Senior Community Manager of Mega Brands Inc. (Note that Andrew “Sparky” Sparkes is watching from the video in the top right corner of the pic…LOL)

And now for the great new stuff, some available now, some coming VERY soon!

The following pic shows packaging that has not been fully approved yet. So the box art may change between now and when the sets are released.

And the armory board!

For larger sizes of the images in this post, please go to my Flickr account:

If you repost images, please do not alter them from the original as presented and give credit to this site by adding “by” in your commentary.

Coming shortly the Mega Bloks Die-Cast pics!

And we’re back! (From Toy Fair 2012)

We just got home from New York Toy Fair. What an amazing day we had. During the next 24 hours I will be a flurry of activity. Between editing photos fit to post as well as finishing writing my critiques and interviews, it’s going to be busy.

So look for many posts to come by tomorrow about HFFL’s coverage of New York Toy Fair 2012…

Halo Bulletin 2/8/12

This week’s bulletin from Waypoint is well..boring and misleading at the same time.

Let me give you the synopsis:

• Talk of a Super Bowl party with details of gorging on food, blah blah, BS Angel being inappropriate a few times, blah blah blah.
• Boring screenshot
• Stats topic-this in an effort to stave off the negative feelings felt throughout the Halo community after it was announce last week that 343 would NOT be allowing API to be used by the community and is not planned to be used in the near future. Your stats, your COMPLETE stats that is, are being held hostage…LOL. Seriously, I love checking stats, but I can live without them. Point is though that 343 is just taking them away without a suitable/comparable replacement. Sorry Waypoint, your stat system is woefully inadequate when compared to sites like HaloTracker and the now defunct Halo Charts. Don’t try to deny that.
• Team Slayer jackpot possibility of 50K credits. Okay that’s about the coolest part of the bulletin. Special Campaign challenge can net you 10K credits. Good enough.
• Next Frank O’Conner talks about Halo 4…well not really. He talks about the talks he’s had with European partners about Halo 4 and how they were all excited. All well and good but it’s we fans who will be buying the game, map packs, toys, etc. that really need to hear this info. Right now we’re getting a bunch of promises that the game is awesome. But they are rather empty. I really do want to have faith in what 343 can produce. That faith is being sorely tested with the lack of info. I’m not the only one. All you need do is check out the forums on Waypoint to see the dissension regarding the lack of info.
• Some community questions are answered, kind of.

In other words, you can skip the bulletin for this week. Other than the 50K credits for play Team Slayer, there isn’t anything else of worth in it. 😛

Halo Anniversary Series 2 a more detailed look: Spirit of Fire Red Team

This special Halo Wars boxed set features three heroic Spartan-IIs: Jerome, Douglas, and Alice, collectively known as Red Team. This trio of super-soldiers fought alongside the crew of the Spirit of Fire, defending them from the dangers encountered on Shield 0459. Our Red Team 3-pack brings back the leader, Jerome-092, and completes the team with two never-before-released figures of Douglas-042 and Alice-130. Each includes some serious firepower to help them carry out their mission: Jerome comes with a Spartan Laser, Alice comes with dual SMGs, and Douglas comes with a Shotgun. One Spartan is a force to be reckoned with, but a coordinated team of them is virtually unstoppable. Go back to 2531, before the fall of Reach, and get the complete Red Team, all in one box! (text from




Where to buy:
Barnes & Noble
Fred Meyer
Toys ‘R’ Us

Thoughts from HaloFanForLife:
At first I thought the two non-squad leader spartans were the same figure. While in sculpt they are, it’s on the right shoulder pad where the difference is made. As you can see in the above composition photos, they each have their own distinctive shoulder emblem to further denote who they are. I’m glad to have Red team. Here’s hoping we’ll see at least one of them in Halo 4…