Oops? Did 343 just show us more in-game footage, via Conan?

I got two good screenshots from one of the Conan Halo 4 vids.

In the first one you can see the BR zoomed in. The black text in the upper right corner of the zoom says “Optical Weak.” Hmm, curious what that means.

This next shot shows the full view. Note the medals in the bottom left. As well, we have that annoying text that shows kill streaks, but now it’s in the middle (I hope that is something we have the option to turn off). Likewise, note in the bottom right corner the “500 pts.” I presume that’s the points awarded for the killing spree. Finally, see the name of the game in the bottom right corner. It says, “MONIGHT TEAM SLAYER.” Not sure what that is. The video was shot before Monday, so that isn’t likely what it refers to.

Still, cool to see any new content for Halo 4.


Conan O’Brien talks Halo 4…

In case you didn’t catch it, tonight (4/1712), Frank O’Conner and Kiki Wolfkill were on Conan’s show. Now much was really revealed, but a funny sketch ensued.

Conan’s site for Halo 4: www.teamcoco.com/halo4 There you can find 4 videos. Two of the skit, the other two are behind the scenes. Enjoy!



P.S. In cased you missed it, there was a shot of a partially rendered view of the “loading dock.” BTW, the ship Frank mentions is actually the UNSC Infinity.

Halo 4 to release November 6, 2012!

Heh, I had this figured out a month or so ago. Noting that Cabela releases the same day and the last 3 Halo games have coincided with Cabela’s release date, it was just an educated guess.

Also, November 6 is the U.S.’s voting day. Likely many will either have the day off or be able to leave early to vote. This also means more time for gaming! Heh, I bet people will put in for that day off work and say they are voting, rather than the real reason of playing Halo 4!

Forbes is the source, though more will be revealed on Conan O’Brien tonight on TBS 11EST/10Cen.
