Halo 4 gamerinformer mag LEAKS! Fake or not??

It’s come to light that there have been a few leaked pics of the upcoming issue of gameinformer regarding Halo 4. I have no way to validate if these pics are real, however given the design of the mag, the writing, and the way the photos were taken, it’s more likely that this info is real than fake. 343 will not comment either way, thus adding to the suspicion by forum members on halowaypoint that the info is real.

Here  are the pics with a little bit of discussion along the way:

Above is the cover. As you have seen right here on my blog, this pic matches the front cover.

Above is a brief note on the return of Master Chief. The image indeed looks like the Halo 4 model of Chief.

Here we have the starting pages of the 14 page article. Note that it uses the very same background I posted this morning for use as a screen saver.

The following three pics show a two page spread with closer up shots of the text.

Note in the last one above the finger points to a new feature in Halo 4. This is “Forerunner vision.” It’s an ability to see through walls. Personally I think that’s going a bit too far for Halo. However, the good result is that it will at least show where people are camping. Doesn’t mean it’s going to be easier to kill those people, just that you’ll know where they are. That in and of itself though will have huge ramifications on gameplay. No longer will players go blindly waltzing into a trap. So while camping is a legitimate strategy, it’s likely not going to be as effective in Halo 4.

From this same panel we get the following shot that talks about Warhouse.

The next three pics show info about the UNSC Infinity, Spartan Ops, and Spartan Points. I’ll explain each after the three photos.

Okay, so let’s discuss those last three points.

UNSC Infinity: This is a 3km long ship that acts as a training ship for the spartans. It includes a huge holo room for training which transforms the room into the various maps we play on. In the last couple of days Microsoft/343 have bought various website domains regarding Halo Infinity. The Infinity is also explained as why Red Spartans fight Blue Spartans. Again, training. Whew, there is a mind blower…<–sarcasm. Of course it’s training, duh.

Spartan Ops: This is a 4 person co-op “mutliplayer” mode in a sense. With spartan points (explained next), you’ll be able to buy missions that you can play with your friends. This missions are independent of the campaign and center around Spartan IVs rathe than Master Chief. The missions will change though at this time it’s not known how often they will change. The thought is to keep people coming back to Halo for new missions and gameplay.

Spartan Points: Very much like credits from Halo Reach, Spartan points will allow you to buy armor. Beyond this you can buy the previously mentioned Spartan Ops missions. As well, you will be able to buy weapons to use in your loadouts. It’s not known at present if this means upgradeable weapons, though Frank O’Conner has stated there will be no upgradeable weapons. So it’s changeable weaponry to use in your loadouts, not upgradeable weapons themselves.

Now the last pics also shows that as you progress you will be able to unlock more abilities. Whew boy, that is going to piss off a lot of people.

Sorry to say, but Halo 4 is looking MUCH more like Call of Duty now folks. If you’re a CoD fan, you may like this. If you’re a harcore believer in the Halo core gameplay experience, by now you are no doubts pissed off.

As for me, I am kind of looking forward to the Spec Ops er um Spartan Ops missions. The explaination of why Red V Blue was unneeded but doesn’t appear to take away from gameplay, so I’m fine with the UNSC Infinity. Spartan points however, for what they are used for… I’m totally fine with using them for buying armor, so long as said armor doesn’t affect gameplay with upgrades. But to be able to buy weaponry that will make the game unbalanced? No way. Big mistake there.

Of note in the article, Sprint has become a permanent ability. I think that’s totally fine. Spartans SHOULD be able to run when they want. As for returning abilities, there is Jetpack, Invis, and Hologram. Not sure if these will be in loadouts or as equipment to pick up. I’m fine with the first too, but Hologram in my opinion needs to go. It also looks like Spartans will be able to up to 4 grenades now. Or rather maybe have 4 different types of grenades in the game to use. Not sure on that one.

Firefight looks to not be returning. Damn! I loved that mode. It was a nice way to pass the time while waiting for friends to get out of games.

A new game type called “Regicide” is a kind of spliced version of King of the Hill and slayer. No longer an actual Hill, the player who is the leading scorer is now the king and players who kill the king get a bonus reward.

Respawn looks like an immediate respawn with the tap of the X button. Now if this also means you won’t respawn until you tap the X button, I can see this abused right away. Let’s say you’re up by just ONE point near the end of the game. All of your team has just died to make it that way. So you all decide not to respawn, thereby winning the game by “cheating.” Hopefully that will be addressed if it hasn’t been already and that you will respawn regardless, just that you’ll have the opportunity to respawn quicker.

Lastly, In-Progress game entry. With this you will be able to join your friends if there is a spot open in a game already going on. That sounds kind of neat until you think of other ramifications. For those not wanting a loss on their record, they might join a game near it’s end, see the team is losing then drop out. Hopefully the quit ban will be in place for this.

All I can say after all of this is 343 has a LOT of explaining to do. BS Angel posted that she can’t comment on this stuff but the Frank will be and soon. Problem is “soon” to 343 is NOT soon enough to the Halo fan community.

I along with many others feel that this secrecy has gone on long enough. It’s time for 343 to come clean with info, especially in light of this leak.

If this info is all real, it’s going to have a mega impact on the fan community as well as the future of the halo franchise, be that for good or ill.


New Halo 4 Desktop pic, courtesy of gameinformer.com

So if you read my post on the weekly bulletin from Halo Waypoint, you would have found a link on Halowaypoint.com to gameinformer’s site and the pre-article about the upcoming issue. If you read that fully and went down to the bottom of the page you would have found a link to gameinformer’s Halo 4 hub.

Once there you can find a really cool background image that can be used as a desktop image. I’m providing that image to you…because I love you all. LOL

Click on the pic to make BIG!

Yeah, I know it is pretty cool, huh?


New toy reviews incoming…

While I continue to play catchup from my brief hiatus, just wanted to let you all know that there will be several new toy reviews to come over the weekend. Both Halo Mega Bloks and Halo McFarlane figures and sets will be featured.

So please, stay tuned!


Halo Bulletin from HaloWaypoint.com 4-5-12

Here’s the link to the full bulletin:

Here is my brief synopsis.

Every Friday 343 has a sit down to discuss the progression of Halo 4 and various aspects of the game. This past week’s discussion had some info about the new issue of gameinformer. During this discussion the gameinformer cover was shown. Here it is:

Decent enough, though I hope to gawd Cortana does NOT look like this in the final rendition of the game. She looks more Asian than her normal look. The hair is too dark and what’s up with the “arm warmers” on her arms? Hopefully this is just an artist’s interpretation or concept art and NOT some to represent the final. Back to the bulletin…

The next few paragraphs go over 343’s internal and external network test. They (343) utilized other Microsoft employees for this test. Take that with a grain of salt. At least two heat maps were shown so you can get a glimpse of how Warhouse and Wraparound are laid out. At least as of this bulletin.

From their Chris Lee, 343’s Lead Producer, chimes in, in this week’s OHI section with more info about the network test.

BS angel puts out the custom challenge for the week, this one using the Mass Driver from the end of the campaign mission Pillar of Autumn. As well, there is a special 39K credit jackpot possible in Arena.

Partial new look and FORUM!

I’ve changed the middle info bar to be able to read easier. I’m going to test this out for awhile, see if I like it and depending on any feedback may alter it again.

As well, I’ve added a forum to the blog. Once you’ve logged in, you may post away. I ask for pertinent threads/posts in the correct areas of the forums. Please also post with PG-13 in mind. Nothing graphic and keep the swearing down to a minimum. Also, it would be much appreciated if you would do your best to use proper English. Leet-speak and other internet “shorthand” can be cumbersome to the next reader to decipher, so be thoughtful of them.

I’m going to try and keep this part of the blog as open as possible, though if problem forum posters become an issue, they may be banned from the forums.

You can find the link for the forums on the right hand column marked “Halo Fan For Life Forums.” It’s brand new so give it a try. Mostly I want this to be an outlet for news stories I post on the main page. However, if you have some Halo related info you’ve found and would like to discuss, please do. I may even use your info as a news post, with credit to your HaloFanForLife screen name.

I hope you like the update and forums and PLEASE give me feedback. I’m new at creating a forum, so I’ll be updating/upgrading this as I learn more about forums and how to make them look visually more exciting as well a functional.


Back after a brief emergency hiatus.

For the better part of this past week I was away due to a family medical emergency. During this time I opted to take care of my family member solely hence why no new information has been posted.

Now that things are relatively back to normal, I’m back and ready to play a little catch-up as well as post some new stuff.

Thanks for sticking around even though you didn’t know why I was away.