A pic of the UNSC Infinity (home of multiplayer in Halo 4)

Just so you have it, here is a pic of the UNSC Infinity. I can’t wait to see more pics of this and hopefully some kind of detailed cross section of it too.

As always, click on it to get the bigger version.

Note the smaller vessels to the near bottom and near bottom right being dwarfed by the shadow of the Infinity itself.


Multiplayer canon explanation before Halo 4.

So by now you may have heard of the UNSC Infinity that will be the location of multiplayer matches for Halo 4. But what came before that? Well, since Infinity has a massive virtual reality (VR) room within it’s hull, it makes sense that multiplayer before this was also VR, in most cases. But where? Well, some might jump to say Reach, but that can’t be. Well, at least not for multiplayer in the original trilogy as Reach was glassed by the covenant and couldn’t be used for a much longer time than what passed between the end of Reach and the end of Halo 3 (considering that was less than a year’s time).

So I came up with a thoery that would explain this neatly. The following was in response to a post on Halo Waypoint.

The easy explanation for multiplayer before Halo 4 is that it was at another facility. Not on Reach though as it was decimated before the original trilogy (OT). Doubtful it would be another ship as well. So it’s most likely a ground based facility.

In fact I’d go so far as to say that all of the human based MP maps were “real” places. When you “died” your armor shut down, simulating death, thus allowing you to “respawn” elsewhere. For the Covenant and Forerunner maps, those would have taken place at a VR location.

Since we don’t really have another planet recognized as second to Reach in Military readiness, the next logical location would be Earth. Given the growth in population in Africa (as seen in Halo 2, ODST), it would make sense that the VR location would be somewhere outside of New Mombasa. The location would have to be far enough away from New Mombasa though so as to not be affected by the in atmosphere blast by the Covie ship in Halo 2.

So how about we fans create the backstory then? NM-VRCS or New Mombasa Virtual Reality Combat Simulator. VRCS would then be dubbed “versus” for short, thus connecting “multiplayer” further, because we have matches versus each other. The “C” in VRCS would have the “s” sound in versus, rather than the appropriate “c” sound. Though when saying the full name of the facility, it would retain proper pronunciation.

It’s tidy enough and wouldn’t need much if any further explanation.
So what are your thoughts and do you like my idea?