A new feature article, “Wishlist.”

I’m going to be posting articles on wishlists for Halo. Not just for Halo 4, but also for Halo toys and merchandise. These won’t just purely be lists of things jotted down. No, by now you can see that I like to explain things further out. So, I’ll be posting the lists and talking about why I’d like to see those things on the list made into reality.

I encourage you to participate and post responses. Not just a response to my list, but with your own lists and why they should become reality.

The lists I’ll be posting will include:

Halo 4:
Multiplayer map remakes
Armor permutations
Spartan Ops Missions

Halo McFarlane Toys (not just Halo 4 toys, but previous games that haven’t had certain characters made)

Halo Mega Bloks Toys (similar to McFarlane, but more for sets of things not yet made)

Halo clothing and other apparel

Other misc. Halo not covered above.

Look for these in the coming days and consider what you’d like to see. So get your thinking caps on and keep coming back. I’m sure at least part of what I’ll post will ring true with you.

Thanks for reading as always.