Sneak peek at Mega Bloks Snowbound set.

Brendon Sera-Shriar, Senior Community Manager, Mega Brands Inc. tweeted the following two photos of an upcoming Red Vs Blue Set. Traditionally these have been Target exclusives.

This is the tower from the Halo 3 map, “Snowbound.”

Given that there has been a new set of RvB found at a Target just a day or two ago, this set also makes sense as part of that line-up.

Two for me please! (Well, there were two on the Halo 3 map Snowbound, so it makes sense.)


Halo 4 trailer screenshots discussed further.

I took the following screenshots and in most cases composited them for discussion.

Here is the UNSC Infinity in wireframe on the holotable. Beautiful!

Who is this girl? She reminds me of “Jack” from Mass Effect (inset):

Hmm, what is this ship? It’s not a Pelican, Long or Short sword, Sabre, or Falcon.

On the Left an Officer of the Infinity (maybe the XO?). His name is Campbell. Then the Captain of the Infinity, Del Rio.

This lady absolutely seems like an ODST to me. I’ve dubbed her Sergeant Marge!

Did anyone else catch the Didact’s symbol on a computer screen of the Infinity, at the end of the vid you see the frame to the right:

Now going into game footage.

This jungle is VERY lush and well lit. Just take a few minutes to soak it all in.

Elite DISINTEGRATED! Gawd, I can’t wait to use these weapons!!!

Promethean Knights are the spawn of Megatron! (And make for good Jack O’ Lanterns!!) And WTH, it has 10 fingers on one hand!

It doesn’t teleport, it Thrusts!

This shot of a scoped in light rifle is awesome. Also note that the clip holds 15 shots. The number states 45. That’s how many shots you have left. At this point Chief had already shot at one of the watchers. I suspect the full magazine will hold 60 shots.

Sweet looking VISR mode (Or is it Promethean Vision). Again, not the Scattershot has 5 shots before you reload and 12 left. Considering there are three shots missing, it’s reasonable to assume that the full mag has 15 shots total.

Now, is THIS knight good? He has blue lines instead of orange ones like the one above. Also, do we have two versions of a crawler? Or is this just a different mode of a crawler. Kind of like a transformer.

In this shot, see how the Covenant CSS cruiser is DWARFED by the UNSC Infinity:

Wow, Cortana has definitely gone rampant!

In this last shot it was hard to see if Chief was holding anything. I lightened it. Looks like he’s holding NOTHING. OMG? Is Chief dead?

Well, I hope you like the shots and some explanation regarding them.


Halo 4: Info on Gameplay

HaloWaypoint has released the following information about gameplay in Halo 4.
Original link for info here (or you can just read it below…): Halo 4 Gameplay


Players can engage Halo 4 through a number of ways. In Campaign, players take the role of the Master Chief, the living legend of the Covenant War, a SPARTAN-II super-soldier wearing heavily modified GEN1 Mjolnir armor. Within War Games and Spartan Ops, players take the role of a highly specialized SPARTAN-IV super-soldier, deployed from UNSC Infinity and utilizing a state-of-the-art Mjolnir GEN2 armor system.

In both roles, players can leverage all of the expected abilities of a Spartan: power, speed, dexterity, and resilience far beyond that of a normal human. The player’s Mjolnir armor can also provide individualized specializations referred to as Armor Abilities, such as Hardlight Shield, Active Camouflage, or Jet Pack. SPARTAN-IVs can integrate additional armor modifications, such as Support Upgrades and Tactical Packages, which apply incremental yet valuable improvements to a Spartan’s combat functionality.


Much like the GEN1 armor that preceded it, Mjolnir GEN2 Powered Assault Armor offers component modularity, which enables users to add physical hardware to their armor, dramatically modifying their combat faculty and performance. The impressive aspect of this attribute is that Mjolnir’s firmware is capable of detecting and translating non-native technology, including the technologies used by both Covenant and Forerunner infantry units, such as the Hologram or the Hardlight Shield.


DESIGNATION: M805X Forward Acceleration System/Fulcrum Mitigating
MANUFACTURER: Lethbridge Industrial

The M805X Thruster Pack, similar to other EVA-focused thrust modules, is a movement acceleration system that mitigates the user’s need for a fulcrum or pivoting articulation. This ability allows the user to move quickly and aggressively in combat, whether closing the gap between the user and an enemy or finding cover.


DESIGNATION: Z-90 Photonic Coalescence Emitter/Aegis
MANUFACTURER: Unknown/Forerunner Origin

The recently recovered Z-90 Hardlight Shield appears to be a photon emitter that can fuse particles of light into a rigid, dissipative barrier. For Spartans who choose to integrate it, the technology functions as a full-size aegis-class, anti-personnel defensive shield.


DESIGNATION: Z-5080 Short-Range Spectrum Augmenter/Vision
MANUFACTURER: Unknown/Forerunner Origin

The Z-5080 Vision Modification system, colloquially referred to as “Promethean Vision,” is a short-range full-spectrum enhancement package that enables users to detect shapes and movement through solid barriers. Coupled with the VISR 4.0 tech suite, this software is one of the most formidable leveraged by GEN2 armor systems.


DESIGNATION: T-27 Responsive Holographic Form Emulator
MANUFACTURER: Materials Group

The T-27 Decoy package, referred in shorthand as “Hologram,” is a responsive emulator that generates an extremely realistic holographic copy of the user’s physical form and movement. Once used exclusively by the Covenant, this decoy technology has now been reverse engineered for Mjolnir armor systems, and is used as a ruse in the field to trick enemy infantry and armor into revealing their position, thereby placing them at a disadvantage.


The technological advancement to Mjolnir GEN2 offers Spartans a seamless integration of armor mods to improve their proficiency during battle. Among these are Tactical Packages: software updates that increase Spartans’ combat readiness and responsiveness when configured within their loadout. While Tactical Packages may appear to be marginal in their overall benefit, the pervasive use of them by combat-experienced Spartans argues otherwise.



Through a modifying bypass of standard performance regulators, the Shield Package reinforces personal energy-shield emitters, resulting in a substantially higher shield-recharge rate. After taking damage, Spartans will notice their shields recharging at a quicker speed than others who have not opted for this package in their loadout.


By alternating redundant magnetic streams at the rear of a Spartan’s armor, the Firepower Package overrides regulated loadout limitations, allowing users to carry two primary weapons simultaneously. For Spartans who prefer heavier or longer-ranged firepower over close-range versatility and speed, this package is typically considered imperative.


With the recent proliferation of Mjolnir GEN2 armor comes the leveraging of a variety of armor mods, capable of enhancing a Spartan’s combat performance in the field. Critical to these are Support Upgrades, ad hoc technology-based enhancements to a Spartan’s armor functionality when introduced into their loadout. Support Upgrades focus on augmenting combat resiliency during engagements, specifically over protracted firefights and combat scenarios.


The Ammo Upgrade overrides default Mjolnir safety and capacity protocols allowing Spartans to exceed suggested ammunition loads in the field. This upgrade is highly recommended for close-quarters engagement roles and any encounters that require excessive ammunition expenditures.


Although it violates general UNSC relay transmission regulations, the Sensor Upgrade increases both the range and sensitivity of the standard motion sensor. As it is most frequently utilized by stealth operatives and infiltration specialists, this upgrade provides heightened locational intel of all nearby enemies.


Facilitating relatively minor adjustments in an armor system’s HUD-distributed display mechanics, the Awareness Upgrade integrates the default motion sensor into all known scoped weapon smart-links, both native and exotic. Spartans engaging in long-range combat or sniper operations often rely on this upgrade to provide them with basic motion-sensor data while sighting an enemy from afar.


Through both War Games and Spartan Ops, personnel can effectively rank up, unlocking items, such as armor kits, components, and skins, for use within their custom loadouts. What’s more, Spartans earn points while ranking up that they can use to purchase items to improve their combat performance and abilities in the field.


As personnel within the UNSC’s Spartan branch advance in rank, they earn a wide selection of armor sets and individual pieces, which they can mix and match to reflect their personal tastes. In addition, they can outfit their armor with alternate skins to elaborate their field presence and identity. Some of the rarest armor sets and components can only be received upon completion of specific in-game Commendations, Challenges, or other Waypoint goals.


During the course of War Games simulations and Spartan Ops, drop pods can deploy ordnance into the field. Once on the ground, these pods are marked on the heads-up displays of all nearby personnel who can then acquire the weapons or power-ups for use against enemies. In some simulated matches within War Games, Spartans can earn and manually call in their own ordnance drops.

Spartan Ops pics!

Several new shots of the mission at the lava bridge in Spartan Ops have been released by HaloWaypoint! (Click to make bigger)

Aren’t they beautiful!!!

I made a map inspired by this two days ago. Whew, now that these pics have hit, I’m going to make THIS lava bridge.

Halo 4 parody of Star Wars movie poster.

I got inspired tonight to make this. I was just finishing my night of gaming when it hit me. The Didact Cryptum graphic released in the Press kit is what brought the inspiration on. From there I put it all together.

Here is it, followed by the Original Star Wars poster it was parodied after:

I think it turned out pretty darn good, if you ask me. Please, if you put this on your website, give me credit for the poster as: By Chris Salerno (


There are two names of squads in Spartan Ops…so far.

Originally the name we heard of the Spartan Ops squad was called “Majestic.” Then in the Halo 4 trailer from E3 we heard the name Crimson. Are they the same? Did Crimson replace Majestic as the name?

No. In fact they are two separate squads. Want proof? David Ellis of 343 tweeted as such:

So this leads to wonder if YOU will get to choose the name of your squad from a pallete of names, when starting a Spartan Ops mission.

If so, this could lead to healthy competition between squad of different names, as well as squads compared with same named squads.

Hmm, I’ll search to find out more.


UNSC infinity, 3.5 kilometers or 3.5 miles long???

There is some debate after the release of the trailer from E3 regarding the length of the UNSC Infinity. The trailer says it’s 3.5 miles long. Previous to this it was stated to be 3.5 kilometers long.

To illustrate both sizes, I’ve created two comparison graphics. I had to fudge the perspective in Photoshop to straighten out the Infinity since we as yet do not have a good clean side view of the ship. It’s close enough for this comparison though.

Here is how it stacks up against the UNSC Spirit of Fire, a Star Wars Star Destroyer, and a succession of Empire State Buildings turned on their side to show scale.

This is the Infinity at 3.5 kilometers long (click to make bigger):

This is the Infinity at 3.5 miles long (click to make bigger):

Clearly either way it’s gargantuan next to the other ships. Since the trailer stated miles and this is the newest information, I’m going to go with it being 3.5 miles long.

To show it against something real, here it is placed against midtown Manhattan (New York City, New York). The white line denotes 3.5 miles long. The UNSC would measure from Times Square all the way to the end of Central Park. Folks, that is MASSIVE!

Halo 4 snowy map “Longbow”

Longbow may or may not be the official title come release date, but for now, it’s how we know it to be named. Here are three screen shots of the snowy map as seen in the trailer from E3.

This is a great looking map that follows in the tradition of snowy maps. I’m VERY glad to see it coming for Halo 4.

Halo 4 default button layout.

Here we have  a pic of  a handout from E3 that shows the default Halo 4 button layout.

Looks pretty straight forward to me. Finally the use of the D-Pad.

I do hope (and assume) that there will be other button layouts available. Hopefully, we can program our own layout. I prefer the H3 Default/Halo Reach Recon layouts myself.

Still, for long time Halo players, this should be easy to figure out and use.

Halo 4 Infinity Multiplayer screenshots.

Here are some screenshots I chose that showcase the video. I’ve compilated some due to same or similar references.

First up UNSC Infinity’s size. It’s been said to be both 3.5 miles long and in the video 3.5 miles long. SO which is it??

The Infinity’s holo display:

343 did a great job with this title bar. I wonder if it will be in the game or if it’s just for the vid?

Spartan Ops Screens. These will be in the game, or so I hear.

Here are two shots of the exciting new Lava Base map. (Not the official name):

The lower pic of the lave map reminds me of “Mustafar” from Revenge of the Sith.

More Spartan Ops Screens. This time Credits and Ranking up:

Unlock weapons. (I assuem this is for use in Spartan Ops as the Battle Rifle is readily available in Multiplayer (War Games):

Armor Customization screens.

Note that the upper left corner shows what armor is able to customize:
• Helmet
• Chest
• Left Shoulder
• Right Shoulder
• Arms
• Legs
• Visor

This is the same amount as Halo Reach, however the difference is that in Reach you can change your Wrist attachment and Leg equipment. Whereas, in Halo 4 you can change the armor of your arms and legs. THAT is much MUCH better.

Screen shots from the War Games video

I took the liberty of taking some screenshots from the Halo 4 “War Games” video and adding some written commentary. Some helpful, some funny…

Hmm, what is the name of this map?

Here’s the boost meter for the ghost.

Double assassination! (Click to make bigger)

Calling in a weapon. (Awesomesauce!!)

I’m lovin’ the visor “flashing!”

Disintegration! (Finally no bodies to fumble over)

And finally, take it like  a MAN!