Going to Houston Halo LAN tomorrow.

I’ll be going to Houston, Texas. From tomorrow afternoon, until Tuesday morning, posts on the blog may be infrequent. I’ll try to blog from the LAN.

The LAN itself is being hosting by one of my friends “RM Samurai” from the gaming group I belong to.

The group is “Rated Mature.” Most of the members use a “RM” tag in front of their names. I’m a special case, yeah yeah, I know… Anyway, if you’d like to learn more about the group, feel free to check us out at: ratedmature.net  (Be CERTAIN you have .NET and not .com. I’m not responsible if you go to the .com site. That’s not ours and is NSFW.) We have fellows comign from all over the country. One from Philly, another from Chicago, one from San Antonio, another from New Orleans, the three already in Houston, one very special guest from Montreal, Canada and yours truly coming from Pittsburgh.

I’ll be taking lots of pics and will blog those when I get back. We’ll be playing Halo of course all weekend, with breaks for eating. On that note, I’m making the lunch and dinner for this Friday. On Saturday, we plan to see the Alien prequel, “Prometheus.”

In the meantime, please check out more older articles if you’re a newer reader here and get caught up on, with HaloFanForLife.

Upcoming, I’ll have another article on “The Science of Halo, Fact versus Fiction” after I get back from the LAN. Also, I’ve got a whole new series of articles coming titled, “The Races of Halo.” This series of articles will delve into the different races humanity has encountered in the Haloverse. Of course those will mostly be Covenant races, however, I’ll go back further and take a look at the earlier incarnations of human races, as well as the Forerunners.

Have a great weekend folks!

-Sal (HaloFanForLife)

New views of McFarlane Series 1 Halo 4 figures.

McFarlane has released different views of the figures I posted previously. CHeck them out (as always click to make bigger):

First up is our main hero: Master Chief

This armor has really grown on me. He’s svelte, yet still looks like he could kick your ass. The packaging really highlights him too.

Next we have this AWESOME Elite Zealot.

Just check out the detailing here. Spikey thorns coming from his back, horns from the back of his helmet. The Elite looks MUCH more like a Demon. Odd, since that’s the name Elites have for Master Chief. I LOVE this new look. They look badder, meaner, more terrifying.

Our loveable Grunts all grown up and MEAN:

This look is a bit different from what we know as typical grunts. While the methane tank on the back is close to some of the grunts in Reach, it’s the delivery system to the grunt itself that is different. Gone is the mouth mask, replaced with a nose hose. Also, the skin has certainly change. I think for the better. I like the enemies mean. Though I’ll miss some of the goofy stuff the grunts have said in past Halo games.

Now we have our first multiplayer “War Games” Spartan. It’s the Red Warrior class Spartan. There is also a Blue one in this wave, however McFarlane Toys have not yet released photos of that figure.

I like this armor. New, yet somewhat reminiscent of the typical Mjolnir armor we know.

Finally the first boxed set of this new series of Halo figs. Master Chief and his Cryo tube.

Looks like the same Master Chief as in the single carded figure. However notice this one has the new Sticky grenade pistol, while the carded one has an Assault Rifle.

I think the packaging for the box set looks a little bland, but I’ll for sure get one. (I open almost everything anyway, so packaging almost never matters to me.)

These are due in August, 2012. MSRP is around $12-13. Check your local retailers and e-tailers for prices.