We CAN haz fileshare!!!

HaloWaypoint.com has finally added Fileshare to your Halo career! Woot, now you can once again create screenshots and download them to your computer. I’ve been waiting for this. So far it doesn’t look like you can render films though. Hopefully this will be rolled out soon.

Go to www.halowaypoint.com. Log-in, click on the tab at the top that shows your gamertag. From there click on the tab for fileshare and view.


Spectator mode in Halo 4, needed?

The ongoing debate between MLG and casual/competitive (non-MLG) gamers rages on.

In the article at the link below there are veiwpoints from both the MLG community and a non-MLG gamer regarding Spectator mode in Halo 4.


For the record, I could care less if Spectator mode is in or out. As a competitive/casual gamer I see it as something fun, though also a crutch and “cheating” in a sense. My take on MLG players wanting it tells me that they want that crutch to get any advantage they can over their opponents. Granted everyone would have this ability to use, but still, isn’t it really cheating? If you’re SO pro, then you should NOT need Spectator mode.

MLG, please, do the rest of the Halo community a favor and quit trying to change a game to your liking. You are a small portion of the overall gamers out there. You have no relevance to this gamer’s longevity in Halo.

Yes, all the other games in MLG may have spectator mode. So what? That doesn’t make Halo any lesser of a game because it doesn’t have it. In fact, it makes it even MORE of a competitive game because you have to have better situational awareness rather than relying on a mode that allows you not to think as much or prepare for any situation the other team may be throwing at you.

Kudos to gunn3r11 for once again writing a great article.

New pics of McFarlane Micro Ops revealed.

The official blurb from HaloWaypoint:


McFarlane Toys expands its long-running, best-selling line of Halo collectibles this fall, with the addition of Halo Micro Ops. This all-new series consists of miniature figures, vehicles, and locations from the entire Halo universe, at roughly 1:100/15mm scale.

With such a wide range of product sizes to cover, Micro Ops is available in three different packages. Small carded sets include vehicles like the Warthog and Ghost. Larger carded sets offer bigger vehicles such as the Falcon, or smaller buildings like the bunker from the Halo 3 multiplayer map High Ground. Larger buildings, including the tower or gate sections of High Ground, are packaged in a Micro Ops small box.

Halo Micro Ops delivers the whole package, with all of the amazing detail and game accuracy that McFarlane Toys is famous for. Take a look for yourself!

And now my take on the pics…

Hello folks, I’m back from my gaming group’s LAN party in Houston and raring to blog. First up are some new images that have surfaced, showing the McFarlane Micro Ops line, due out later this summer.

I’ve already shown my own pics of these from New York Toy Fair this year. However, these new shots are clearer and closer and “official,” form McFarlane Toys themselves.

First up is the ODST Drop Pod.

As you can see by the Quarter next to it, it’s quite small, hence the “Micro” part. It looks good. Lots of detail. The only thing I’m left to wonder about is why a seating ODST wasn’t included? Beyond that though, it’s cool to see the braking antenna is removable as well as the front door plate.

Up next is the Banshee.

A nice little set, it comes with an Elite. It’s such a shame though that the full size action figure version of this was never mass produced. It was outstanding to see at Toy Fair. Alas, we’ll have to live with having it’s much smaller cousin. (Which is quite nice in it’s own right)

Ah, the iconic Warthog and mongoose.

A really good looking set. A Spartan Driver each for the vehicles, with an ODST at the gun mount. This set looks to be a multiple purchase! Now I wonder just how long it will be before we get the Gauss and Rocket versions of the Warthog?

It’s not Millennium, but it is the Falcon!

With spinning blades, opening cockpit to reveal a pilot as well as a marine and another Spartan, this set is well done. This could potentially be a multiple purchase.

I see dead vehicles, er it’s just a Ghost, oh and a Wolf Spider Turret!

This set comes with the Ghost, and Elite driver, the Spider Turret, and…EMILE! Woot! Not sure if anything is articulated on the Ghost, however, as you can see the turret at least opens and closes.

Next are two High Ground related sets. The lower portion is the Bunker with a Shade Turret.

The Shade turret looks fantastic. I hope we see this again in another set. The Bunker however? Well from the angle of the shots it’s hard to tell if there are the appropriate “windows” on the front side. Though it does look like it in the lower right portion of the right pic. This does show that the trap door is facing the wrong direction though. It should be 180° turned around so that the door opens away from the corner, rather than to it.

The High Ground Gate.

A big set for the Micro Ops, this set also includes a Warthog from the looks of it. The Gate opens and closes, though it doesn’t look as impressive from the other side (I know as I saw it at Toy Fair). Still, if you want to build a scene of High Ground, this is a great place to start.

All in all, I’m looking forward to this series. I hope it does well enough so that I can get certain vehicles. If you check my post about Micro Ops from Toy Fair, you’ll see a LOT more upcoming sets!
