Halo 4 marketplace up and running. (Sort of)

Follow the link and go to the full site for a really cool interactive menu:

Halo 4 Marketplace

Here is a partial screencap of that menu:

The monitors on the right and left have gifs running on them. Watch them for the Didact’s symbol to appear on them. In the middle you can choose from the lower portion:


Above each of those are the various components you can view further. I chose Cortana to display as she makes the most sense as a Hologram.

Now, you may note this graphic is dark and it is when you view it on the page. However, I took this image into Photoshop and lightened up the background to show more of the detail. Here is what I got:

I understand that the focus of the menu is the middle, but dang, I wish they’d have shown it the way I lightened up as. It shows just how much more work went into the menu.

Go pay a visit there and post a comment here on what you think about the menu. More may be likely to come through that link, so I’d suggest bookmarking it.


HaloWaypoint bulletin 6-28-12

Halo Weekly Bulletin

Okay, I don’t want to be negative here, so let me just point out one thing in the bulletins that I wish just weren’t mentioned.

The stupid food references. Why must we know about 343’s gorging lunches? Okay, they may deserve those lunches for their hard work. I won’t begrudge them that. But why do WE need to know about it? Please, this is a Halo bulletin. Let’s stick to that please.

Okay, enough of that. Moving on.

Super Crunch time: In the bulletin it’s talked about that development is ramping up even further. Campaign is playable though still needs polishing. Spartan Ops is in a similar state as are the first 10 multiplayer maps. Hmm, I’m just a little worried here. They’ve been working on this for three years now. It really is indeed super crunch time. I would have thought by now that all the multiplayer maps would have been done. Campaign as well. I hope the date doesn’t get pushed back. If so, 343 would suffer a huge debacle over that. I have faith in them though.

The live action “Forward Unto Dawn” series is done shooting. Now to editing. A clip of it will show at SDCC this year.

At this point I’m going to copy the next part of the bulletin which discusses the multiplayer map: Longbow


LOCATION: Northern regions of the planet Concord.
DESCRIPTION: Located in the northern polar region of the planet Concord, the frigid climate and unique gravitational conditions provide an optimal perch for Longbow Station’s channel-based mass drivers. Before the Covenant War, the UEG launched deep space monitoring relays from here in an effort to study far-flung star systems.

From Sidewinder to Containment to Snowbound to Avalanche, Halo has a long multiplayer map history speckled with various virtual snow-filled expanses. That history continues into Halo 4 with Longbow.

The goal of Longbow was to create a playspace that showcases one of our new (and unannounced) game modes. Early in development, we considered several options, including making it something like a big Arecibo-type telescope built into a valley.

We experimented with having extremes of Fire and Ice on opposite sides, but ultimately decided a glacier theme fit better with the spectrum of themes from other maps. The look and feel really took off from there to be distinctive and atmospheric.

We wanted a big engineering effort that connected to the war or the resources needed for the UNSC, so when looking at the designers’ initial idea for the map from the top, we began thinking of a Y-shape or loop shape that accommodated this single big machine—a magnetic launcher that works on similar principles as a MAC Cannon. It was an interesting case of trying to make a symmetrical map area feel natural and almost accidental, while still telling an epic sci-fi story.

Brand spankin’ new Longbow screenshot 1!

Brand spankin’ new Longbow screenshot 2!

Brand spankin’ new Longbow screenshot 3!

We then had to develop solid visual markers so the players could understand where they were. Each side is a very similar plan and path, but distinct enough to get a peripheral sense of being in a distinct “zone” in the map.

At one point, we flipped the direction of the entire map. The center building of the launch facility moved north to be a better landmark, pointing the launcher’s arms out over the ocean. It’s much cooler to look at, and better for the players’ orientation.

Longbow supports both infantry and vehicle play. On foot, players will notice it’s mostly a mid-to-long range map with pockets of close range combat in and around the base structures. However, there are plenty of vehicles (currently Warthogs, Mongooses, and Ghosts) and routes through the map that will make fans of vehicular combat happy. /end copy/paste

I have to say I’m VERY happy about this map. I’ve enjoyed the snow related maps thus far. Snowbound was fun and Avalanche was just a blast to play in BTB (especially for warthog drivers such as myself). It was a real shame that there wasn’t a dedicate snow map in Reach.

Next is some info about the first ever Rooster Teeth Expo (RTX). July 7-8, 500 East Cesar Chavez, Austin TX. 343 will be there showing multiplayer and some small new announcements.

Back to Comicon (and a copy/paste of this section)

Comic-Con International
Comic-Con International 2012 will take place July 12-15 at the San Diego Convention Center (111 West Harbor Dr., San Diego, CA). We’re excited to announce that Halo 4 will be playable on the floor, and we’ll also be presenting the following panels, the first of which will feature the premiere of the Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn trailer. Additionally, you’ll have a chance to receive special prizes at the booth and meet the creative visionaries behind Halo 4 and Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn during special signing events!

Thursday, July 12, 4:45pm – 5:45pm
The Fiction of Halo 4
Room 6BCF, San Diego Convention Center
Halo 4 heralds the return of one of gaming’s most iconic heroes, the Master Chief, in a new, epic sci-fi saga. Expanding and enriching the narrative, 343 Industries, with very special guests, will share how the development of stories across the Greg Bear Forerunner saga, the Karen Traviss Kilo-Five trilogy, Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, Halo 4 Campaign and Halo Infinity Multiplayer have become connective tissue for Halo 4. Don’t miss the exciting premiere of the Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn trailer as well as Q&A with our special guests!

Panelists: Brian Reed (Franchise Writer, 343 Industries), Armando Troisi (Narrative Director, 343 Industries), Brien Goodrich (Cinematic Director, 343 Industries), and Forward Unto Dawn’s director, cinematic director and writers (to be announced) Moderated by: Frank O’Connor (Franchise Development Director, 343 Industries)

Saturday, July 14, 3:15pm – 4:15pm
Halo 4: A New Campaign and Halo Infinity Multiplayer
Room 6DE, San Diego Convention Center
Halo 4 marks the beginning of a new saga in the blockbuster franchise that has shaped entertainment history and defined a generation of gamers. Developed by 343 Industries, get a glimpse at how they have taken Halo 4 in new directions, introducing an ancient threat and the Master Chief’s greatest challenge, as well as an innovative and fresh new take on multiplayer in War Games and Spartan Ops.

Panelists: Kiki Wolfkill (Executive Producer, 343 Industries), Josh Holmes (Creative Director, 343 Industries), Frank O’Connor (Franchise Development Director, 343 Industries), Chris Haluke (Lead Designer, 343 Industries), and others to be announced soon Moderated by: David Ellis (Spartan Ops Designer, 343 Industries)

Don’t miss this opportunity to get hands-on with Halo 4, and stay tuned for more details as the event gets closer. /end copy/paste

Next a custom Challenge is set and the weekend Super Jackpot revealed. Sorry if it seems I’m a little lazy on that part. Being an Inheritor in Reach (since LAST July) it becomes increasingly unneeded for me to attempt these challenges. I’m already sitting on more than 36 million credits with nothing to spend them on and earn between 12-15K on average credits a game…On that note, I wish 343 would have made at least a couple new armor variants that were high prices for those of us who hit Inheritor. (By the time you reach that rank and if you’ve purchased everything else in the armory you will already be sitting on more than 10 million credits. Ah well…

And that’s the end of the bulletin and this article. I hope you folks enjoyed the shortened version here. Let me know by leaving a comment below.


New pic of Mega Bloks UNSC Infinity.

MEGA Brands recently went to 343 industries and showed them this beauty of a set.

If you go back to my estimation of size just a few articles ago ( Mega Bloks UNSC Infinity possible size??? ) it’s looks like I was pretty well on target, with exception to the tail fins, now seen in the photo above. Also of note is that the forward outer bricks may be removable. Note in the pic you can now see some of the interior of the set in the front sections where as the boxed pic doesn’t show that.

Look toward the rear of the craft (left middle of picture) and you can see what looks like a docking port for spaceships (the blue-ish blok area). Hmm, is that a mini Cortana in the person’s hand? The size of this ship is awesome. There are tons of “greeblies” or small pieces on the set that really help to accentuate the detail of it. I can’t wait to get this set and spend hours of fun building it!!!

One last thing to see in the photo, that isn’t this ship…look at the monitors in the background. Folks, that’s the main menu of Halo 4 you’re seeing there. A pic of this has already been leaked. Now having seen it in this photo, it fairly well confirms that pic.

Beyond this info, Brad from MEGA Brands on the MEGA Bloks fan page on Facebook stated this was the first in a series of  the new “Signature Series” line.

Here’s the pic of that for proof:

Are you folks excited for this set?? (Please feel free to leave a comment below)