There will be 10 maps for Halo 4 AT LAUNCH!

Want proof? See below:

Quoting Frank O’Conner on his post from NeoGaf:

“10 is only referring to non forge maps/environment.”

Hmm, so is this besides the additional maps you get with the limited edition? Wow, if so, then we’ll have near 20 maps, PLUS Forge World maps.  Uhh, I think I just fainted.

E3 Halo 4 trailer discussion and screenshots of Campaign part 2.

Here are the final screenshots I took of the trailer.

A Promethean Knight staring Master Chief down:

Cortana (looking good might I add.)

Master Chief and are those Spartan IV’s in the background?

Another Knight? This one looks different.

My NEW favorite vehicle. The UNSC Mammoth!!! (Just look how big it is with the Warthog in front of it.)

Cortana gone rampant???


E3 Halo 4 trailer discussion and screenshots of Campaign

Moving onto screenshots from the campaign…

Our first shot shows the new HUD. Very clean looking and doesn’t interfere with the viewing area.

This next shot shows the HUD again, now with Cortana is the upper left corner.

Just look at this lush jungle!

Zoomed in. Note the truncated nose of the Jackal. Well it appears so anyway. And there are the new style grunts.

Shooting with the AR, note the splash on the visor, very cool touch.

A Promethean Knight

OMG, it just ROWR’d at us! (Awesome)

The Pro/Knight uses a “Light Shield”

More disintegrations please!

Wow, Forerunner weapons PHASE together when picked up!

Another Forerunner weapon, the Scattershot. It’s the Forerunner shotgun equivalent:

Hmm, it’s this the new VISR mode or Promethean vision?

Yet more to come! LOTS MORE Halo 4 coverage today/tonight!!!

E3 Halo 4 trailer discussion and screenshots of live action and cutscenes.

Wow, was the trailer amazing. The graphics look years ahead of anything else out there. The campaign looks simply amazing. New weapons, enemies, and just, wow!

Here are some of my favorite screenshots from the trailer (with some discussion regarding specific ones) (Oh and apologies for the quality of some of the shots. Hi-res hopefully soon to follow):

Here’s a shot from the live action portion of the trailer, though this is obviously CG.

The UNSC Infinity looks amazing. (But wait there is more of her later)

Look at the size of that thing!

Seriously, it’s gargantuan compared to the UNSC frigate to the left and those are not slouches in size.

As the UNSC Infinity gets sucked into the Forerunner shield world “Requiem,” some vehicles inside get tossed around. In the next two shots we see a new vehicle, the “Mammoth.”

The UNSC Infinity getting sucked in:

The ship makes it’s final approaching crash landing on the planet:

Hmm, who is this figure at the bottom of the above shot???

It’s Master Chief of course!

Isn’t she a thing of Beauty? (Below)

Wait, Master Chief hears then sees something:

What could it be?

OMG?! A Forerunner Sphere!!

Next post: Campaign Gameplay!