Halo LAN Party: Houston June, 2012; Part Four Days 3, 4, and 5 (last day of LAN)

Before I continue with Day 3, let me back up to day 2 for a moment to note that I made lunch and dinner for the folks. Lunch consisted of Caprese sandwiches. If you don’t know what they are, allow me to explain. It is a snadwich with tomato, a thick slice of mozzarella cheese and basil sprinkled with olive oil between two slices of thick cut Italian Bread.  I had to slightly modify the sandwich as the local grocery store only had French bread.

Dinner was my “famous” Italian Pepper Steak. Strips of round steak with an herb and garlic salt rub browned in a pan of olive oil. From there I add crushed tomatoes, then slivers of green peppers and onions. Checking frequently to make sure the sauce doesn’t boil down. While this is going, I have rice boiling. When it finished, I served it up to 10 people (the most I’ve ever made this dinner for). Everyone liked it, some even saying they “loved” it. With full bellies we continued gaming until the wee hours of the night.

We did stop briefly so the Midget Herder coudl present us with Halo Mega Bloks series 5 figures, which I evenly distributed among those of us who collect them.

Saturday morning (the third day of the LAN) saw MidgetHerder having to leave early for a business party back in San Antonio, while RM Dexter (one of the founding members of RM) arrives.

We get started with gaming after Dex got there. Midday, Sam grilled up some delicious hamburgers and hot dogs. Not that cheap stuff either. More gaming ensued and we again played until wee hours of the night.

Sam and Dees during an epic double match:

Sunday morning saw Dees leaving

then midday saw Snowblood having to leave. With the remaining crew, we continued on gaming having pizza for dinner. Oh, I should note that Sam bought a HUGE amount of snacks and drinks for the LAN. I think he overbought though, LOL. Instead of eating a ton of snacks, I killed most of a bag of Elk jerky that his dad made. (Wow the best jerky I’ve ever had!!!)

Monday, Day 5, the last day. Sad as it was to end, I was missing my wife, dog, house and bed. Before Dex and I went to the airport, Sam gave me a ride in his SWEET AS HELL Shelby Mustang!!!

I say my goodbyes, getting in a shot with GQ:

This last photo of Sam, me and Dex is just before leaving to go to the airport:

Dex and I were waiting together at the airport for our separate planes to arrive and chatted a bit.

From there I was off again to Pittsburgh with a lay-over in Dallas again. This part was uneventful. From Dallas it Pittsburgh day changed to night and it was very cool to see from the sky as cities came alive with lights.

I landed safely in Pittsburgh…only to come off the plane and slip slightly on the metal ramp, twisting my ankle. Ah well, I had a great time and at least the accident happened at the end.

I want to give my sincerest thanks to Sam and his family for hosting the LAN. It was a HUGE success in my book and something I and those of us who went will likely remember forever. Folks, this is the kind of thing that brings gamers and groups even closer. I’ve known Dex for more than 4 years now and this was the first time I met him in person. The rest I’ve known for various lengths of time. All of them I know quite a bit about their families through talk in game lobbies while waiting to be matched up.

If you’ve never been a part of a LAN, I HIGHLY suggest doing it. It was awesome to meet the folks I’ve been gaming with for years and gaining memories that will last my lifetime.


Halo LAN Party: Houston June, 2012; Part Three more RM members arrive

Day two opens up with Sam and Dees going to pick up RM Snowblood (coming from Philadelphia) at the airport. In the meantime, RM MidgetHerder shows up (coming from San Antonio).

Oh and I forgot to mention, Dees hails from New Orleans.

Snowblood arrives and we get starting gaming for the day:

He’s gaming splitscreen with our newest member RM GQJones007 (Sam’s son and an exception to our rule of under 18 members):

“Dude, no pics!!!” (GQ):

Sam looks tired in this shot…

Just look at this MASSIVE 82″ HDTV Sam games on. Impressive, MOST impressive:

Here’s where I gamed during the LAN:

Speaking of, this is Sam’s collection room as well and here are some more pics of it (click to super-size):



As you can see Sam has an impressive and various collection of Star Wars, Halo, Marvel and DC toys.

Here are Sam and Dees after winning a game:

The motley crew on the second day of the LAN:

L to R: RM Midgetherder, HaloFanForLife1 (me), RM Samurai, RM Snowblood, RM GQJones007, RM Dees

Next LAN post, days 3, 4, and 5 (last day).

Halo LAN Party: Houston June, 2012; Part Two Arrival and the LAN starts

Part two continues my journey and the details of the LAN itself.

My first leg of the plane trip has me seated next to this elderly lady. Not an issue, until she opens her mouth…She just wouldn’t shut up the whole time. Okay, I’m a talker, but this lady out talked me. I grin and bear it, knowing I’ll be in Houston soon. I have a layover in Dallas. The lady says goodbye and I’m left on the plane as the only passenger moving on to Houston. Well, that is until the folks in Dallas board the plane. This leg has me seated about 4 rows in front of a screaming child the whole time. Yikes. Again though, I know I’ll be in Houston and this part of the plane trip is only 45 minutes.

BTW, did I mention it was 67° in Pittsburgh when I left? Well, when I get to Houston is 93°. Damn folks, that is hot. Or at least a major change in temperature. I keep my cool (pun intended) though as I know I’ll be in an air conditioned vehicle soon and from there the LAN destination.

My friend RM Samurai (Sam) picks me up in his HUGE Ford truck, along with his son and another member, RM Dees. We take a short jaunt to Taco Bell, then head to RM Samurai’s house. I’m a little jet-lagged, but not too bad.

Now to say everything is bigger in Texas…I’ve heard it my whole life not really believing it…well, if not everything, then many things are bigger. Sam’s place is awesome. A ranch house form the outside, you’d never think it had that much room on the inside. Beautiful cathedral ceilings, a huge living room, oh and flooded with toys on bookshelves. I was in a little slice of heaven (being a toy collector myself). I met Sam and Dees wives and then we got to gaming!

Here are Sam (in orange) and Dees gaming on the BIG couch (with Dees’s wife looking on):

I didn’t game as late as I wanted too being lagged and having a headache so I called it a night around Midnight.

Sam’s parents live right next door and I was offered their guest bedroom for my stay in Houston. Folks, they do it up right. The guest room was better than any hotel I’ve EVER stayed at in my life. Nice Queen sized bed high off the floor, large bathroom with two sinks, separate room for toilet and large walk-in shower with seating at the front and back of the shower. I’m not a great sleeper no matter where I’m at, but I did get a good night’s sleep here and knew I would the rest of the trip.

Day Two in the next post…

The Halo Bulletin 6-20-12


The Halo Bulletin 6-20-12 by BS Angel

Or read it here:
Meat, Meat, and Moar Meat
So we meat again

Yesterday, as the sun began its customary descent, the savory smell of perfectly seared steaks wafted through the studio. Amidst the watering of mouths and rumbling of stomachs, a steady stream of 343-ers followed the smell of smoke and grilled meat out the back door and into the warm summer evening to enjoy a feast of meatacular proportions.

You see, every Tuesday evening one of the many teams that comprise 343 cooks dinner for the entire studio, and last night it was the producers’ turn. While it could be the haze from the beef-induced coma talking, I’d just like to take a second to say their meat gave me great pleasure. So much pleasure, in fact, that I’m not sure there’s anything next week’s team can do to top it. Well, I can think of one thing, actually: moar meat.

While I could easily craft 9,001 words about steak alone, Frankie just informed me I should throw you a few Halo-related bones. So, I have two rather tantalizing offerings for you this week: the return of the Halo: Reach File Share system and a cursory introduction to Crawlers. Let’s tackle the latter first, shall we?

Halo 4 Crawler

Meet Your Halo 4 Enemies– Part 2: Crawlers

The Prometheans are a powerful and mysterious element of the ancient Forerunner Warrior-Servants whose forebears fell from power following the Human-Forerunner War. Some of the remaining Prometheans appear to be tasked with defending the mysterious alien world we’ve recently shown you, along with its payload of terrifying secrets and emerging threats. Much like the Covenant, the Prometheans feature a variety of different unit types, each one utilizing unique tactics, technology, and abilities to create dynamic combat scenarios unlike anything you have ever encountered in Halo before.

One of those unit types is the Crawlers.

Promethean Crawlers are impressively armed Forerunner machines, capable of both close-quarters and long-range combat. They generally travel in large packs, are engineered to ferociously hunt down and eliminate any foreign threats, and represent the most extensive and abundant “native” enemy on Requiem.

Crawlers can be spawned by Watchers, who literally conjure the Crawlers’ raw forms from the material of the planet beneath their four little feet. While Watchers protect Crawlers, Knights treat them as fodder, relentlessly spawning them at a rapid-fire rate. Crawlers act like a skirmishing unit, harassing the player at the Knight’s bidding.

Halo 4 Crawler

While they often fulfill the role of Promethean fodder, not taking a group of Crawlers seriously would be a mistake as they work together in strategic coordination to overwhelm enemies from every possible direction. As Frankie so eloquently said at E3, killing them is like popping bubble wrap… until there’s a thousand of them. Then it’s deadly bubble wrap.

Individual Crawler types include the basic unit, a more heavily armed unit, and a deadly, long-range unit. The heavily armed variant is tougher than the basic unit and is more likely to charge in and melee attack. As far as the long-range unit goes, imagine a sniper round tearing through your visor, and you’ve got the basic notion.

The initial idea for the Crawler came from a desire to add something fresh to the Halo sandbox. We hit upon the quadruped design early on, and that visual design drove their behavior. Their movement is based off familiar quadrupeds like wolves, with a little bit of insect mixed in.

Halo 4 Crawler Animation Prototype

To get the Crawlers’ movement style nailed down on walls as well as on the ground, we did a fair bit of prototyping (as seen in the above video). The goal was to have something that felt recognizable at first look but quickly went in unexpected directions with its motion and abilities. Crawlers are fast on the ground, often bounding in as a pack. When they move around on wall-like structures, their legs spread out and they skitter on the surface like angry glowing laser-bugs.

When you see a Crawler, there is an initial sense of familiarity. Once they scurry up a tree, open their mouths, and release bullet-filled howls that pierce your soul along with your face, though, familiarity turns to fright as you realize these are alien creatures. And deadly ones, at that…

If you’d like to hear more from two of the people that had a hand in designing the Crawlers, check out the newest Sparkast where Systems Designer Matt Findley and Lead Animator Stephen Dyck chat with your velvet-voiced host, David Ellis, about bringing the Promethean enemy class to life.

      Download Here
 (Right Click and Save As)


Halo: Reach File Browser

Halo: Reach File Share

Three months ago, we announced that Halo: Reach File Share access was coming to the web version of Halo Waypoint this summer. Sometimes, though, things don’t go according to plan, which was the case with this particular endeavor. We gently released it into the wild yesterday, not realizing it was 24 hours before the first official day of summer. We’d like to sincerely apologize for not sticking to the original plan. We’ll be out back, anxiously (and perhaps excitedly) awaiting our lashing.

For now, let’s go over the basics of how to use the Halo: Reach File Browser.

Halo: Reach File Browser

To access your personal Halo: Reach File Share, log into Halo Waypoint and click the down arrow at the top of the screen (the one just to the right of your super 1337 gamertag). After pulling down your Career menu, select the third box, titled File Share. There you will find the screenshots, game types, films and map variants you’ve uploaded to your File Share.

Halo: Reach File Browser

From your personal Halo: Reach File Share page, you can also view your File Sets, download history, and tag history by selecting the applicable options from the drop-down menu.

Halo: Reach File Browser

To access the general Halo: Reach File Browser, hover over Community on the top navigation bar, and then click File Browser from the drop-down menu. There you can browse the screenshots, game types, films and map variants created by the collective Halo: Reach community.

Halo: Reach File Browser

Within each file type, you can search by tag, and filter by file type, map, game mode, time, and relevancy. You can also choose to view the files in a grid, list, or gallery.

Halo: Reach File Browser

When you select an individual file, you can see the name of the file, along with the rest of its metadata (description, author, and date taken). There are several actions you can take from this page, depending on the file type: Send to Xbox, Download/View Full, Add File to your File Share, Report as Offensive (cue Rule 34), and Like. You can also email, Tweet, and Facebook the file, should you so desire (I know people totally dig seeing their feeds full of Halo: Reach files. True story).

Halo: Reach File Browser

My favorite feature of the Halo: Reach File Browser is being able to view a full-size screenshot, and then using my keyboard arrows to surf other files. To do this, click the Companion Cube-like box under the “View” choices, and then tab left and right through the files via the arrows on your keyboard.

The Halo: Reach File Browser and File Share are available on mobile, tablet, and desktop, just like the rest of the website. Comments were not carried over from Bungie.net, as that was not part of the transition, and there are no comments available for Files in this iteration of Waypoint. Recent screenshots are also not currently available, although we hope to add them in a future release.

To provide feedback or report bugs, please visit the Halo Waypoint section of our forums.

Halo: Reach Screenshot

Custom Challenge of the Week

Last week, while a Custom Challenge of the Week was active, Frankie wouldn’t stop talking long enough for me to announce it in the Bulletin. Thus, I have decided to keep the same one going for another seven days so everybody can have a shot at killing their favorite confetti-filled cannon fodder.

So, from last week (cough) until next Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time, setting up a Custom Challenge with Grunts as the type of kill will result in five times the usual multiplier. Between that and this week’s Weekly Challenge, that means you can get (does math quickly in head) a heckuvalotuv credits in a not-heckuvalotuv amount of time. Hooray!

Halo: Reach Screenshot

Super Jackpot Weekend

If bipedal vertebrates are not your thing, fret not because we also have a Super Jackpot weekend coming up. Starting on Friday, hopping into the Anniversary FFA and Rumble Pit playlists will present you with the chance to receive a 34,300-credit bonus. The festivities end on Sunday, so if you’re the independent, Lone Wolf type, make sure you play June 22-24. Your armory thanks you in advance.

And that wraps up yet another edition of your Halo Bulletin. Until next week, or RTX. As long as you choose one of those, I’m perfectly fine with either decision…

bs angel

P.S. I can neither confirm nor deny that I owe you several Friday Caption Fun pictures. I can tell you, however, that I happen to have several Friday Caption Fun pictures for you. Select your favorite, then hit the latest installment to contribute your witty quip. Off you go!

Friday Caption Fun Friday Caption Fun

Friday Caption Fun Friday Caption Fun

End Copy/Paste. I’m VERY glad to see the file share back. The info on the Crawlers is cool. I didn’t think it was that big. The animation of it looks fantastic. I’m not much of a Lone Wolf, so I won’t be doing this custom challenge. Speaking of captions, I’ll be starting up a caption post as well. It will be weekly, though I don’t know if it will be released on the same day, so you’ll just have to keep checking back… Thanks for reading as always.