Halo Escalation 19 in now available!

The next issue of Halo Escalation hit comic book stores today.

Here is the official text from Darkhorse:

An unexpected ally joins a team of Spartans for a dangerous operation—a secret mission into a hidden Forerunner world where the mysterious site known as the Absolute Record awaits!

Now check out the cover and the first 5 pages of the book, previews courtesy of DarkHorse. That last preview page tho!!

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A few of Concept Artist Kory Hubbell’s, of 343, artwork!!

As you long time readers know, I absolutely LOVE concept art. Seeing where ideas came form is an amazing process to me. Sometime things look close to how they were originally envisions, sometimes they turn out completely different.

Regardless, without concept artwork, the process would come to an abrupt halt.

Below is just a sampling of what Kory Hubbell has done for the Halo franchise:

The following two are concepts for the busts that come with the Halo miniatures board game, produced by Spartan Games (convenient name, huh? LOL). Continue reading

Halo Dubs – Episode 3!

The following video has mature language. Anyone under 18, please do NOT watch. HFFL take no responsibility for this video. This is just a reposting of it.


Check it out and give ducain23 a sub!

Don’t know about you, but I’m finding this series pretty funny, cussing aside.


Got Warzone questions for 343?

Yesterday, Bravo put up a thread on HaloWaypoint for fans to ask any questions they have regarding Warzone. There are 16 pages worth.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t look through them all. But there are some good questions in there. I did skim through the first 5 pages though.

Have a look and see if there is a burning question you have regarding Warzone that hasn’t been covered. If so, post that puppy!

Follow THIS LINK to the thread on Waypoint.

Revealing the story of Halo 5 Guardians’ Campaign

This is a reblog from gameinformer: 

Over the last fourteen years, countless stories have been told within the Halo universe. We’ve followed humanity’s struggle against the alien Covenant, the god-like Forerunners, and the parasitic Flood through the eyes of a wide roster of characters. Much of it has been told in a variety of media, but whenever there’s a new game it moves everything forward in a major way. Halo 5: Guardians promises to do just that.

Franchise development director Frank O’Connor and writer Brian Reed sat down with us and explained the inner struggles and backstories of our heroes and villains and the overall big picture of the upcoming chapter in the Halo saga.

Awesome fan Locke v Chief art

i saw this via a retweet from BS Angel. imageThe artist is Jamie Gee as you can see by the signature. You can follow him on Twitter at @Pero_Magic.

He’s got some other cool renderings on his profile, so I suggest checking those out and giving her a follow.

If you have some cool Halo art of know of someone else that does, please shoot me an e-mail at [email protected]. I enjoy promoting other fans artwork and giving them another venue to display their work.
