Marty O’Donnell puts out remix of Covenant Dance (for free)

Marty O’Donnell, THE MAN, when it comes to Halo music put out a remixed track Covenant Dance. The track is really futuristic in sound and could be a dance hall tune. (Well, except for the occasional announcer voice saying medals and such during the track.) LOL

Feel free to listen to it here:


or download it here:

Enjoy and let me know what you think of this remix.

Halo 3 MOD. Putting Covenant and UNSC into Forge.

Normally I don’t like to post MODDED content. However, when it’s stuff like this that doesn’t affect matchmaking and is just for fun, I’m happy to oblige.

I did not create this. I have no clue how to mod.

This does make me wonder…if someone outside of Microsoft/Bungie/343 can mod the code to do this, why can’t we have it like this in the actual game?

I’d LOVE to be able to set up custom Firefight modes with whatever AI I’d want to use.

It’s unlikely that it will be in Halo 5 Guardians, but one can only hope.
Thanks to for tweeting this out.


Highlights from last night’s HFFL Community Night, via Kennigma’s Twitch stream.

Here’s the twitch stream from last night’s HFFL/Podcast Evolved mixed Community Night.
Kennigma was to be the other guest host on the podcast, but couldn’t make it. Though she did make it for the game night portion and streamed it, thankfully for us.

Below is the link to the full 2+ hour gaming session that she was in on (though it lasted for several more hours after that). Continue reading

My guest spot on Podcast Evolved.

The following ‘vid’ is audio only, though it contains the full 1:30 minute of the cast.

Lots of fun and interrupting ensued!
I’ll have the download link shortly if you want to listen to it later.


The Halo Bulletin 7-10-14


There are only three weeks between E3 and the Rooster Teeth Expo, which means we always have to do a bit of hustlin’ (no, not that type of hustlin’) to get ready to come and see everyone in Austin. This year, we grabbed designers, producers, a Hoberman and threw them onto a panel, grabbed some in-house professional Halo players and threw ‘em on a truck with original Xbox consoles and TVs, brought Halo: The Master Chief Collection (for your eyes only), and we flew down some exclusive gear. A few weeks later, we were in Austin and ready to party with all of you.

Continue reading

HFFL Community Night tomorrow AND Mixer!

I will be a special guest on Podcast Evolved tomorrow. They stream live starting at 6pm.

Right after the podcast, we’ll be going into Halo 4. Podcast Evolved will bring their folks and I hope that some of you folks will join in with me so that we can have a good turnout for a mixed community night. We’ll likely play a few games against each other’s communities, then mix the teams up with some from each group on each team.

HFFL Community night starts at 8pm and will continue on until Midnight EST.

If you want to join in on the fun, message me on XBOX Live at GT= HaloFanForLife1

I hope to see you there!


Halo Toy Review: Mega Bloks Micro Fleet Falcon

MB grey logo
Mega Bloks Mirco Fleet Falcon: Set #97341

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 2 minutes sorting, 5 minutes building (this includes my time stopping to take pics for the review)
Set Piece Count: 70
Minifigs: Mark VI Blue (Halo 4 style) with removable armor and added shoulder/elbow articulation
Weapons: Sniper Rifle
Accessories: Mini Snowbound Turret, removable back helmet baseplate.
Price: $13-15 (I received mine at no cost from Mega Bloks)
Special Features: Rotors spin.

And on with the pics! (Click pics to make BIGGER) Continue reading