Of Halo leaks and theories.

Yesterday, I reposted the supposed leak from a supposed insider. A couple of people questions why I would do that and if it were appropriate for my blog.

The short answer is YES. However, let me explain.

On Friday, when the news broke of Halo 5 Guardians, we were all generally excited. It had been leaked the night before that we would hear of some news, just not specifically what that news would be. Did that take away from the news for me? Not at all. In fact it got me even more excited as I figured I wouldn’t be blindsided by info and could quickly share it with all of you good readers.

As evidenced on this very blog, theories abounded about the name, the concept art, and more. It was fun to guess, make conjecture, etc.

Fast forward to yesterday when someone wrote out a “leak” of what Halo 5 Guardians’ plot would be and what would be in multiplayer. Along with this Frank O’Connors reaction to it.

As a Halo fan, I would want to know if a leak happened, and more so, if the leak were TRUE. As a Halo blogger, I felt it my DUTY to report this news to you folks and repeatedly make mention that this news was NOT confirmed by 343.

While it may be disappointing to those at 343 (and understandably so), leaks happen in MANY industries. I see this happen very often in the toy industry. What does bother me is it seems that once again, 343 ids ill prepared to handle such leaks, be they true or not. Yes, in a perfect world, the developers themselves would be the ones to announce the news of their game. To do this, they really need to vet their employees more fully as well as those who play test for them, as the leaker claims to be one of.  Regardless of that though, many of we fans have starved for ANY info about the next Halo game. Friday’s reveal was a great start, but was very minor in actuality, despite the coverage it received, here and elsewhere.

What we fans do NOT want to see is 343 once again ignoring stuff like leaks. Frank’s plea is a mixed bag with folks. Go on any number of forums and you’ll see people both for and against Frank on the issue. For the record, I completely understand Frank’s frustration. However, I do think he could have handled it more diplomatically.

As an example, it might have been said this way:

We are still more than a year from release of Halo 5 Guardians. Any information that comes from a source that is not 343 and/or Microsoft needs to be treated as rumor. 

He could have also gone on to say:

This information is rather all encompassing. Some things may come to pass while others may not. It is still too early for us to discuss any of the finer details of the game as we are in development of it. In the months ahead, we will reveal things in due time.

Something like either of those statements would quell the leak somewhat. One issue though is that there are many fans who are leary of not having a straight up answer from 343. When you consider what they talked about before Halo 4 was released, then what we got in the game, there is reasonable cause for pause here. We asked of the “perks” rumor. They denied it or tried to twist it around, yet that’s essentially what we got.

There are other things I could go on about. The pint being, people are not as quick to trust when they have felt some varying degree of being “burned” or “deceived.”

As a person who has nearly 20 years in marketing, I’ve see whole ad campaigns, that have been in the works for months or longer, utterly destroyed by just ONE bad PR incident. Pro/competitive players are curious about what Halo 5’s multiplayer will bring. Is it more of the same? Will we have ranks again? Ranked and Social Playlists? And again, the list could go on. Halo Lore folks, like myself, are really jonesing for any information about what the next campaign will be.

So, YOU have to decide for yourself. Did this leak HURT or HELP Halo 5? It is my opinion that even if this information is wrong, it has still created more of a stir for the game. That can only be a good thing. Of course, if you believe all of that leak, you may well be in for a surprise and/or a let down. So do yourselves a favor and do not take it seriously. Until/Unless 343 refutes it, it should be considered rumor/conjecture/supposition by someone.

As to those questioning me personally about having that info on the blog… As I expressly said it should be considered rumor, not official, and the like, I think I’ve made it abundantly clear where I stand on this. With respect to those questioning me, is there any harm in reporting this? How am I any different than the likes of IGN for instance? Is it because they are a HUGE site that they are allowed to report on this? I should hope you good readers would actually appreciate reading this at a fan’s site, than one of the mega gaming news sites that posts the story for news fodder and moves on. I am very much entrenched in Halo. You see that on a daily basis when you come here to the blog. If I thought posting that would ruin my credibility, might I have considered posting it? The answer there is NO. I still would have posted it. Why? Well to put it bluntly, this is MY blog. I pay for it. I didn’t leak this info. I just reposted it.

One BIG reason why I created this blog was because I was being censored or held back at another Halo site I was heavily involved with. I want to share everything I can and in a responsible way. If I was being responsible about the leak article, I would have said it was true or something along those lines. I hope you all think and know better of me than that.

So you won’t find me apologizing for reposting the leak. If anything, it may just keep 343 “honest”. Meaning that they are more under the gun to deliver clear, concise, and timely information about Halo 5 Guardians, rather than try to keep things so secret. That approach failed them miserably with Halo 4. I think most of us would agree that we don’t want to see Halo 5 fail either. Especially because 343 can’t handle leaks or PR incidents.

I’ve said repeatedly that I only wish the best success for 343 and I still mean that.


The Halo Bulletin 5-22-14


It’s 2:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time on Friday, March 16. HFFL: Sorry for the interruption, Bravo. It was May, not March. Okay, carry on. After about an hour of sleep, my alarm goes off, but for the first time in weeks, and possibly months, I don’t hit the snooze button. Instead, I jump out of bed, throw a hoodie on, grab my backpack and keys, and I’m out the door. After a quick, foggy-eyed drive down the road, I swipe my badge at the door, and find a (mostly empty) studio, with a few fellow members of the Community team already at their desks. It was time to announce the title of the next installment in the legendary saga of the Master Chief, Halo 5: Guardians.

Last week’s announcement was, as Frankie said, a big weight off of our shoulders. For nearly a year, you’ve been wanting to know more about the future of Halo on Xbox One, and being able to finally announce this title, along with releasing some visuals, was exciting to say the least. Seeing the immediate response, analysis of the visuals and name itself, as well as all of the new discussions that emerged was overwhelming. We were thrilled to join in on the long-awaited excitement and conversation for the first time since last year. We’ll be able (and can’t wait) to share details about what’s coming for the Halo franchise in 2014 in just a few short weeks at E3.

HFFL: Hopefully, 343 will address the leak by the supposed insider. Either refuting it, confirming parts of it, just please do not completely IGNORE it…

Last week, we released some exclusive Halo 5: Guardians wallpapers (you can snag ‘em here), and today, due to requests from you, the community, we prepared wallpapers of Friday’s concept art from our very own Sparth. Download below, and beautify your screens.


Desktop – 1024×7681280×7201920×1080

Windows Phone – Surface – Android – Android Tablet – iPhone 5 – iPad – iPad Mini – iPad 2

Next up, we’ve got some Matchmaking goodies as well as community creations. Let’s dig in!

Matchmaking Playlist Update5-21_voting800-7b135c7c17664724a86751311ed0c805

Last week, we sat down and brainstormed about which King of the Hill game types we could include in the Community Choice Poll. During a quick run down memory lane (which is fairly common for a Community Choice Poll brainstorm), we stopped at Halo 3’s Mosh Pit, and immediately knew that it had to be included for community consideration. Apparently you did as well, as the game type earned nearly 80% of your votes, and will be included in the King of the Hill playlist this coming Monday. Once you’re done BBQ’ing with the family, jump into the Mosh Pit. Actually, it may be best to wait 30 minutes after eating before doing so.

Additionally, we’ll be adding Stealth King to the playlist. The game type is quite different from traditional King of the Hill – each player is equipped with a Sniper Rifle, Plasma Grenades, and the Thruster Pack. Oh, and all players in the Hill have Active Camouflage. If it sounds crazy, it absolutely is, and we hope you enjoy this new fun game type during King of the Hill’s reign as our featured playlist.

HFFL: A variant of Stealth King was playable in Halo Reach. I’m definitely looking forward to playing that game type.

We’ve also added several new game types to other playlists – included in this list is the following:

  •  Added Oddball to Team Doubles
  •  Added Neutral Flag to Team Doubles
  •  Added Neutral Flag to Team Heavies

To enjoy these new experiences in Halo 4 Matchmaking, jump in and try ‘em out!

The Master of Master Chief Makeup
We don’t often get the chance to talk about makeup on The Bulletin, so we were excited to see Elsa Rhae’s absolutely incredible makeup and face painting skills highlighted on thechive.com. Elsa is in a category several steps above that guy who can slap a set of kitten whiskers on your little sister at the county art fair. Of course, we’re particularly impressed by her Master Chief face paint, but you should check out the rest of her impressive breadth of work at her Facebook and Instagram or even take a master class from her, courtesy of her YouTube channel.


Community Spotlight Shines Againcommunitymember-spotlight_800-d47056deeb2a4f488b2fb439d9273340

The acclaimed and mysterious author of our Community Spotlight recently returned from their sabbatical. The weeks spent on a moisture farm near Tashi Station have treated him them well and the series returned this week with renewed spirit!

This week, learn all about Mastrbiggy from HBO’s news team and look forward to future installments of this bi-weekly series.

HFFL: Just once, I’d love to see a fan spotlighted who ISN’T from one of the huge sites. No offense to any of those sites. However, they have well more than enough publicity and members. I wish 343 would take a page from Bungie when Bungie used to spotlight small sites/groups/etc. Some of those sites are just as dedicated to Halo, even if they aren’t as big/popular/as well staffed/etc. I can think a several I’d like to see be spotlighted who I think are deserving of it, given their passion and dedication to Halo. (And no, I do not mean me, though it of course would be an honor.)

Screenshot Spotlight: Shotgun
Last week, we turned the spotlight on the Sticky Detonator. Take a gander at the following Shotgun screenshots, and maybe even find inspiration to make your own.

Screenshot spotlight 5-22-14

HFFL: From this gallery I like the following: “Spark of Life” and “Enter the matrix”.

For your chance at being in the next spotlight, take a screenshot from a King of the Hill match and then tag it with “KotH” and “Halo Waypoint,” and maybe, just maybe, yours will be featured in the next Halo Bulletin!

And with that, this week’s Bulletin comes to a close.
Until next week,

HFFL: Is it me or are the bulletins a bit sparse of late? Hopefully they are saving up for E3 in just a few short (LONG) weeks….


Halo Concept Art: Halo Reach Environments Part 1 of 3

Today, we explore some of the environments of Reach. As I have nearly 40 concepts to show, I’ve decided to split this up into 3 articles. There is a good mix of campaign and multiplayer environments awaiting! As always click on them to make them MUCH bigger.

Let’s get right to it!


Anchor 9 seen in the campaign mission, “Long Night of Solace.” I know I keep using many of the same words when describing these concepts. The point is, it’s true. Detail is KING is the above concept. There is so much visually to take in with this concept that if you’re looking at it for less than 30 seconds, you’re doing an injustice to yourself. The design, texture, shading, scale and perspective brought together to make this a true work of art.

haloreach_environment_boneyard_by_isaac_hannafordhaloreach_environment_boneyard_undership_by_isaac_hannafordThe campaign and invasion map, “Boneyard” is one of the biggest maps we’ve had in Halo to date. The map itself was somewhat under utilized. As the campaign level, I found myself sticking more to the left (open-cliff side) of the map. As the Invasion map, it was mostly the middle and base side of the map being used. However, there is a LOT more to it. The concepts above show us work areas in varying states of use. The one showing the larger area of the map gives us the overall sense of grandeur that the map has within, while the close-up pic gives us a glimpse of the minute detail Bungie put into it. Both are well done with contrasting highlights and shadows.

haloreach_environment_defiant_concept_2The two concepts above are a couple of my more favorite ones from Reach.  So rich in color and texture. Of note, we see that the map originally did NOT have a center floor to it (top pic). This is why that area had low gravity to it. The low gravity remained, while a floor was put in. The bottom pic of the two is just chock full of detail. The space changed very little in it’s base design from what we got in the final, other than adding a partially disassembled Sabre in it. I had LOTS of fun on this map and hope this kind of map returns in Halo 5 Guardians. 

haloreach_environment_defiant_concept_3Glassing at it’s worst. We see first-hand the devastation by the Covenant via the glassing ports of their starships. This is something I wish we would have seen up close, rather than from afar. It certainly had the potential to have us be more emotionally involved in the story. We did get some of this during the campaign, just not enough, IMO. As for the art, striking color contrast between the red/browns and purple make for a very visually compelling rendering. While it’s horrific in the act, there is a strange sense of beauty to the art itself.

haloreach_environment_defiant_concept_4Let this concept sink in for a minute. Do you know where it is? Hint, it’s NOT in the campaign, though it could have been. It’s a part of the Spartan training area on the multiplayer map “Highlands.” What I like about this piece is the mix of natural and man-made elements. The mesh together quite nicely. The overgrowth and damage to the facility adds a whole other level of realism to it. I was happy to have this map in matchmaking. Though, I think I might have preferred this version, versus the cleaner version we got.


haloreach_environment_defiant_concept_6Here we have the largest of the Firefight maps for Reach. Unearthed. This industrial mining yard was expansive. I wish Bungie would have map it a multiplayer map as well. The concepts great. The top one being very believable as an actual place. The bottom shows us part of the map that’s out of bounds. Simple in texture, the art still clearly states the size of the map. BTW, it IS possible to get outside of the playable area and see the rest of the map. Has to be done through theater though. If I had a capture device, I’d be able to show you. Hopefully one day, I’ll have that. I’ve wanted to make SO many videos, not just of reach, but Halo 4 as well.

haloreach_environment_environment_concept_01_by_ryan_demitaHere we are at the beginning of the mission, “Tip of the Spear.” This concept is gritty in design and very earthy in texture and color. Note that quick shading techniques were used here to convey shape and size. BTW, did you know that in part of the cut scene for this, you can hear the infamous “Wilhelm” scream? It’s when thee warthog following you, with marines in it, doesn’t make the jump. One of them makes that scream. It’s a great homage to theater of old.

haloreach_environment_environment_concept_02So where is THIS dark place? Could it be the base where we stave off several waves of Covies? The one where we along with Jorge go inside and secure the base and wipe out several Elites at the end of the mission? Whether it is or not, I would have LOVED to have played on this map. I like dark maps in the campaign. It adds suspense. The art above clearly shows that as dusk is giving way to night. 

haloreach_environment_environment_concept_04For the last image in part 1, we have the destruction of the UNSC Navy in space orbiting the planet Reach. When we first saw similar images of this prior to the release of the game, via trailers, we were left to wonder about the Spartan’s voice we heard. In the meantime, we saw the effects of planet-wide devastation at the hands of the Covenant.

Remember Reach!

Tomorrow, we’ll continue with more environments of Reach. After the third part, we’ll switch to environments of Halo 4.

I know I ask this, which means I’m sincere about wanting to know, are you enjoying these concept articles? Anything about them you don’t like? Let me know. Your opinion may help me decide how I write these in the future.

Reply below. If you’re not already registered, it’s FREE to do so. Click on the tab in the main menu to learn how to register as a subscriber to HFFL!


Halo 5 Campaign/Multiplayer leaked??? Take with a HUGE grain of salt!

This has not been confirmed (or denied) by 343. So please take this with a huge grain of salt. The supposed insider has said they have played H5’s campaign and multiplayer.

If what they write is to be believe, then 343 is throwing everything but the kitchen sink into Halo 5.

Read on, potential spoilers. Again, THIS HAS NOT BEEN CONFIRMED. So do not take it as truth.

Click on each part to make BIGGER.


Source Link

Please folks, do NOT tout this as fact. Even Frank O’Conner himself is a bit POed at this “leak”. Does that mean it’s real? Until/unless 343 states it is or isn’t, take it as something fan made and NOT to be taken seriously.



I made a guest appearance on Podcast HD.


Last night, 5/20/14, I made a guest appearance on a new podcast called Podcast HD. This is for the site HDDispatch.net. Their site is about Halo and Destiny. I was asked to join them in discussions about “The Master Chief Collection” as well as Halo 5 Guardians, with theories abounding.

Take a listen.


or download here:

It was nice to sit back and hear others as excited about Halo as I am, without me having to direct the podcast.

Thanks to “Fantastic Jackie” for the invite to join them for the cast.


Halo Concept Art: Halo 4 Weapons UNSC/Forerunner

Following up on yesterday’s weapons of Reach, we’ll take a look at some of the weapons of the UNSC and Forerunners in Halo 4. I’d suggest pulling up both windows to compare the weapons/art.

First the UNSC weapons:

The BR is back! Much to the happiness of fans, 343 put the BR back into Halo. The design is sleek. The cool greys of the art make this weapon feel like a cold hard machine of war.

halo_4_battle-rifle-arctic-skinNew to Halo are weapons skins. Above shows the Arctic weapon skin for the BR. This was available through pre-ordering from Gamestop. It became available through the Halo 4 Game of the Year edition. There were some really great skins to come out of Halo 4. I hope in the next game skins can be recolored as well.

A concept of the nuke and on the underside of the Broadsword.

halo_4_bomb_warhead_sm_by_paul_richardsA more fleshed out and color version of the nuke. There is some good use of shading and highlights here.

Here are some of the base concepts of the bomb.halo_4_magnum_by_josh_kaoThe magnum’s basic shape hasn’t changed drastically from Reach to Halo 4. It’s still very recognizable as the standard UNSC Magnum.
The Railgun is new to Halo, with Halo 4. I like the look of this and the feel of power. It does remind me of some of Bungie’s UNSC ship designs.

halo_4_saw_concept_by_josh_kaoHere we have the SAW. The squad automatic weapon. It looks very much like the old Tommy-guns of the early 20th century.

halo_4_saw_thumbnails_by_josh_kaoConcepts of the SAW. I like the version we got in the final.


halo_4_turret02_by_paul_richardsThe auto-turret in Halo 4. This is most prevalent in Dominion. Though not a large shell based turret, it has the look of a Howitzer from the mid-20th century.

From greyscale to color to detailed concepts these show the progression of design and color choice.

Let’s take a look at some Forerunner weapons.

The Incineration Cannon, arguably the most powerful handheld weapon in all of Halo, this concept is similar to the in-game version. The addition of red lights into the final version gave it a much more powerful feel.

This is a beautiful rendering rendering. Not much more I can say about it. I’d love to have this as a print.

halo_4_forerunner_suppressor_by_josh_kaoThe Suppressor is the Forerunner’s Assault Rifle. This design is very futuristic. VERY Forerunner. 

halo_4_light_rifle_concept_by_josh_kaoThe Light Rifle is another of the sleek elongated weapons. I like the design. The thing that is different with this weapon than most others is the hovering scope.

halo_4_scattershot_concept_by_josh_kaoThis is the Forerunner’s rapid fire shotgun. More bulky than other Forerunner weapons, this is a great weapon for up close combat. Now doesn’t this kind of look like the UNSC Infinity with a trigger grip?

halo_4_forerunner_portable_automated_turet_by_albert_ngAnd finally for this article, the Forerunner automated turret. This weapon, while not terribly effective, does keep enemies at bay. That allows you to take down those enemies. It’s a different design and a little bit of a departure from what we know. VERY cool design.

Tomorrow we’ll start to take a look a various concept art from places in Reach. Followed by Halo 4 locations.



Halo 4 campaign screens and hijinks.

Last Friday, after the epic day of Halo 5 Guardians news, I sat down to play the whole Halo 4 campaign straight through with friends, MixMaker117, Dijabouti, and SESpider.

“Mix” recording it all using Elgato and took some screens from the vid. Here are some of those screens, followed by a short vid with some fails and hijinks. As always, click pics to make bigger. Enjoy!

H4 Cryptum hole
This is the space below the Didact’s Cryptum, when you first encounter him.

H4 Infinity Jungle
The lush jungles of Requiem. I really love the look and feel of this. I think 343 did an amazing job here.

H4 Stalactites
Then we have these stalactites. Great detail!

H4 Mantis v CoviesAboard the UNSC Infinity’s out deck, taking on the Covenant. I really enjoy this part of that mission. Blasting Covenant foot soldiers, Phantoms and Banshees out of the sky!

H4 On the EdgeI’m on the left here, with Dij next to me and Spider next to him. BTW, all screens were taken by Mix.

H4 Punching LaskyThat Lasky can sure take a punch!!

H4 About to get blown upIt’s about to get “blow’d up!” LOL

H4 4rnr liftHere is one of several Forerunner lifts. It’s beautiful in it’s lighting and detail. Another place were 343 really did a great job of design.

H4 Infinity edgeI showed the fellas this peak by which to see the UNSC Infinity better. So we stopped and took a picture before blowing up more stuff. I’m in the middle here.

H4 Johnson Easter EggDid you know Sgt. Johnson is in Halo 4? At the beginning of the mission “Shutdown” kill all of the UNSC personnel. At that point, Johnson will appear with Shotgun in hand, trying to blast you away. He’s quite good at it too! We lured him up the ramp to the awaiting Pelican. Then someone killed him… Alas, Johnson dies in just about every Halo game, LOL.

H4 Cortana ummmUm, Cortana, that’s not a normal field inspection.

H4 Halo RingEven though we do not get to visit a Halo ring, it’s still nice to see it form afar in the campaign.

H4 The ComposerFlying in with our Broadswords to take down the shields! I’m SO glad that space (flying) missions were included in Halo. Starting with the Sabre in Reach and now the Broadsword in Halo 4. I hope those continue in Halo 5 Guardians. (And from what I suspect, they will and even more so.)

H4 Didact bubbleThe evil Didact readying the Composer. Or is he waving “Hi” to us?

H4 Chief sucking his thumbWaaaa, I don’t wanna fight the Didact, says Chief while sucking his thumb! (Alternate LASO ending!! not

H4 Use the Force DidactUse the Force, Didact! Honestly, when the hell did the Didact get force powers? Likely he’s just manipulating the metal within Chief’s armor.

And now for the hijinks vid:

I’ll be making another Halo 3 campaign run soon with the fellows. Expect screens and vid then too.


Optic Gaming announces it’s Halo roster!

Okay, this video came out a few days ago. It was overshadowed by the Halo 5 Guardians new. Now that that has died down a little, it’s time to bring you some other Halo news as well.

The team announced will be Flamesword, Snipedown, I Got Ur Pistola, and Ace. Along with that, their coach will be Strongside.

This team will CLEARLY be a force to be reckoned with. With many pro championship between then, recently with Ace being first and “Ola” being second in last year’s, Halo 4 Global Championship.

Take a look at the official announcement by Flamesword.

This is some exciting news folks. For those who have wanted to see Halo come back to pro gaming, this I feel is likely the best shot for it. The team is so chocked full of talent. Hopefully this will give rise to more pro teams for Halo and once again Halo can be a premiere game on the competitive circuit!

Thanks to Tom Bradford for e-mailing me the link to the vid.


Halo Concept Art: Reach Weapons

This short ride through takes a look at UNSC hand-held as well as larger weapons of Reach. As always, click on pics to make bigger!

haloreach_equipment_unsc_weapons_firearms_assault_rifle_concepts_by_isaac_hannafordThe assault rifle went through several iterations of design before the final was chosen. In the compilation above, we see how much of the same basic shape ws present in most of the designs. As well the top grey/bottom black color palette was used throughout. 

Some of those designs are really pretty cool. One of the more radical designs above would be second column fourth row. Still has the look of an AR, however that lower part is quite a bit different from what we know and is a different color. My favorite of these,not including the in-game model, is in the first column, second row. Very similar to the in-game model, with a few extras.

haloreach_equipment_unsc_weapons_firearms_battle_rifle_concepts_by_isaac_hannafordThe name of this piece includes “battle rifle”. However, we can tell that there is at least one sniper rifle and what looks to be an AR as well. The others did not in fact become the Reach style BR, but rather the DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle).

Note the similarities of each DMR design. There is however just enough redesign of each to differentiate them from one another. Very clean concept work as was the AR graphic above this.

haloreach_equipment_unsc_weapons_firearms_dmr_concept_by_isaac_hannafordHere we have a close-up of one of the DMR concepts. What is decidedly different it the strap. Given that weapons are stowed via magnet, it would have been a little odd to have this strap in the final. Of the art itself, there is a great deal of detail, especially towards the front of the rifle. Once again clean lines, highlight and shadow make for a crisp design.

haloreach_equipment_unsc_weapons_firearms_m6g_magnum_sidearm_by_isaac_hannafordThe Magnum. Simple in color, it still is able to give the sense of power to it.

haloreach_equipment_unsc_weapons_firearms_m41_ssr_mav_aw_by_isaac_hannafordNow this concept of the Rocket Launcher is impressive. The color application, detail and shading really bring this design to life. While some consider the rocket launcher a “noob” weapon, I still see practically everyone use it, LOL. I know it’s saved more more than a few times on the virtual battlefield.

Here are a couple of concepts of the shotgun. Essentially the same design, with the main difference being the elongated barrel of the top one. The 3/4 rear view is done with exquisite perspective to it.

haloreach_equipment_unsc_weapons_firearms_m247h_heavy_machine_gun_by_isaac_hannafordThe heavy machine gun up top we know was Jorge’s weapon of choice. This version shows us more of the mechanics of the weapon that we might not have taken time to see while playing the game.
Below that, the Grenade Launcher, itself a new addition to the lexicon of Halo, as of Halo Reach. At first it looks like a sawed off shotgun. The grip/hammer/trigger sections of the Grenade Launcher look to me like something out of the Old West, but modernized.

As you can see from both, Bungie continued to had exceptional concept art.

haloreach_equipment_unsc_weapons_firearms_m319_individual_grenade_launcher_by_isaac_hannafordA closer shot showing the detail of the Grenade Launcher concepts. What really add to these concepts is the subtle texture designs employed throughout the rendering. Scuffed metal near the “hammer” and trigger section, slight mottling of the dark portion of the barrel, as well as patterns on the top and bottom dark grey parts give this a realistic, more “lived in” feel to the concept.

haloreach_equipment_unsc_weapons_firearms_wav_m6_ggnr_by_isaac_hannafordThe Spartan Laser! This weapons saw some redesign. The biggest tell all from early concepts is this color change. While ultimately it went back to it’s normal color, the steel or brushed metal look has a more utilitarian look to it. It’s shape says Spartan Laser, the color does not. I’m glad Bungie stuck with the olive color.

Now let’s move on the large weapons. (Not the hand held kind)

This sketch is a concept of the automated defense platform that is seen in the massive cave where Halsey’s lab is located at. Even with lines unfinished, there is still plenty of shape to the design. I don’t know about you, but on Legendary, these helped. They might not have killed much, but they did attract the enemy enough for me to take them out.

haloreach_equipment_unsc_weapons_platform_missile_turret_01_by_isaac_hannafordThis missile turret is a very well done piece of art. Simplistic in shape, and even color palette, it’s the highlights and shadows that flesh out the design. I like the addition of the Spartan for scale.

haloreach_equipment_unsc_weapons_platform_vulcan_01_by_isaac_hannafordSimilar to the above in concept and design is the “Vulcan” weapons platform. A large gun mounted on a similar base as the rocket launcher was. As I’ve mentioned before in previous articles, the repeated use of portions of designs shows consistency. It becomes obvious these were made by the same in-game manufacturer. This would be important in a war time setting as likely parts could be swapped out of one platform for another.

haloreach_equipment_unsc_weapons_platform_vulcan_02_by_isaac_hannafordAnother concept of the Vulcan weapons platform. The one above is built for taking down larger craft while this version can take down smaller and likely faster craft.

In the last two concepts of this article we loo at the MAC cannon.
We now know that MAC cannons come is many sizes, shapes and of course firepower. They all however have a very similar delivery system for their ammunition. MAC stands for Magnetic Accelerated Cannon. The designs seen here look more like a very large Railgun. Itself a form of MAC cannon. (I wrote an article about the Science of Halo, Fact vs Fiction, regarding real world Railguns vs Halo Railguns. You can read that HERE.)

The art above is so very well done. You can see that it’s still in the concept phase as not all of the lines are clean. however there is enough detail and color to give shape and context to the design.

haloreach_equipment_unsc_weapons_platform_mac_cannon_01_by_isaac_hannafordAnd finally a side view of a concept of the Reach MAC cannon. This designed changed quite a bit into what what would eventually become the in-game version. That one was mounted higher and included a gunner’s station. We first saw this when Emile took the gun and used it to clear a path for Captain Keyes’s pelican. Emile was attacked by a Zealot. While he ultimately perished, due to a fatal stabbing by the Elite with an energy sword through the chest, Emile did manage to kill the Elite. 

As the player, you then were able to mount the platform as make way for the Pillar of Autumn to escape.

Mega Bloks made a building books version of this. Here is my review of that set. You can see for yourself the similarities.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this look at UNSC weapons from Reach. Tomorrow, we will take a look at both UNSC and Forerunner weapons of Halo 4.

If you like what you’ve been seeing and/or reading, let me know. Reply below!


Halo Concept Art: Halo 4 Spartan Armor

Hello again folks. This is the second of today’s two concept art articles. Earlier we looked at equipment of Halo 4, no we look at just some of the concept art for multiplayer armor in Halo 4.

Shall we begin?

halo_4_unsc_spartan_armor_scout_by_albert_ngThe Scout. Also known as Commander Sarah Palmer’s armor. The helmet redesign reflects that of the one from Halo 3. These and others to follow that show the armor in orthogonal views give dimension to the art. One thing I remain curious about is the lack of armor around the mid-section. I know 343 said that they reduced the profile of the armor to allow for more realistic movement in game. However, that really seems to leave the character exposed. Still, I’d take this armor over anything currently used in today’s militaries of the world.

Scout armor trivia:
• Did you know that Spartan Jun from Noble team of Halo Reach wore a version of Scout armor?
• It is for that reason above the Palmer chooses to wear Scout armor. It’s an homage to Jun, who recruited her into the Spartan IV program.

halo_4_unsc_spartan_armor_recon_by_albert_ngThe Halo 4 version of the armor does not look much like it’s predecessor, other than the helmet. To be honest, that to me is what makes the armor identifiable.

Recon Armor Trivia:
• I can has Recon? This was a popular saying back in the Halo 3 days.
• The armor wasn’t available for the longest time. It was only for Bungie employees.
• On a rare occasion, they would award it to a gamer for doing something above and beyond.
• Eventually, the armor was made available through Vid-Master Challenges.
• IIRC, well after that, it was finally given away free.
• In Halo 4, Spartan Madsen of Fireteam Majestic wears the Recon armor. He’s a Sniper. Good thing for someone who does recon, eh?

halo_4_unsc_spartan_armor_eva_by_albert_ngThe EVA armor. Again, other than the helmet, the rest of the armor is of a new design. While this helmet reflects that of previous EVA iterations, in-game it has a move tapered visor, rather than the much more rounded version form Halo 3 and Reach.

EVA Armor Trivia:
• Spartan Emile from Noble team in Reach wears a version of EVA armor. However, his has been heavily modified. In fact, he etched in a skull-like visage into the visor to evoke fear in the enemies he faces.

halo_4_skins_pr01_by_paul_richardsFor the first time, we didn’t just have secondary colors that looked about the same for each armor set, we now got “skins”. These specialized skins were aesthetic in nature. However they gave us something to work for while playing Halo 4. In the above a color palette much like Chocolate Mint is shown. That is great use complimentary colors. They contrast well so that we the viewer are able to immediately determine what is the base color of the armor and what is the “skinned” portion of the armor.
Some skins in Halo 4 are fairly tough to get. I’m almost done with commendations, at 97%. And yet, those last few elude me.
Of the skins shown above, I think only one of them or a close variant of it,made it in-game.
The one I liked the best of those above has to be the bottom right. That EOD helmet most definitely says “SKULL” to me!

halo_4_mp_spartan_scanner_helmet_by_kory_lynn_hubbellThe Scanner Helmet. I really like the design of this helmet. In the graphic we get to see what it would look like without the scanner itself. It would have been very cool to have been able to choose if we wanted the visor up or down. Maybe the next game will have choices like that.

Scanner Helmet trivia:
• The Scanner helmet was an exclusive. Due to fan complaints of this, 343 reversed that and made it more readily available to everyone.
• IIRC, the inspiration for this helmet came from Clone Commander Cody in Star Wars Revenge of the Sith.  (Don’t quote me on that though, as I can’t find the source)

halo_4_mp_armors_warmaster_by_kory_lynn_hubbell_and_robo_gaboWar Master Armor. This by far is my favorite helmet design of Halo 4. I’m a HUGE Iron Man fan. This helmet is the closest one to that helmet. Other than just a couple of days ago, I’ve used that helmet in Halo 4 fro well over a year. Why did I change armor? Well, now I’ve gone to an armor set-up that is as close the the new character from Halo5 Guardians. (See below)

My H4 Spartan-H5 Spartan
The only other helmet that I think might be better is the Deadeye helmet. And of course that is the ONLY one I do not have… 🙁

halo_4_mp_armors_soldier_by_kory_lynn_hubbell_and_robo_gaboThis Spartan segues nicely as it uses the same helmet I have from above. It’s the Soldier armor set. Other than the rounded dome, this armor set looks “tough”. The addition of the pouches harkens back a little to Halo CE’s Master Chief.

Soldier Armor Trivia:
• This armor set is used by Spartan Paul DeMarco, Fireteam Majestic’s leader.
• It’s also worn by Spartan Scruggs in the comic book series Halo Escalation. That armor is white primary/yellow secondary

halo_4_mp_armors_orbital_by_kory_lynn_hubbell_and_robo_gaboThe Orbital armor seen above feels and looks more like EVA armor to me. It’s a decent design. Personally, if I had other choices, I’d never wear a helmet that has a large visor. It just hollers out,”SHOOT ME HERE.”

halo_4_mp_armors_infiltrator_by_kory_lynn_hubbell_and_robo_gaboThe Infiltrator armor, the helmet in particular is quite a departure from helmets we’ve seen in the past. While the basic shape is similar, it’s in the faceplate that the difference are the strongest. This is one mean looking Spartan!

halo_4_mp_armors_final_rogue_small_by_kory_lynn_hubbellRogue Armor. (Not Rouge as many people spell it…LOL) This is another design that I liked a lot. Not so much the helmet, but the torso harness as well as the shoulder armor. The skins you get for the shoulders help to make this one stand out.  This is a solid, well designed set of Mjolnir armor.

halo_4_mp_armor_stalker_secondarycolor_by_paul_richardsStalker…wait what? Heh, the name itself has always bothered me. I know what it seems 343 was going for, but that word has a negative connotation to it. Consequently, I never use it. It’s not a bad design, though the flat top of the helmet is really different.

And finally a concept of what likely is Gungnir armor. I love the level of detail in this piece.

I hope you’ve enjoyed our little journey into some of the multiplayer armor of Halo 4. If so, let me know by replying below.

Tomorrow, we look at weapon concepts of Reach, then the following day, weapon concepts of Halo 4.


Halo Wars 2??

In an article on gamespot.com, Phil Spencer talks of RTS games for the XBOX One. Halo Wars 2 is mentioned. Here are the Halo related excerpts from the article:

Phil Spencer Head of XBOX

• Spencer told IGN earlier this year that he thought the original Halo Wars, which was exclusive to Xbox 360, was fun and expressed interest in seeing a new one. He also suggested it was possible that such a game could be developed internally due to there not being many “great RTS developers out there anymore.”
• His Favorite Halo game is Halo 2.

Okay, not much, right? However, it is very good news that Spencer would consider it. Even more so to do it internally. That would mean 343 would have a hand in it and not another company who might not know Halo as well.

To read the full article, click the source link below.

Source Link

Special thanks to HaloArchive for tweeting the link.


Modded Halo 3 Covie vs Covie battles!

Gamecheat13 made this vid of various Covenant vs other Covenant. Stay through the whole vid to see the fun BONUS rounds!

Normally I’m not much of a proponent for modded stuff. This though is FUN!
I wish we, the average gamer, had the ability to do this.

You can find this and more at Gamecheat13’s YouTube channel HERE.


An extra edition of the Spirit of Fire Podcast: Halo 5 Guardians Theories!

Spirit of Fire Podcast LOGO_R-sm

We just recorded a podcast two days ago…Yet here we are again. This time Martin and I (well mostly me) talk about my theories about the new character as well as the location of the concept art.

You’ll forgive me that my voice might sour a little muted. With all of the talking I did with other fans about Halo 5 Guardians in the past two days, my throat has become a little irritated. But I just HAD to get these theories out to you to listen too and hopefully form theories for yourself.

Fore-warning…a bit into this episode, my dog passed gas…I had to turn the fan on, so it may be a little hard to hear for a couple of minutes. (Apologies on that, and YES IT WAS MY DOG! lol)

Without further ado, here is our episode. Spirit of Fire: Halo 5 Guardians Theories

Listen here:

      SoF 5-18-14 H5G theories

Or download here and listen to at your leisure.

SoF 5-18-14 H5G theories

We can also be found on iTunes. Search for the podcast: Spirit of Fire
Please let me know what you thought of the podcast, more specifically my theories.


Hold your horses, it IS Sangheilios!!! (in the Halo 5 Guardians concept art)

I did some more research into the concept art’s depiction. And I have found what has to be near definitive proof that we are seeing a scene from Sangheilios. Likely the Arbiter’s Keep.

Sangheilios is part of the Urs system. The Urs system is comprised of a white primary star of the same name. The other two stars orbit the primary one. Their names are Fied and Joori.

There are four planets within this system as well. One of which is Sangheilios. So there it is. The concept art is showing a scene from Sangheilios. The look of the buildings relative match those for the Vadam Keep.

Vadam Keep (the Arbiter’s keep) is built into the lower slopes of the Kolaar Mountain, with warrens running inside the mountain itself. If you’re not sure what warrens are, there are a couple of missions within Spartan Ops (latter half of the season) on a map by the name of Warrens. Check that out and you’ll have a much better understanding of what warrens are.


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Vadam Keep