Halo Toy Review: Mega Bloks Micro Fleet Mantis Invasion

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Mega Bloks Metallic Series ODST (Green): Set #97270

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 5 minutes or less (includes sort time)
Set Piece Count: 80
Minifigs: Silver Mark VI (Halo 4 style) Spartan
Weapons: Incineration Canon
Accessories: N/A
Price: $14.99
Special Features: Micro-build Shade turret
And on with the pics! (Click pics to make BIGGER)

MB Micro Fleet Mantis Invasion Package
All of the micro-fleet sets to date have this same style package design. It shows off the collectible helmet nicely as well as the figure, micro Mantis and micro shade turret.

A view from the side of the package to show how far the helmet juts out.
MB Micro Fleet Mantis Invasion SIDE

Here are the contents of the package. Note that the bags are not in the helmet, but rather are in the other portion of the box.
MB Micro Fleet Mantis Invasion Contents

Here are all the pieces sorted out.
MB Micro Fleet Mantis Invasion Sorted
Such small piece, yet they make for an incredible Micro Build…

MB Micro Fleet Mantis Invasion Shade turretAbove is the micro Shade turret. Given the scale size, Mega did an excellent job of design with this!

MB Micro Fleet Mantis Invasion 1st stepsThe “head” and chassis of the Mantis. At this point two points of articulation have been designed into this. One being a waist swivel and another to bend just under the head.

MB Micro Fleet Mantis Invasion 2nd stepsLegs are built, put on, then arms are built. Each leg has an amazing FOUR points of articulation to them. That’s fantastic for a micro build!! Each arm has THREE points of articulation!

MB Micro Fleet Mantis Invasion FIN
The micro-Mantis is built and ready to wreak havoc on the battlefield!

MB Micro Fleet Mantis Invasion Crouched-StandingHere is the Mantis in it’s crouching (undeployed) stance vs it’s fully deployed stance.

MB Micro Fleet Mantis Invasion Ortho MantisOrthogonal views of the Mantis. At full height it’s right around 3″ tall. That’s a full inch taller than the mini figures.

MB Micro Fleet Mantis Invasion Ortho minifigHere’s the Silver Mark VI in orthogonal views. Nicely painted mini fig. Love that Incineration canon! Tons of detail there.

MB Micro Fleet Mantis Invasion Ortho ShadeThe Shade turret in orthogonal views as well. I particularly like the wine color of the pieces. It matches the color of both the Revenant (which I review here) and Spectre (which I reviewed here) sets.

MB Micro Fleet Mantis Invasion complete setAnd here are all the component parts.

Here’s the video review:

Summary: This is a fantastic little micro build set. I had fun building it and seeing how the articulation came together for the Mantis. Without a doubt THIS is my all time favorite micro-build, not just of Mega Bloks, but ANY building block toy.

Overall Rating: I give this set 10 out for 10 medals.

You can see this set and more at Mega Bloks Halo product page HERE.

Thanks for reading and let me know what you think of the review. If you have this set yourself, please give me your thoughts on it too!


Beyond New York Toy Fair coverage…

Whew, okay, I know I’ve posted a TON in the past few days and almost all of that has been on Halo toys, specifically Mega Bloks. Heh, no, I wasn’t trying to be a “commercial” for them. I just happen to love building those toys.

In any event, HaloFanForLife is about EVERYTHING Halo, not just toys. So with New York Toy Fair winding down, I’d like to invite all of you who have only recently found HFFL to keep coming back. I still have several toy reviews of sets that I’ve built. As always they will feature pics and my review of them, touching on the building process, the mini figs included, the final result, etc.

Here are the reviews coming today and the next few days:
• Mega Bloks Micro Fleet Mantis (Gifted to me)
• Mega Bloks Hornet Vs Vampire (A special review dedicated to one heck of a HFFL friend)
• Mega Bloks Rapid Attack Ghost (Wife bought for me)
• Mega Bloks Quad Walker (Gifted to me)

So while NYTF is essentially over for Halo toy news, HFFL will still be bringing you more.

And yes, I’ll also be posting more about Halo 4, news of the upcoming Halo game for XBOX One and the Halo TV…and so much more.

If you haven’t yet subscribed to the blog, please do. It’s free. Just send me your desired screen name (preferably your gamer tag as I’ll need to verify who you are somehow-I want to avoid spambots). As well, in that same e-mail let me know what password you’d like to use.
