Halo Toy Review: Mega Bloks Spartan IV Battle Pack

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Mega Bloks Spartan IV Battle Pack: #97208

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 1 minute
Set Piece Count: 33
Minifigs: Spartan Recon Red, Storm Jackal, Imperial Grunt (Green), Translucent Blue Spartan Recon
Weapons: SAW, Plasma Pistol, Needler, Shotgun (trans-blue)
Accessories: 3×3 Tile with “HALO” printed on it
Price: $12
Special Features: N/A

And on with the pics! (Click pics to make BIGGER)

MB S IV Battle Pack PackageThis is a standard sized 4-figure multipack. It’s well designed and shows off the figures and weapons nicely.

MB S IV Battle Pack ContentsHere are the contents. As you can see it’s the figures, weapons and the parts for the display stand.

MB S IV Battle Pack display standThe display stand built per instructions. Personally, I use these pieces for custom builds. However, I like that Mega includes them!

MB S IV Battle Pack WeaponsThe weapons included. I like the wine colored Needler. The plasma Pistol is purple. And of course, you long time readers know I LOVE that translucent blue Shotgun!

MB S IV Battle Pack Minifigs ORTHOThe four figures in orthogonal views. The Jackal can stand taller. I had it hunched over a bit.

MB S IV Battle Pack ActionDo the Covies have the drop on the Red Spartan? I don’t think so! The Recruit Spartan sneaks up and starts to come out of active camouflage while pointing his shotgun at the unaware Grunt!

MB S IV Battle Pack Hello thereHello there!

Here’s the video review:

Summary: This multi pack is a nice mix. A Spartan, two covies and a translucent figure. Weapons selection is spot on. I would have bought extras of this set if it included a Marine instead of the Red Scout Spartan. That’s not a complaint mind you.

Overall Rating: I give this set 9 out for 10 medals. Nothing wrong with the set. I would have just preferred a different fig instead of the Scout.

You can see this set and more at Mega Bloks Halo product page HERE.

Thanks for reading and let me know what you think of the review. If you have this set yourself, please give me your thoughts on it too!


Halo Escalation #3 review (SPOILERS!!!!!!)

Okay, once again SPOILERS! I can’t stress enough how this review will have a HUGE SPOILER in it!

Halo Escalation 3
Read on at the risk of spoiling the comic book for yourself! You’ve been warned!!!

As the enemy forces move in on the delegation’s location, Spartan Scruggs takes a hostage. He’s quickly dispatched by Palmer. This isn’t even the biggest spoiler…

First, I’m still against a Spartan rebelling. See, this is one of the VERY REASONS why Halsey’s Spartan II’s are and always will be better. They were trained from childhood. Their minds grew accustomed (some would say brainwashed) to protecting the UNSC no matter what. The Spartan IIs loyalty is without question.

Spartan VIs having been recruited as adults have all of those experiences and baggage they bring with them.

This next part however IS the BIG SPOILER!

Palmer needs to get the delegation away. This means having to split up forces. She will go with the delegation while the remaining Spartans are to stay behind and fend off the attacking forces as long as possible so as to allow the delegation to get away.

This includes Paul DeMarco. Yes, THAT Demarco, Fireteam Majestic’s leader from Halo 4’s Spartan Ops. He mans a Covenant surface to air turret and valiantly staves off some enemies. However, his station is overrun and destroyed by a Banshee.

Now some might have thought DeMarco was a jerk in Spartan Ops. However, he proved himself there. I’m really surprised he was killed off. Or was he? We do see several coffins at the funeral ceremony, however they are not named during it, so we readers can not be certain DeMarco is one of them. Regardless, it’s a BOLD move to an albeit minor but important character. I wonder how this will impact the rest of Majestic. Speaking of, I am a little surprised that we haven’t heard about them in the Escalation series. I do hope they are brought into the story.

This is a good read. It’s mostly fast paced and we get to see Spartans at their worst (Scruggs) and at their best (DeMarco) and points in between (Palmer).

I can’t wait for the next issue! Spirit of Fire!!!



Three new Halo Mega Bloks toy reviews coming.

I’ll have three Mega Bloks toy reviews coming one each today, tomorrow and Friday. Thank goodness for tax refunds!

The sets to be reviewed are:
• Spartan IV Battle Pack – Includes Red Scout, Jackal, Green Imperial Grunt, Blue-Translucent Recruit.
• Micro Fleet Hornet
• UNSC Infinity Armor Bay

So please stay tuned to the blog for those reviews with pics as always and video!

Oh, on that note, please view those vids folks and let others know about them too. I’m trying to build up my Youtube page as well and your support by watching the vids would be greatly appreciated.
