Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 25, HFFL will open it’s new forums!

This will continue to be a work in progress, however, I believe the forums are ready to open. I invite you all to take a gander and register. Yes, You’ll have to register for that as well, since it’s a completely different service, apologies for any inconvenience.

My hopes are that the forum will give you all an opportunity to not only communicate more with me, but to also communicate with fellow HFFL readers.

Just a couple of things to note:
• The forums are to be PG-13 and no worse. I reserve the right to edit or delete a post/thread.
• No flaming ANYONE. If you have an issue with another member, take it to PMs. You can let me know and I may try to resolve the issue, however as adults, I expect you to do this.
• If I make an error in a blog entry, do NOT publicly post it. Rather, e-mail me at [email protected] and let me know. I use the old saying of “praise in public, reprimand in private.” So in this case, letting me know of a mistake on a blog article must be done through e-mail.
• I reserve the right to ban anyone for any reason that goes against the above rules and/or anything else deemed inappropriate.

The forums are meant to be a fun place to talk about Halo. So please, let’s all keep it that way.

The link to the forum will be posted tomorrow. So stay tuned!
