Sarah Palmer done in retro style

This is the third of my wife’s retro styled (think Jetsons cartoon) Halo characters series.

retro-palmer FIN_sm

I really like how this one turned out. She did all the design. I just asked for a few color changes to reflect more of her character. Note the teal nearly surrounding her face. That was a changed I asked for as it’s closer to her visor color. As well, the background went from being a plum color to the silver you see now. Again this is indicative of her armor.

I definitely think my wife got just the right amount of attitude in Palmer’s look.

If you want to repost the graphic, please give my wife credit it your post as “Emily from”.

So who do you want to see next? Looks like Lasky and the Arbiter are the top two picks, any others you’d want to see? Reply below and let me know.

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A REAL forged Halo sword!

It slices, it dices, well, it slices anyway…

Okay, so it’s not made of energy, but it is really FORGED which in itself is very cool…or is it very hot? Anyway, check out the video below.

Now quite accurate, but still I would love to have it. I think it’s interesting how metal when heated to different temperatures will produce different colors. I learned something new to me. Achievment Unlocked! LOL
