Halo: Spartan Assault Fact Sheet!

From the official Fact Sheet for Spartan Assault:

Take special note of what I bolded in RED.

“Halo: Spartan Assault”
Fact Sheet
May 2013

Title: “Halo: Spartan Assault”
Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Developer(s): 343 Industries and Vanguard Games

Format: Digital download available only for Windows 8 PCs, tablets and Windows Phone 8 devices

ESRB Rating: T for Teen
Price: $6.99 ERP1
Availability: July 2013

Overview: Available only for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8, “Halo: Spartan Assault” is a new top-down action shooter that brings a “Halo” video game to touch-based devices for the first time in franchise history. Developed by 343 Industries in conjunction with Vanguard Games, “Halo: Spartan Assault” provides an accessible, pick-up-and-play experience for fans and newcomers alike.

Set between the events of “Halo 3” and “Halo 4,” “Halo: Spartan Assault” is a new chapter of the award-winning “Halo” universe that explores the first missions of the Spartan Ops program and dives deeper into the backstory of Human-Covenant wars. Play through the eyes of either Commander Sarah Palmer or Spartan Davis stationed aboard the UNSC Infinity as they fight never-before-seen battles against Covenant forces.

With rich storytelling, intuitive controls, and best-in-class action, audio and graphics, “Halo: Spartan Assault” brings the epic scale and action of the “Halo” universe to mobile devices through unrivaled action and intensity.

Features: Top features include the following:

• Original “Halo” gameplay. An action-packed, single-player campaign spanning 25 missions in battles never before experienced in the Halo Universe, all played from a top-down camera view

• New and immersive storyline. An original story set between the events of “Halo 3” and “Halo 4,” experience a new war with the Covenant, the first missions of the Spartan Ops program and the rise of Commander Sarah Palmer, all with best-in-class graphics and audio

• Built for simplicity. A unique fusion of touch and consolelike controls for easy pick-up-and-play gaming, with the added flexibility of keyboard and mouse controls on Windows 8 PCs and tablets2

Integration with “Halo 4.” Earn experience points (XP), all-new Achievements, and unlock emblems for your “Halo 4” Spartan career, with additional integration features available after launch

• Nonstop competitive fun. Compete against friends in Leaderboards or hone your skills against an onslaught of Weekly Challenges while collecting more than 40 in-game Achievements and Medals

• In-app purchases. Grind to earn upgrades or speed up your training by purchasing credits for boosts, unique weapons or armor abilities

• Only on Windows. Available only on Windows 8 PCs and tablets and Windows Phone 8 devices.

About the “Halo” Franchise
The “Halo” franchise is an award-winning collection of properties that has grown into a global entertainment phenomenon. Beginning with the original “Halo: Combat Evolved” (2001), the critically acclaimed and record-shattering series of games has since inspired multiple New York Times bestselling novels, comic books, action figures, apparel and more.

Published by Microsoft Studios, the “Halo” franchise of games is exclusive to the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system and the Xbox Live online entertainment network. “Halo: Spartan Assault” will be released worldwide on Windows 8 PCs, Tablets, and Windows Phone 8 devices. To date, more than 50 million copies of “Halo” games have been sold worldwide, driving more than 5 billion hours of gameplay by people connected to Xbox Live.

About 343 Industries
343 Industries is the publisher and developer of the blockbuster “Halo” series of videogames and, as part of Microsoft Studios, oversees the “Halo” franchise, including novels, comics, licensed collectibles, apparel and more. 343 Industries is home to world-class developers working on the Reclaimer Saga, which commenced with the arrival of “Halo 4” on Nov. 6, 2012, exclusively on Xbox 360.

About Vanguard Games
Established in 2010, Vanguard Games develops high quality games for next generation mobile devices, game consoles, and PC. Based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Vanguard Games was set up by industry veterans Martin de Ronde and Michiel Mol (founders Guerilla Games) and Arthur Houtman (Atari, Disney Online), who played key roles in the development of a number of blockbuster titles. Vanguard Games’ past projects include award winning strategy game Greed Corp and the critically acclaimed twin stick shooter Gatling Gears. The company’s mission is to develop games that set new benchmarks for mobile and online entertainment. For more information visit http://www.vanguardgames.net.

About the “Halo: Initiation” Comic Series
Created by Dark Horse Comics, follow the ascent of UNSC soldier Sarah Palmer from ODST to Spartan-IV. (English Only/Sold Separately)

1 Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 versions sold separately. Estimated retail price. Actual retail prices may vary
2 Wired or Bluetooth keyboard and mouse supported

/end copy/paste

Okay, so new emblems are able to be unlocked in Halo 4 by playing this….Thanks. Now I’ll have ZERO chance of 100% completion of Halo 4, unless this comes to XBLA, which clearly this Fact sheet says it won’t.


P.S. I’m going to have yet MORE info, screenshots, etc.,  on Spartan Assault tomorrow, so stay tuned!

Brutes/Drones/ODSTs returning to Halo! (Spartan Assault)

Spartan Assault landscape posterWell, for those of us who wanted Brutes, Drones and ODSTs (or at least their drop pods) to return in Halo, we got our wish. However…it’s exclusive to Windows 8 devices…

Take a look at these screenshots:

Spartan Assault screen Brute Chieftan-Drones
As you can see in the middle, the Spartan is being attacked by a Brute Chieftan while Drone bodies are littering the ground.
Spartan Assault screen Drones-ODST drop pod
Yet more Drones and look, an ODST drop pod!
Spartan Assault screen Anti-Air WraithAnd not to be out done, the return of the Anti-Air Wraith!

Great, many things I wanted back in Halo! Now…if this would come to the XBOX 360!



Spartan Assault (The Sarah Palmer Chronicles) my commentary throughout…

Halo Spartan Assault Logo

The following text is reposted from VG 24/7.

Halo: Spartan Assault is a Windows-8-exclusive, single-player twin-stick shooter. It features touch-optimised controls and will provide a mobile Halo experience that’s supported by optional micro-transactions.

HFFL: OMG, Micro-Transactions. The BANE of my gaming life…

If you’re still reading then please set aside your cynicism for the next five minutes so that we can explore just what all of that means.

I’ll start with an admission, Halo: Spartan Assault is not what I expected to see when I accepted Microsoft’s invitation to experience its new, “non-console” Halo project.

HFFL: Yep, Micro$oft is trying to kill Halo. Non-console…give me a frakin’ break. Yes, I know this is to help sell Windows 8 devices. But if they think I (or many of us) will go run out and get a Windows 8 device just for this game, their Nuckin’ Futs!

I was thinking it would be something along the lines of the recently confirmed Halo: Bootcampor, at a push, a PC-collection of its notably absent Halo releases from the past six years.

Instead, Halo: Spartan Assault is an arcade-style, top-down shooter for Windows 8 whose fictional purpose as a battle-simulator program aboard the UNSC Infinity addresses the question that’s on nobody’s lips: what do Spartans do for fun?

The answer will soon be apparent as the game is on its way to Windows 8 as early as July.

As a Windows 8 exclusive (did I mention that yet?), Halo: Spartan Assault will be available for all devices that run Microsoft’s latest operating system and while that certainly includes laptops and desktop PCs, the design ethos has been focused primarily on mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones.

“We wanted to create a mobile Halo experience that you can take with you wherever you go but we wanted to make the right mobile experience, we didn’t want to just make a port of the console game,” explains Dan Ayoub, executive producer of publishing at 343 Industries.

HFFL: Yes, I get that you want Halo to be available on the go, but ahem, what about those of us who want to play this on our favorite console? You know, that one that MADE M$ gaming what it is….(cough XBOX cough)

“Halo has always defined the platform that it’s on, it’s always been the crown jewel of Xbox and Microsoft and we wanted to do the same thing here, we wanted players and other people in the industry to look at this and say ‘wow, how are they making the game look and sound this good.’”

At this point, disgruntled PC Halo fans may be asking not how 343 and co-developer Vanguard Games are doing it, but why. With only two of seven previous Halo titles released on PC, why is the series returning to the platform with an off-shoot of the main franchise?

The answer lies in that desire to create a mobile Halo experience, the host operating system’s mobile-friendly architecture and the simple notion that Halo: Spartan Assault looks to be aimed more directly at those searching for a quality mobile arcade-shooter than it is at series aficionados.

The Sarah Palmer Chronicles

That said, franchise fans will appreciate the wider Halo fiction that underpins Spartan Assault. Set between the events of Halo 3 and Halo 4, Spartan Assault tells the story of Sarah Palmer and the events that led her from a UNSC Shock Trooper to become the Spartan commanding officer aboard the Infinity warship.

HFFL: SOoooo, take a MAIN character from Spartan Ops, from a “AAA” Halo game and give them their own “origin” game. Make that ONLY available on a Windows Device that ISN’T XBOX. Yeah, great plan… /Sarcasm.

The game exists inside the Halo universe as a battle simulator that the UNSC uses to both educate and entertain its current crop of Spartan hotshots on their days off. The simulator serves to highlight important conflicts in the UNSC’s history, in this case the battle of Dreatheus 5 that took place in 2552 when a splinter sect of the Covenant ignored a ceasefire and attacked a UNSC installation.

HFFL: Wow, yeah because I woudn’t want to experience new locations and historical battles of Halo on the XBOX.

This fiction provides a jumping-off point for Halo: Spartan Assault’s 25 levels, which each last between 5 and 10 minutes and include shooting aliens, planting bombs, commandeering vehicles, defending bases and the odd escort mission.

Ayoub estimates that playing through all of the levels will take around 2.5 hours and so the focus is really on replay value, which is added via mission-specific challenges, such as killing 20 grunts with a plasma pistol or destroying two shield turrets with a grenade. There are also varied weekly challenges and global leaderboards to keep you interested.

Meanwhile, Halo 4 players will be able to earn XP, achievements and medals while stat-tracking will be incorporated via Halo Waypoint and multi-platform play will allow progress to be tracked across all of your Windows 8 devices.

Of course, control schemes across those devices will vary. Halo: Spartan Assault will support keyboard and mouse on launch for laptop and desktop platforms, while Xbox controller support will be added a few weeks later. However, it’s the touch controls of tablets and mobiles that are intended as the primary input for Halo: Spartan Assault.

HFFL: Okay, so again, this is where I get REALLY confused. In one of the videos I posted previously Dan Ayoub of 343 states this will have XBOX controller supports. So…will it be available on the XBOX or not? Again, if it’s a delayed launch for a few weeks…GREAT. I take back all the bad stuff I’ve said.

To this end, 343 and Vanguard have found an effective solution to the problem of “gliding”, where your thumbs gradually move up toward the top of the screen of a tablet device due to the lack of purchase on the smooth surface.

Here, movement is handled by the left thumb while shooting is assigned to the right and, without finicky on-screen thumbsticks, these controls will work no matter where your thumbs move to on the screen. At any point you can lift your thumbs away from the screen and plant them back down in either corner in order to reset their position.

Other controls involve double-tapping for melee and visible on-screen buttons for grenades, picking up items, swapping weapons and activating Spartan abilities. Vehicles utilise the same control set-up as when on foot with the exception of double-tapping being the trigger to fire heavy weaponry such as cannons.

The economic environment is still being finalised, but Ayoub explains that there will be two different currency types: one you earn and one you buy. Weapons, temporary boosts and customisation items can be purchased via microtransactions or earned in-game, though there is currently no word on whether certain goodies will only be obtainable by via one currency or the other.

HFFL: UGH, micro-transactions. Gawd, whoever invented this needs to be SHOT.

From a brief hands-on with a handful of levels on a Windows 8 tablet, Halo: Spartan Assault looks to provide a series of fun, bite-sized levels with solid controls, high-quality visuals, recognisable weapons and Covenant species, familiar sound effects and ample replay opportunities.

What Halo: Spartan Assault does not provide is an answer to PC players’ ongoing calls that they be permitted to conclude the original Halo trilogy; nor does it offer them the chance to experience 343 Industries’ own Halo 4.

Instead, Halo: Spartan Assault is a Windows-8-exclusive, single-player twin-stick shooter. It features touch-optimised controls and will provide a mobile Halo experience that’s supported by optional micro-transactions. So, does your cynicism tell you that’s all you need to know or is your curiosity urging you to give it a try?

Halo: Spartan Assault is a Windows 8 exclusive title that’s set for release in July 2013.

Source link.


Halo: Spartan Assault Screenshot Gallery

Spartan Assault lead-in graphic

Okay, you may have watched the videos I just posted. Now here are some screenshots from the game, via “VG 24/7.”

Okay, while I’m personally PISSED that this is a Windows 8 only game, I have to admit that it LOOKS very cool.

It’s pretty clear that THIS is the sequel to Halo Wars, even if not in title.

GRR, I’m going to be mad about this for a long time, it not being available on the XBOX…

I hope like hell 343 says something about this at E3. I’d be fine with a delayed launch of this for the XBOX. Make it available on Windows 8 devices first for say 3 months THEN on XBOX. Ok, I could work with that. But if it’s NOT going to be on the XBOX… I better stop here or my comments will go Rageasaurus!


Spartan Assault is a Windows 8 device ONLY game?

LISTEN to this video (besides watching it). From the sounds of it, it’s ONLY going to be for Windows 8 devices. Though at one point Dan Ayoub of 343 does say you will eventually be able to plug in an XBOX controller. He however does NOT specifically state that it’s playable on the XBOX. With all due respect, if this game isn’t available on the XBOX, 343 can go #$&*% themselves. Great way to FURTHER alienate you fans. Make this available on platforms MANY PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE.

Oh and did I mention this is the BACKSTORY of Sarah Palmer? Yeah, you know a MAIN character of Spartan Ops. WTF were you thinking 343? Oh yeah that’s right, you’re OWNED by Micro$oft, so you have to do what they say. Yep, that will be the excuse, even if they don’t say it outright and publicly.

Announcement Trailer

Debut Gameplay Reveal

All the Details: Weapons, Vehicles and Story Explained

So now we have yet another piece of the puzzle as to why Halo 4 wasn’t all that it should have been AT LAUNCH!

Working on other titles at the same time. Come on 343/M$, do you WANT to kill the Halo franchise or what?

I had such high hopes for Halo/343. While the prospect of an off-shoot game had me happy when I heard about Spartan Assault, having it only available for Windows 8 devices is just plain SHIT! (yes, I cussed. it’s rare on this blog, but this is one time I feel it’s VERY warranted!).
