Anonymous Xbox engineer explains DRM and Microsoft’s Xbox One intentions

Take this with a grain of salt folks! Oh and it has language in it that is NSFW or children.

You know, I get the whole wanting to make developers more money than Gamestop. Thus having to check in once a day to make sure you haven’t sold your games to GS. But for the rest of us who are not prolific game sellers or buy used games, having to check in once a day kind of sucks. Not to say a waste of electricity also. Mind you, I usually game nearly every day anyway. But there are those times when I DON’T game every day. My set-up is in the basement with my Halo collectibles. While it’s easy enough to get to, I still think it’s a pain in the arse to have to trapes myself down there just to check in when I have no intention of playing on a given day.

I totally get that MS wants to bring what it thinks is ground breaking tech to gaming. Yes, some of it is, but that Kinect virtually always having to be on IS creepy. It’s the “seeing eye” that NOONE really wants to have in their house. Yes, you can turn it off, but then you turn off certain capabilities the XBone can give you. Just way too many catch-22s if you ask me.

I just hope that Microsoft backs away from the every 24 hours thing. Maybe once every 72-96 hours. At least in that time if your power goes out the majority of people get their power back on in that time frame. If not, then you’ve got a lot of other much more important things to worry about than gaming. Still, there needs to be something developed for those who just can’t have internet service. Specifically, I’m talking about the military. Those folks defending your rights should be able to game when they get some downtime without having to worry about connectivity.

I really hope MS finds an answer to all of this and soon so we can get back to the fun of gaming and not worry about the “console” wars.


Halo Mega Bloks Electronic Pelican minifigs fully revealed!

I totally called this way back!

Not only are we getting an electronic Battlewagon Knight, but we’re also getting “NOT-Palmer”, “NOT-Grant,” and “NOT-Hoya”!

Minifigs from new Electronic Pelican-HFFLwm
I’m SO stoked for these figures! WE’ve already had a Spartan Solider (green) that could be Demarco) and we’ll be getting Red Recruit in another set. Than can stand in for Thorne. This only leaves Madsen to be made!

That Knight is badd ass! Revealing skull AND electronic! OMG, I think I just peed myself a little, LOL!


New Mega Bloks Halo Collector’s Edition Pack

This just popped up on today. I want to thank reader Thomas Bradford for sending me the info.

So here is the new set:

Mega Bloks Halo Collector's Edition Pack

This is listed on Target for $20. That’s a STEAL folks. Considering the blind packs of minifigs cost between $3-3.50, thebreak down of figs in this set is only $2.50, plus they are very well painted (and 3 GOLD spartans!).

I definitely was a set of this!
