Regarding my comments during the Podcast…

You’re going to have the link to this soon. In the meantime, I want you all to know that I support the XBOX. Let me make that crystal clear. My comments during the podcast make it sound like I’m not. In actuality it’s a plea for Microsoft to learn what the perception is from the great public the difference between it’s XBOX One and the Playstation 4. The Sony conference at E3 did a great job pandering to the audience. They said all the right things. Even if that doesn’t win them this new console war, they most certainly won the first salvo. And this is all about impressions, first impression to be more precise.

Microsoft has to account for that and rebuff Sony/PS4. They need to come clean with some things, and definitely need to change other things associated with the XB1 prior to launch if they are to not just succeed but beat Sony/PS4.

I’m going to admit that Destiny looked pretty darn good. But I’m a Halo fan (for life). So that means for me, I’m sticking with Microsoft and the XBOX franchise. However, that doesn’t mean I have to like all the presumed hurdles we will have to jump through to be gamers on the XB1 console.

So bear this in mind folks should you listen to Podtacular’s podcast that I was in last night.

I want MS/XB1 to succeed. I mean that. But they’ve got a LOT of ground to make up, just to come even with PS at this point. I don’t just want that. I want MS/XB1 to supercede Sony/PS4.

Long live Halo and long live Master Chief!


Late night Podcast and Halo 5 reveal! (Spoilers Inside)

I did a Podcast with Podtacular last night that last more than 3 1/2 hours (on air, then another hour after). Finished this about 3:30 am EST… I’ll have the link to that Podcast when Dust from Podtacular gets it up on the net.

What I’m about to say may spoil you Halo 5 experience. So if you don’t want to know anything about Halo 5 stop reading this particular article now….




Okay, with that out of the way, I eluded to this yesterday in an article…Mendicant Bias is the Forerunner mech/construct that is seen in the E3 trailer.

Now, how do I know this? Well, it took a bit of detective work and a little bit of luck. Immediately after watching the trailer, while having another window open for my browser, I noticed someone in my feed mention Mendicant Bias regarding the terminals form Halo 3. Immediate I knew there was something there and went to work. Looking back at the terminals, relistening to Halo: Rebirth (a audio log you can unlock by using the code that comes with Halo Silentium) I came upon the nugget of information that tells of trial of Mendicant Bias after his defeat by Offensive Bias. Mendicant Bias is kept alive by the “Iso” Didact due to his knowledge of the Flood. However, he’s buried in a desert on Installation 00 (the Ark). He is only allowed to think of “Atonement.”

That desert is the very same one we see Master Chief walking in, in the trailer. At first you might have thought the Forerunner construct was a War Sphinx. I did too…But then “re-finding” this story, it was easy to figure out that this wasn’t the case. Now maybe (for whatever reason) Mendicant is encased in a War Sphinx carcass.

Think about this for a moment. Master Chief defeats the (Ur)Didact in Halo 4. He needs a new enemy, one that is worse than the Didact. Who better than Mendicant Bias.

However, there IS the possibility that Mendicant Bias ISN’T the enemy after all. Rather, it’s very possible the (Ur)Didact, that’s the one we faced in Halo 4, survived and is planning once again for his revenge against humanity. Gaining more knowledge of Forerunner tech (as eluded to from Spartan Ops in Halo 4), we learn of the location of Mendicant Bias and as Chief we pay him a visit. This to reactivate him in order to finally destroy the UrDidact.

So he will be a powerful villain or ally. Either way, this opens up a fantastic story to be told within the campaign of Halo 5!

Want to listen to the Audio log from Silentium? Here you go! (I’ll warn you in advance that the reading can be dry and plodding at some point)

So there you have it folks, a more complete breakdown of the trailer and who we can expect to see in Halo 5.