Is “Halo: Spartan Assault” the next Halo game title?

According to the article at game informer, a company by the name of “MarkMonitor” (a company that helps protect brand identity) has registered several Halo domain names. These are:


It’s also noted in the article that “Halo: Spartan Assault” is the name of a piece of fan fiction written in 2009.

Will we hear/see news of this from E3 this year? I sure hope so. XBOX ONE needs to have a Halo title at launch, not including the TV show.

Okay, so with this in mind, if this is a title of a new game, what kind of game and who will be the featured character(s) in it?

343 has been fairly direct in stating that they are not producing either Halo 2 Anniversary, nor Halo Wars 2. I doubt either would adopt this title for them anyway. So, this could possibly be a spin-off title. It could have Majestic Squad in it from Halo 4’s Spartan Ops or Crimson or maybe a Sarah Palmer spin-off.

In any event, give me more Halo PLEASE!