Introducing: “Crater City” a mini-slayer map for Halo 4.

This is the final of four finished mini-slayer maps I created for Halo 4. When I found out this game type was coming to matchmaking, I contacted 343 via twitter and let them know I had these maps to look at. Asking if they wanted to see them, they said a resounding, “YES.”

Proof of Twitter conv
They are still in my fileshare BTW, if YOU want to check them out too, beyond these pics I’ve been posting. My Fileshare

Now on to Crater City!

I designed this one on top of the building to make use of that geometry of the map.

Crater City Top view HFFLThis time I’m showing the top view from forge with the safe zone highlighted. It’s right at the edge of the walls. So don’t venture outside of them or you know what will happen to you…
Crater City Red spawn HFFL
Crater City Blue spawn HFFL
You can access the building just above in the pic. Good place to hide, but I prefer not to camp…
Crater City Pelican Landing HFFL
I like the idea of having a mini UNSC base in these maps. Thus again, I added one, this much smaller than the others. It has a mini-“Pelican” that has landed there.
Crater City Food Court HFFL
As with Canyon, I’ve included spaces at the bottom of some buildings to create more playspace. Crater city is FULL of these places, so take a good look around!
Crater City Atrium HFFL
This is another one of those spaces. I thought about adding more in this area, however the gameplay is so quick, it really became unnecessary.
Crater City Watchtower HFFL
Not far from the Atrium is the Watchtower. You can get behind it with your spartan as well as walk between it (as shown).
Crater City Alley HFFL
Here is a back alley in Crater City. Again a good place to hide, but I’ve found not much action goes on here, so you might not get many kills if you hang out here.
Crater City Power Plant HFFL
In the same corner as the alley is a power plant. You can go under this building too!
Crater City Hologram HFFL
This building is the gem of the map, IMO. Not only can you run around it and on top of it…
Crater City Hologram interior HFFL
You can go inside of it too. And be greeted by the Impact hologram!
Crater City in the hologram HFFL
In fact you can walk in amongst it!
Crater City Old town HFFL
I call this corner of the map “Old town” because it’s the corner I worked on first.
Crater City Old Base HFFL
This was originally going to be the red base spawn before I moved initial spawns.
Crater City Old base interior HFFL
It’s another one of the buildings that you can get into!
Crater City Mid-access HFFL
When at mid, jump up to this ramp to gain access to the top most part of the center building of Impact.
Crater City mid-jump up HFFL
From there you can easily jump up to the top of the Food Court building (no jet pack required!).
Crater City New Town HFFL
And finally, this corner of the map I call New Town as it was the corner I finished last on the map.

I’ve got one more mini-map I’m working on, but that will be awhile. In the meantime, I hope you’ve enjoyed looking at these maps. If you like them well enough, send 343/HaloWaypoint a message saying so and maybe we can see one or more of them in matchmaking. You can tweet them at @HaloWaypoint.


Introducing: “Canyon” a mini-slayer map for Halo 4.

Here is the third mini-slayer map I let 343 know about via Twitter and a link to my fileshare.

This one makes use of the actual Ravine between the grassy and Forerunner sections of the map. I went as low as I could go without triggering the soft kill zone on this. Thus you will see mist throughout the map as you play on it.

Here is Canyon

Canyon top view HFFLIt’s safe to say that you can’t go outside of the map here. Only one way and that is by Red Spawn. Venture too close to that edge though and you’ll meet an immediate KILL ZONE. Also, you can’t go TOO high or you’ll hit another kill zone. All buildings are okay though. So feel free to jump on top of them and rain bullets from above!
Canyon Red Spawn HFFL
Red Spawn’s location.
Canyon Blue Spawn HFFL
Blue Spawn also has a ramp for access to the walkways. You’d think this might have a tactical advantage, however during testing it didn’t seem to make much of any impact at all.
Canyon Ramp HFFL
Another ramp, this one a little closer to mid.
Canyon Walkways HFFL
I included these walkways as I wanted to give the ravine city a feeling of having an “L” train. That’s an elevated train. (And a GREAT classic Jazz song)
Canyon girders HFFL
Yep, you can get in between those girders by red spawn. Just don’t go out beyond or you’ll hit that kill zone I mentioned earlier.
Canyon Food Court HFFL
I wanted to add something more with this map by allowing players to go “inside” of the buildings. This is one of two you enter on the map.
Canyon mid access HFFL
This is the other. It’s easy to gain access from above.
Canyon mid access 2 HFFL
However, when exiting you will need to crouch. Even though it appears you8 can clearly walk through. It’s a matter of the software reading you being a full sized Spartan even though visually you aren’t.
Canyon Multilevel HFFL
This view shows the many levels you can get to on Canyon. Lots of play space on the main ground level, but if you like more warfare up and above, there are plenty of places to choose from.
Canyon multilevel 2 HFFL
Another view of the many levels of playspace on Canyon.

This map has several more places to hide in it, but with grenades, well, I suggest you keep a move on.
