Hello and welcome to my blog all of you cool new folks!

I want to take the time to thank all of you new to my blog for checking it out. I cover everything Halo. From the games to toys and collectibles, fan art to fact vs. fiction of the Halo-verse and more.

I hold contests from time to time, so be sure and sign up on the blog as they are exclusive to blog members. It’s FREE to sign up. You can click the “Register Me” above or shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] and let me know you want to sign up. You’ll need to provide me with what you want you’re screen name to be and what you want your password to be. (I do this to prevent spamming accounts)

HFFL’s TWO year anniversary is coming up soon and I will definitely be having contests with prizes for that. So if you want to take advantage of that, register.

Also, you can follow me on Twitter ( @halofanforlife) or on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/halofanforlife11. It’s the registered blog members though that get the chance at the Halo Swag!

Also, if you’re so inclined I recently opened up a HFFL swag store. This is a work in progress and I will have a lot more up on there shortly.

Thanks again and please keep coming back. Oh and less my long time readers think I’m not thinking about you, a HEARTY thank you for continuing to drive me to make HFFL better!

I appreciate you all GREATLY!


E3 Day one review and Halo 5 trailer Podcast

Finally Dust from Podtacular gets the link up for the 3 1/2 hour podcast we did covering our day 1 review of E3. In this I’m part of a panel talking about all of Microsoft’s conference. I specifically take point on the Halo 5 trailer, then after words we breifly discuss the Sony/PS4.

If you’re only interested in the Halo portion, then once you’ve heard me talk about the trailer, you can stop there. However, you’ll be missing out on some good debate, conversation and fun along the way.



Halo: Spartan Assault Achievements!

Halo: Spartan Assault is a new top-down action shooter coming to Windows 8 PCs and tablets and Windows Phone 8 devices. Currently scheduled for release in July 2013, this touch-based Halo game takes place between the events of Halo 3 and Halo 4 and offers 19 new achievements worth a total of 190 points. If you’d like the lowdown on the relevant unlockables that will soon be added to your Gamerscore, take a look at the specifics below!

overrun Overrun – Complete Operation A – 10 Points

switched-on Switched On – Complete Operation B – 10 Points

switched-off Switched Off – Complete Operation C – 10 Points

evacuated Evacuated – Complete Operation D – 10 Points

terminated Terminated – Complete Operation E – 10 Points

escort-service Escort Service – Keep all Wolverines intact in Operation A, Mission 3 – 5 Points

nowhere-to-hide Nowhere to Hide – Prevent all Jackals from regenerating their shield in Operation B, Mission 3 – 10 Points

he-never-knew-what-hit-him Never Knew What Hit Them – Kill a convoy target with every stationary gun in Operation C, Mission 3 – 10 Points

brute-force Brute Force – Finish the objectives using only the Brute Shot, melee and grenades in Operation D, Mission 1 – 10 Points

footsoldier Foot Soldier – Finish the objective without using any vehicles/turrets in Operation E, Mission 4 – 10 Points

recruit Recruit – Earn a star of any type in an operation mission – 5 Points

prodigy Prodigy – Earn your first Gold star in an operation mission – 5 Points

117 117 – Earn all Gold stars in all operation missions – 20 Points

distinguished-service Distinguished Service – Earn all medals in the game at least once – 15 Points

weapon-of-choice Weapon of Choice – Score a kill with every handheld weapon (excluding Rocket Launcher and Spartan Laser) – 5 Points

powered-by-mjolnir Powered by MJOLNIR – Use every ability at least once (excluding Overshield and Seeker Drone) – 10 Points

skull-combo Skull Combo – Complete any mission with the maximum number of Skulls active – 10 Points

vidmaster_challenge Vidmaster Challenge – Complete Operation 5, Mission 1 with the Hollow and Black Eye Skulls active – 15 Points

extra-credit Extra Credit – Complete 75 challenges – 10 Points

Text from Halowaypoint.com

Two Podcasts coming soon. Day one E3 review and Spartan Ops season one finale.

I eluded to doing a podcast the other day. This one was for the Day 1 review of E3. In that podcast I broke down the Halo 5 trailer (as I’ve posted as such on the blog). We also reviewed the other game trailers and talked about the specs and rules for XB1’s online play, with a little comparison to Sony’s PS4.

Last night I along with Dust from Podtacular recorded another Podcast. This was done live via TwitchTv.

Last night’s Podcast was our final one regarding Spartan Ops Season One. We talked about the CG Epilogue and then went into some fun speculation and brainstorming as to what a season two of Spartan Ops might be about and when it might come about.

Dust hasn’t posted it just yet. I think he’s still editing the previous Podcast…Once he gets it up on his site, I’ll link to it here.

In the meantime, let me give a synopsis of some of the ideas I came up with for a SpOps Season 2.

With Requiem being thrown into the star of it’s solar system, we obviously can’t visit there. So this leaves us with Majestic being on the UNSC Infinity. What do they do now and where do they go? And WHY?

• There is always following up on the season ending cut scene with Halsey wanting Revenge. In doing so the Infinity could be used to chase her/Jul M’dama down.
-Chasing could be done on homeworlds of the former Covenant, finally getting to see the Grunt’s homeworld, maybe the Jackals, and Sanghelios would be something I think many would LOVE to see and visit in Spartan Ops.
– If not homeworlds, then colony worlds of the covenant. Makes sense as again, we’re chasing Jul’s Storm Faction of the Covenant and Covenant colony worlds would likely be welcoming of he and his fleet. Certainly more so than the UNSC Infinity.
– Searching former places Halsey has used as a base of operations. This would include Reach as well as Trevelyan. Since Trevelyan is a “Dyson” sphere Forerunner world there could be lots of opportunity to explore there. Also, Trevelyan was the place in which Jul M’dama was held prisoner for awhile. So he might want to exact some revenge there himself.

• Other than the Halsey story arc, we could see the Infinity investigating a resurgence of the human Insurgency that was prevalent pre-Covenant war. Dustin brought it up that people might not want to fight against fellow humans though. True enough. It was just and idea that I thought of while brainstorming SpOps Season 2.

• Another thought is that the UNSC does finally get the second part of the Janus key somehow and starts to explore other Forerunner installations. That story arc could go just about anywhere.

Chew on those ideas for a bit. Once Dust gets those links up, I’ll post them here and you can have a listen for yourselves. The E3 podcast was a long one at around 3 1/2 hours. We have a panel of folks.

Last night’s Spartan Ops finale was just under 2 hours and was solely Dust and myself. I think I talked the most during that one, LOL. Once I get started brainstorming, it’s hard for me to turn off the engine sometimes…
