Introducing: “Asteropolis” a mini-slayer map for Halo 4.

With mini-slayer coming to matchmaking in the action sack playlist (and only having one map for it), I submitted my maps to 343 via a link on Twitter.

I made use of Impact’s lesser Asteroid for this map.

Here is the second of my four mini-slayer maps.

This is Asteropolis

Asteropolis Top view HFFLHere is the top down view. Red and Blue initial spawns are marked by lights of the same color. The red line denotes the map’s boundaries. Go on top of that wall and BAM, kill zone!
Asteropolis Red Spawn HFFL
A closer look at Red Spawn. This is the Spaceport of the city.
Asteropolis Blue Spawn HFFL
Blue Spawn. Nothing special to note. It’s just opposite of Red Spawn.
Asteropolis Pool HFFL
Near mid of the map, I created a reflecting Pool.
Asteropolis mid or crossroad HFFL
The middle of the map brings you to the crossroads or the major intersection of roadways on the map.
Asteropolis landing pad HFFL
A mini-Pelican is perched atop this landing platform.
Asteropolis Alley HFFL
Behind and on the ground is the alley way behind the building with the landing pad on it.

There’s lots of little nooks and crannies here to hide around. However, get on top of the buildings and you can zoom in on just about anywhere on the map.



Introducing: “Hydro” a mini-slayer map for Halo 4.

Friday I reposted the text from regarding the matchmaking updates coming tomorrow (Mon 6/17/13).

Within that there was news of a new Action Sack gametype called “mini-slayer.” The gametype has been around for a few months but only as a modded gametype. I saw the opportunity then to make maps for these mini-spartans and replying to Waypoint, told them I had FOUR maps ready to go if they’d like to have a look at them for consideration into that new gametype. They said YES! And so I proceeded to upload them to my fileshare. (I had to make a few minor tweaks) They are on there now if you folks should care to take a further look at them. You can check out my fileshare GT= HaloFanForLife1. Any map ending with “MS” are maps for Mini-Slayer. I have a fifth in development.

In the meantime, here is the first I’m showing in pictorial format. I’ll try and get a walkthrough vid up in a couple of days.

I give you: Hydro

Hydro top view hffl

Here is the map as seen in forge from the top down. There’s actually a slight bit more near the bottom of the picture that I couldn’t get in as I was as high as I could go to take this shot. This obviously is on Ravine and makes use of about 1/3 of the grassy side of the map. Normally that would not be big enough for a 4v4 map. However, since this is mini-slayer we’re talking about, it’s PLENTY big! The red line shows the map’s boundaries.

Hydro Blue Base-Initial Spawn hfflAt the rock wall is where the blue team initially spawns.Hydro Red Base-Initial Spawn hfflOn the ledge near middle left is where the red team initially spawns.Hydro ONI-Base hfflHere we have one of the cool features on the map. It’s a small ONI/INSC base. Compelte with a base wall, several small buildings, a Pelican that has landed, and the Oni symbol.
Hydro Tunnel hffl
Next to this is a roadway that leads to a tunnel. You can’t access the tunnel as that is out of bounds for the map. Oh I should also state that you do NOT want to go over those walls. That’s a KILL zone!
Hydro Ramp hffl
Here’s the ramp that goes up to the tunnel.
Hydro Stadium hffl
You know a city has made it big when they have their own stadium!
Hydro Downtown hffl
The downtown area is CHOCK FULL of buildings that you can run around, jump on top of and so on!
Hydro River hffl
Here is the city’s modest waterway. Initially I had shields, but of course people would camp UNDER it when I tested this, so I took that out and am using a Grid instead. Not as “watery” looking as before, but keeps the camping out of that area!
Hydro Hydro plant hffl
And finally the Hydro Plant that the map is named for. Note my little mini-me on top of it!

I’ll be showcasing another one of the four maps later today. Then the other two completed mini-maps tomorrow.

Here’s hoping 343 likes these maps enough to put one or more of them into the Action Sack/Mini Slayer playlist!


So what do you think about this map? Like the idea of mini-slayer? Let me know by clicking that reply button. And if you’re not yet registered, it’s FREE! SO sign up now not just to reply, but to be eligible to participate in blog only contests!
