Next Halo to have Dynamic Wind Gameplay

If the following article is to be believed and true then we are going to get what I think is a much needed improvement to the Halo franchise…

Confirmed Gaming here, reporting from outside of Los Angles. We caught up with the lovely folks at 343 industries to talk to them about the newest Halo game to come out of the gaming industry’s most successful event. In doing so, we learned one of the most surprising and shocking things to ever have transpired in the Halo universe.

As shown in the reveal trailer, the newest Halo game will have dynamic wind that will only affect UNSC weapons and robes.

Longtime fans of the series know how big of an impact this is. In a way, it’s a callback to Halo 2’s curving bullets, but the control is given to the scripting engine of the dynamic wind as opposed to the player’s strafing movements. Pressing 343 industries for specific examples, they told us that shooting UNSC weapons across the map would be much harder. A sniper rifle that was placed over an enemy’s visor on the top middle hill of Ragnarok from blue base would now hit their codpiece, or go between their arm and torso instead of turning into a headshot, depending on the direction and speed of the dynamic wind at the time the shot was fired.

Upon asking why, we were given the answers that “long range combat is too last generation, we feel we needed to make ranged combat much more rewarding by increasing the challenge”, followed by “we believe that by putting the Battle Rifle to a 4-shot kill in our latest title update, we are paving the way for the newest generation of close quarters combat.”

However, when we pressed on the UNSC weapons no longer being hitscan, if the wind velocity would be displayed on the player’s Heads-Up Display, and any non-UNSC weapons affected by the upcoming changes, we were given a straight “We can neither confirm nor deny this at this time.”

HFFL: Again, i think this is a GREAT inclusion. It now means that there should be a further skill gap between okay and great snipers. Hopefully this will also mean that people just won’t be able to sit back all game and snipe away. Nothing bothers me more than a team mate who does this, especially in an objective game.

I want to thank my friend PENSHALO friend for passing this story on to me.

Source link


XBOX One DRM policy reversal discussion and quotes from the gaming community.

Okay, so now that the news has hit that Microsoft had done a 180 on their DRM policy for the XBOX One, I’d like to take a look at some of the feedback from the community and talk about what this means for the future or gaming and the XBOX One in particular.

Once again here are the reversals:

Here are some tweets put out by gamers (I’ve kept their identities private so there is no backlash against them); my thoughts on the comments follow:

“I understood the overall vision with Xbox One. Microsoft leaped out of the box. They wanted the future NOW. PS4 played it safe.”
HFFL: Really? So trying to go too far too quickly with tech and then not realizing there would be backlash was a good thing? Sometimes playing it safe is a GOOD thing. You can’t be a yes man to Microsoft.

“Pretty annoyed with the people who are complaining and saying Microsoft looks ‘weak’ for changing their policies. I mean really?”
HFFL: I don’t think it makes MS look weak. It does however show that they can eat humble pie.

“Xbox One Eighty”
HFFL: Best quote of the day!

“Holy shit Microsoft! I did not see that coming. Fair play. Region free makes me hard <3”
HFFL: Okay, if that makes you “hard.”LOL seriously thought, region free is GOOD.

“Wait. Does this mean game library sharing and Xbox Gold sharing goes away completely?? CLARIFY!!!”
HFFL: Yes, it means no library sharing. One of the features now gone with the reversal. I’m okay with this. While convenient, the other restrictions that would have been in place would have made this feature moot for me.

“Aw man, a few of the decent digital initiatives have been scrapped 🙁 That’s sad. I guess the future is too scary for some people.”
HFFL: No, the future isn’t scary. The constant always on creepy Kinect, having to check-in like we’re kids…THAT is what was scary. I’m a frakin’ adult. I do NOT want a gaming console to be watching and waiting for me, nor to I want to be forced to check in with it.

“There are good and bad points but people seem happy so that’s positive. I can wait another 10 years for digital gaming.”
HFFL: So can I. (Because likely I’ll be done with gaming by then. If not, there may eb something even BETTER!

“I’m all in for Kinect. Absolutely love it. But I hope there is another version for those that don’t want it.”
HFFL: Exactly. It’s about CHOICE. Pushing Kinect on people and charging $100 more for the console is still a sticking point with some people.

“I think Xbox just won The Console War. Your move Playstation”
HFFL: Um NO. MS only succeeded in catching up somewhat to Playstation. They’ve still got ground to make up. MS’s rep took a huge hit not only form E3, but the reveal of the XBOX One to begin with.

And this one…
“Used games only hurt the industry. I hope everyone at least acknowledges this. They are cheap, sure, but the devs deserve the money.”
HFFL: OMG, could you be any further up their asses? Really? Case in point, 343/MS made 220 MILLION dollars on Halo 4, plus with all the DLC, they made a lot more. Not everyone can afford $60 games. Some have to wait for sales. Also, think of it like this, for those who wait and get the game at a discount, many of them go on to purchase the DLC too. Whether that be at full price or discount as well, the developers get more money. Last time I checked developers wages were DAMN good. I don’t think they are hurting too much. As for all the recent layoffs at many studios? Well, I think that has more to do with not putting out superior product. Look, not all games are blockbusters. Not all games should cost $60 at launch either, IMO. I think if some start-ups want to really break into gaming, they might do better by selling their games cheaper and getting it into the hands of a broader audience than those with lots of extra spare cash who can buy “trendy” games. Again, statements like the above quoted one grind on me. I’m just not the “Yes-man” type.

And then I found this:
“Video games are no different. It’s just that used sales are easy to blame as opposed to bloated infrastructures & million dollar marketing.”
HFFL: There you go! Yes, that is in part to blame. Some studios just grew TOO big, and in some cases TOO fast, then couldn’t recreate another blockbuster hit game to keep the company going. It’s called BUSINESS folks. If your game is AWESOME, word of mouth, especially with the net, blog, podcast, etc., is going to do you much more good than spending SO much money on marketing pushing an inferior product down people’s throats.

Here’s another good quote:
“I just can’t blame a consumer and what they do with their own property for a company’s troubles when it’s the company who should be re-thinking how they do things to adapt to it. Blame the poor schmo, just hope nobody turns around and looks at the skyscraper our offices are in…”
HFFL: See, this is what I’m saying. The fat cats in the business suites making major bank off of we “lowly” gamers need to understand that without us, THEY are NOTHING.

I’m very glad Microsoft realized the mistake of trying to push too many restrictions on their consumers. Yes, some new features are wiped out due to the changes, but overall the majority of people are happy with this reversal.

For those saying, well, digital distribution could have changed the price of games (cheaper), but the internet messed that up for us too…I have to say BUNK! Do you really think that devs would charge LESS for their games when they know we are already now used to the $60 format for ‘AAA’ titles? Hell no.

Will there be a time and a place for the tech XBOX One? Sure, some of which is still coming with it.

Personally, I’ve come to the feeling that humanity as a whole is moving way to quickly for it’s own good. Maybe that’s just the “old guy” within me talking. I just do not need such sophistications in my gaming console, especially when they came with so many restrictions. I just want to play games when I want, offline or online without having to check in with “BIG BROTHER.” And on the off chance I want to buy a used game for cheap, I as a consumer SHOULD have that option. Playstation gave that to everyone. Now Microsoft sees that taking that option away just wasn’t what the CONSUMER wanted. And it’s THOSE people a corporation needs to pander too. Developers will still keep making games regardless. Maybe now, those developing solely for Microsoft will realize that they either need to go multi-platform OR make such a KICK-ASS game that we as consumers would be at a loss for not buying it when it originally releases.


Microsoft to do a full REVERSAL on DRM policy for XBOX One!!!

According to several sources Microsoft will cave to the backlash from gamers over the controversial DRM policies they instituted with the XBOX One. Though not yet official, it’s expected that Microsoft will make an announcement later today.

XBOX 180(credit to Beyond Entertainment for the graphic above)

Here are the changes:
• No more always online requirement
• The console no longer has to check in every 24 hours
• All game discs will work on Xbox One as they do on Xbox 360
• An Internet connection is only required when initially setting up the console
• All downloaded games will function the same when online or offline
• No additional restrictions on trading games or loaning discs
• Region locks have been dropped

Folks this is AWESOME news! It shows the power of the people in action. Since revealing the XBOX One, Microsoft has received a ton of criticism over it’s DRM policies. This blogger was one to quickly jump on that criticism too. The DRM policy is AWFUL. Sony was quick to jump on the bandwagon and at E3 just destroyed Microsoft.

If this all is really true and Microsoft does reverse all of this, it’s a powerful statement that we the people can make a giant like Microsoft CHANGE. I really have to wonder WHO thought this all was a good idea? If it was that smug XBOX Pres. well…Microsoft may want to rethink his contract. The bad press they got from the reveal and especially during/after E3 had them not only losing the next gen console war but already LOST.

Maybe with this reversal they can get back on track. Again, if this turns out to be true, I’m back on board with wanting an XBOX One. With two exceptions…DROP THE PRICE. $100 more than PS4? And also, do not require me to have Kinect. Now if this means having two versions of the XBOX One, one with and one without Kinect, then I’m TOTALLY cool with that. I’ll take one without Kinect for $100 less please!

UPDATE It’s official!


Source links:

Toy Review: Mega Bloks UNSC Cyclops Jungle Strike

This is the fourth of four sets my wife bought me for Father’s Day. I’m not a dad in the sense of having a human child. But we treat our dog as our “daughter.” So my wife took a little liberty there with calling these Father’s Day presents…

MB grey logo

Mega Bloks UNSC Cyclops Jungle Strike: Set # 97006

Technical Specifications:
Build Time: 3 minutes
Set Piece Count: 47
Minifig: Green Marine w/full goggle face and facemask
Weapons: Assault Rifle
Accessories: Backpack
Special Features: Cyclops has 13 points of articulation, including opening cockpit
Price: $15-17 depending on where you buy it from.

And on with the pics!

UNSC Cyclops Jungle Strike Package
As with the Desert Cyclops this one comes in a nicely carded package that shows off the cyclops and marine nicely.
UNSC Cyclops Jungle Strike cardback
Once you remove the bubble this graphic is there to greet you. I like that Mega did this. They didn’t have to, but again it makes for a nice backdrop.
UNSC Cyclops Jungle Strike contents
Here is what you get in the package. It is the exact same, with exception to the minifig and weapon, that you get in the Desert version of the Cyclops. Of course the color of the parts is different.
UNSC Cyclops Jungle Strike rear view
Since I didn’t show the back of the cyclops in the previous review, here it is now.
UNSC Cyclops Jungle Strike front views
This marine is raring to go! They do fit snugly in the cockpit with their weapon and backpack (putting the backpack in their left hand). I’m glad for this as they won’t clink around within and you won’t lose the weapon and backpack if you’re playing with this.

Finally, here are all four of the reviewed toys over the past couple of days together:
All 4

Summary: As with the Desert Cyclops, this is a fast build and easy to display. Good articulation. I prefer this one’s color over the desert version, but that’s just me. Only the price again is my sticking point with the set. The toy itself is GREAT! As I mentioned in the other review another minifig would have helped me deal with the higher cost.

Overall Rating: I give this set 8.5 out for 10 medals (for the toy), 5 out of 10 for the price.

If you wanted a cyclops, then get the set. If you’re on the fence, then (and this is something I rarely suggest) wait for it to go on sale.


I’ve got a small Halo project I’m working on and need some simple help with.

Okay the title says it all. Without revealing what the actual project is, I need some pretty simple help and more folks helping will make the project easier.

I need to know what/who all retail and other businesses 343 has been in partnership with to bring Halo to us.

Here are the ones I have:
343 (self explanatory)
Microsoft (self explanatory)
Doritos (Double XP promotion)
Mountain Dew (Double XP promotion)
Mega Bloks (Major Halo toy licensee)
McFarlane Toys (Major Halo toy licensee)
Certain Affinity (Development company who provided many of the multiplayer maps we have in Halo 4. As well they did work on Halo CE: Anniversary

Now, I don’t need small companies/businesses that most people wouldn’t know of, just the ones that are pretty famous. All will become clear once I have the project done.

I will say that it has to do with the next Halo game on the XBOX One!

Thanks in advance for any help you all can give.
